This method makes observations on a passage of Scripture and then draws conclusions based on those observations. When you break the discipline of Bible study down to its simplest forms, its just a few steps: Explore: What did God say (to the original readers)? Never fear, only trust and obey. Next, youll want to figure out what youre going to study. Once you think youve done all you can here, its time to move on to the final phase: application. 74 0 obj <>stream They were the local authorities. And the botanist had a big notebook under his arm and a great big magnifying glass. For one thing people mistake the pleasure they have in hearing the Word of God for Christianity and worship. It is thework of applying something (I like that -- it make take a little "holy sweat" to apply what we have learned, but it is worth the effort exerted! What a terrible delusion to be content with, to delight in hearing the word, and yet not do it. Practice it to be holy. They are to leave behind their assumptions and make a ruling based on the facts alone. Even those who have invested a lifetime into studying it will tell you their commitment has continued to pay off with new insights, understanding and spiritual growth. Bible Study Principles Again, our METHOD of reading, searching, and study must involve very precise OBSERVATION, which is absolutely necessary to accurate INTERPRETATION! Find resources for personal or group Bible study. Have some fun taking various quizzes and assessments to learn about yourself and others. First, I saw a butterfly. Woe! Good Bible study does not happen by accident. We study to gain knowledge so we know how to live our lives in light of what weve learned. Refrain, Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet. Why Are There Lament Psalms at the End of the Psalter? Fourthly and this is very hard work Read And Practise. One of the best ways to study the Bible is through "inductive" study. 15.). Bible reading fits into the devotional category. Here are a few questions to facilitate application of the truth you have observed How does this truth apply to my life in four spheres in my(a) personal life (b) my family (c) work (d) church (e) neighborhood? In Observation and Interpretation we study God's Word, but in Application, God's Word "studies" us! However, interpretation can also involve separate actions or steps beyond merely observing the immediate text. %%EOF Could that be a clue about his intended audience? These are the ideas that were true for the original audience and are equally true for you. If you skip this step, you will never enjoy your Bible study and the Bible will never change your life. How does he save or provide a way when people are unable? Commentaries are fantastic tools. The following steps follow the inductive method's process of observation, interpretation, and application. (John 17:3), Heart appropriation, not merely head apprehension, is the true goal of Bible study. The only Bible the world reads is the one bound in shoe leather: you and me! PDF 10 BIBLE STUDY OBSERVATION AND INTERPRETATION - Home Baptist Church They had mastered the Old Testament, but they were never mastered by the truth itself. Luke gives us the most information about Jesus birth and even provides us with a glimpse of Jesus as a child (Luke 2:4150). Many of us struggle to wade through the dense lists of commands, genealogies and prophecies in the Old Testament. How we seek to journey together with everyone towards a relationship with Jesus. The danger of Observation and Interpretation without application is that we become hypocrites like the Pharisees, filled to the brim with intellectual knowledge, but failing miserably to allow the truth to transform our hearts! It went in empty every time and came out full (A. Naismith, 1200 Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes [Chicago: Moody, 1962], p. Bible study is about digging into the text and pulling out insights. This book walks through each of the three steps of the inductive method paying particular attention to historical, literary, and theological elements that come into play at each stage. Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. You may study it your whole life, and you will never be able to absorb all that it has to teach. I have known of some, too, who gloried in final perseverance, but who, if they had finally persevered would certainly have been in hell, for they were on the road there. Partnering with urban churches to meet physical and spiritual needs. Practice it to be holy, Or as Skip Heitzig advises "A good perspective to adopt when reading the Bible is that of an obedient servant waiting for instruction from the master. Puritan Thomas Manton comments thatThere is an awe of the Word, not that makes us shy of it, but tender of violating it, or doing anything contrary to it. and then And if at any time, when we study the Word, we have not this design expressly in our minds, yet if upon the discovery of any truth we endeavor not to have the likeness of it in our own hearts, we lose our principal advantage by it (John Owen). Honest application of the text requires these kinds of questions and the wrestling of ideas when truth causes conflict. Your grandmother translated the Bible?" Answers to questions on donations, financial policies, Crus annual report and more. When words or passages make an impression on you, stop and meditate on what God has shown you or as the great preacher C H Spurgeon advised Read the Bible carefully, During the week he earnestly tried to apply them to his life. endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>stream Its helpful to take a funnel approach to the book youre reading. Goldsmiths keep bottles of acid by which they test everything that is offered them for sale, whether it is gold or merely tinsel, and the Christian should keep Gods word near at hand and treasured in the soul, to test thereby all that he hears. Once you have explored the passage, its time to make some connections. Hosea (How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It - see page 30). Many of them include commentary at the bottom of the page or in the margins. Read Online Inductive Bible Study Observation Interpretation And Anyone can use the inductive Bible study method by following three simple steps: This phase isnt about interpretation. 1 Samuel As you carry out your inductive Bible study you will find that observation, interpretation, and application often occur simultaneously. As mentioned earlier, its easy to become dependent on them. Connect: What is God saying (that is always true or that is true to all readers in all settings)? Armed with that knowledge, youre ready to start thinking about how to apply what youve read. The word of God reveals to us our true selves. But you may know that Luke and Matthew begin with Jesus birth story. His Word from day to day, Heb. Eventually, if not immediately, these practices will reveal the meaning of the text (interpretation) and how to apply it (life application). Through the inductive method you follow a process of studying the Bible one book at a time. Study the Bible to be wise. May we all seek to so diligently apply what we observe and interpret that we see "the world turned upside down.". Well, this is it. Such a person is like the church who had a new pastor who preached the same sermon every Sunday. Especially let this be so with the promises. How to Study the Bible Using Observation - Billy Graham Evangelistic Acts There are great apps out there, like YouVersion, that allow you to set reminders for yourself to get into Gods Word. As a result, that man became a Christian. What guidance does it offer me in my social intercourse? Live in another country building relationships and ministries with eternal impact. Don't be deceived thinking that going to Precept inductive Bible study will make you more spiritual. To which he responded "Yes, she translated the Bible into her life, and was the most powerful translation I've ever seen!" endstream endobj 68 0 obj <> endobj 69 0 obj <> endobj 70 0 obj <>stream THE ERROR IN THE "FORK" IN THE ROAD Now that weve observed and interpreted what the passage has to say, its time to talk about what it means for us. 10 Questions the Internet Is Asking about the KJV. Words repeated multiple times in a passage, Words that indicate a change in topic or time, Words that contrast one thing against another. The best way to define application is to first determine what it is not. Is Your Interpretation Supernaturalistic, Naturalistic, Existentialistic, Dogmatic? What did that word mean to them, and what kinds of feelings and hopes did it invoke? /+X$!acR\Y[/EC%D @2ADk0uHha3j^ 7 Principles for Teaching Kids to Interpret the Bible Observation. But the bee would light on a flower and it would sink down deep into the flower and it would extract all the nectar and pollen that it could carry. The bottom-line question to ask is, How do the divine truths and principles contained in any passage apply to me in terms of my attitude and actions? Jesus made this promise to those who would carry their personal Bible study through to this point: If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them (John 13:17, cp Jn 15:14, 14:15, Lk 11:28, Jas 1:22+, Jas 1:25+, Rev 1:3+) Bible study is not complete until we ask ourselves, What does this mean for my life and how can I practically apply it? We must take the knowledge we have gained from our reading and interpretation and draw out the practical principles that apply to our personal lives. Let's face it, most of us have a built-in "early-warning system" against spiritual change and the moment truth gets too close and too convicting, an alarm goes off and we begin to defend ourselves. Allow the Bible to help you understand other passages of the Bible. Needless to say, the group of pastors got the point! The goal is to familiarize yourself with the work as a whole. John (The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word), Jesus explains that relationship (and importance) between knowing God's Word and doing God's Word, declaringIf (If = 3rd class condition = possibility / probability but not a certainty! Instead of studying by chapter, its smart to look at pericopes. Its apowerful toolfor those who want to learn how to study Scripture well. But then we must allow that Word to get into us, to make a permanent difference in our character and conduct. Inductive Bible study students should strive to be men and women like Ezra whose pattern was to teach the truth that he had put into practice. ", Application is the most neglected yet the most needed stage in the process. Its an exciting, action-packed book, but its short enough to read front to back in about an hour. Howard Hendricks' 4 Bible Study Steps - Bible Study - 1:20-21). two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, NC 28201 These three parts are observation, interpretation, and application. Truth revealed brings responsibility to respond. Did they know where the Messiah was to be born? in my business life ? Take the next step in your faith journey with resources on prayer, devotionals and other tools for personal and spiritual growth. It is the supernatural, progressive revelation of who God is and man's relationship to God. When Dr. Houghton became pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle in Atlanta, a man in that city hired a private detective to follow Dr. Houghton and report on his conduct. T Is there a Truth to memorize and meditate upon (Click here)? Observation answers the question: What do I see? John MacArthur argues thatStudying Scripture without allowing it to penetrate to the depths of your soul would be like preparing a banquet without eating it. Bible study consists of Observation, Interpretation and Application. 1 Showing God in action in and through His people. OF INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY. Refrain. (1) Substituting interpretation for application as did the Pharisees; (2) substituting superficial obedience for substantial life-change and. If you choose to consult a commentary during your study, try to do it toward the end. If we fail to apply the Scriptures, we cut short the entire process and have not finished what God wants us to do. Strip the passage of all the jewels you can find on your own, and then come back through with a commentary. Once you know what the passage means (interpretation), you are responsible to put it into practice in your own life. Just make sure it's the one based on careful observation and accurate interpretation! How does the truth of this passage apply to my life? Okay, so what is inductive Bible study, exactly? The more honest question is"Am I ready and willing believe this truth and to apply it in my life? Greater knowledge should always bring about greater obedience, enabled by grace not law, empowered by the indwelling Spirit as we learn to discard self effort and depend on the Spirit. J A Bengel wisely admonished "Apply yourself to the whole text, and apply the whole text to yourself.". 3:7f+, He 4:2+), (3) Response of obedience: Genuine faith will obey. Inductive Bible Study: A Step-by-Step Guide - Bible Study Tips ( Ro 12:2 - note) Application answers the question, Not to make us smarter sinners Start with the obvious. As you make it your practice to study God's Word, you will experience the joy of having Him directly unveil His truth and reveal His purpose in your life. In fact, Logos even has an Inductive Bible Study Workflow built right in to guide you through these steps. If a Christian is careless in Bible reading, he will care less about Christian living. What is the clearest meaning of this text? One practical approach to Bible study is a four-part process of observation, interpretation, connection, and application. (Ro 12:2-note). It is one thing to know these truths, and even to fight for them with the zeal and bitterness of a controversialist, but it is quite another thing to enjoy them as our own heritage and our portion for ever. What Do We Lose When We Forget the Importance of Prayer? Our favorite strategy is to rationalize sin instead of repent. Is there any significance to the fact that Mark does not need to explain what that title means? Would you like to give your time to work with Cru? He was there for hours writing notes, closed them, stuck them under his arm, tucked his magnifying glass in his pocket and walked away. ), A T Pierson said that "While other books inform, and some few reform, this one book transforms. Once you decide how much time you want to commit to studying, put it on your calendar. About Gods redemptive plan? ", James warned that "to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin." A sorry, sorry heart is that which so uses Gods Word as to make it an aggravation of its sin. 1 Timothy Reportedly, Crowfoot put the pass in a leather pouch and wore it around his neck for the rest of his lifebut he never once availed himself of the rights and privileges it spelled out. But this is exactly what happens when we fail to apply what we have observed and interpreted. This can train you to be more of an explorer in the future. Sow a character, reap a destiny! (Ezra 7:9, 10) (Click to read an in depth unpacking of this practical powerful principle - the "Ezra 7:10 Principle"). This seems to be the process called inwardly digesting God's truth. If there is a command to be obeyed, we obey it. MacArthur, J.: The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word, MacDonald, W & Farstad, A. Believer's Bible Commentary: Thomas Nelson, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth by Spurgeon. Application is where the proverbial "rubber meets the road", where our walk either does or does not back up our talk and where head knowledge becomes heart knowledge. God's Word is the flawless discerner, perfectly analyzing our every motive, intention, and belief. Luke When you begin to study a passage, your first step will be observing the text. Inductive Bible study draws its conclusions from the text, not our assumptions. Then when you read descriptions of the human heart, and the fall, the corruption, and the depravity of our nature, look, and see yourselves as in a looking glass, and say of each man as you hear of his sin, I am such a man as this was, and if I do not fall into precisely the same sin, yet the possibility and peril of it is in my heart, and I should do so, but for Gods restraining grace. Take the very histories home to your heart, and find a point in them, either of encouragement or of warning for yourselves. Thus, interpretation flows out of observation. 0000008074 00000 n 1 Kings A person may study some branch of sciencesay electricityfor the enjoyment the knowledge gives him, without the least intention of applying it practically. Get the answers to frequently asked questions on Christian beliefs and practices. Inductive study should cause us to be mentally excited by the truth, yet we may still fail to be morally changed by it and when that happens, you know there is something wrong with your study of the Bible. The Pharisees set the standard for this superficial, hypocritical, self deluding approach. We try to communicate what weve never experienced in our own lives.". Identify chapter themes Write it all down (you can take notes directly in Logos), and once you feel like you have a good idea of whats happening in the text, its time to move on to the next step: interpretation. Be careful not to simply amass the kind of knowledge that puffs up (1 Corinthians 8:1). Explore resources to help you live out your life and relationships in a way that honors God. Below I have written a simplified step-by-step guide . Unlike other forms of study, the ultimate goal of Bible study is not information its transformation. James emphasizes the importance of follow through in inductive study exhorting us to "prove (ourselves) doers of the word, and not merely hearers (the Greek word was used of one who audited a class rather than taking it for credit -- are you just auditing the Bible or are you fully enrolled?) Scripture reading and Bible study always represents (so to speak) a "God sighting" ("God speaking") and as such always applies to us as His creatures. How to Study the Bible (part 2): Interpretation and Application But meditation is a matter of habit, and we can all be trained into it. EP !HOz SMbN|U#t?%ux[w]z!\8U=Cdl1fNX`)5|@c!"&|q0|1"W Sfi%DaW1VC>Z(#qoR L%#GS`Kj)|%2laZxe"$[1Gf9pnY$,sfP.( +EelPEC_JjN bbBwa7$}%I$UO8 % Accurate interpretation and correct application rest on the accuracy of your observations. The old saying regarding application is true that the same Word that afflicts the comfortable, also provides comfort for the afflicted! We don't really know the Bible unless we obey the Bible, God had a scathing rebuke for His people Israel through His prophet Ezekiel "They (the people of Israel) come to you (the prophet Ezekiel) as people come and sit before you as My people and hear your words, but they do not do them, for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth and their heart goes after their gain." This volume incorporates insights from contemporary evangelical hermeneutics into an approachable, step-by-step process moving from observation through interpretation and on to the application of God's Word. When we have read the Bible, many passages may become "overfamiliar." We think that we know what they say and cease . Dont twist Scripturemeaning, dont manipulate the text to get it to say something youd like for it to say. Are you ready and willing for Gods Word to cut deeply into your own life (reproof), to lay bare the hidden places of your heart, and to do its work of convicting, convincing, and converting your mind in any and every area? Your next question should be, Hows my saltiness? God make us holy; sanctify us, spirit, soul, and body, and then we shall be made finely serviceable both to the Church and to the world. and how much we really believe what we have observed. 0000004118 00000 n The precious promises lie in front of you. %PDF-1.4 % If youre new to studying, why not start with the Gospel of Mark? Exodus If you are made to tremble under Gods Word, you may never be made to tremble under Gods hand. The Word is both a glass to show us the spots of our soul and a laver to wash them away. ((this mirror = Gods Word = unique for it shows our inner nature as a regular mirror shows our exterior. This seems to be the kickoff point of Jesus ministry. Sow a thought, reap an action. Comment: Sins of omission (failing to do what God wants us to do) are sins just as surely as sins of commission (doing what God has told us not to do). Edward Louie (2011) The phrase "Bible study" can mean different things to different people. The better you know the Bibles teachings, the more grounded your faith becomes. 119:160). There is more to Christian growth than knowing what the Bible says; nobody is ever nourished by memorizing menus. Some use the term to describe a discussion group, which may discuss the Bible or some other uplifting book. In the 13th century, Stephen Langton added chapters to Scripture, and in the late 16th century, Robert Stephanus added verses. Matthew The real question is do I always want to hear God's voice? B. (Galatians 4:1, New International Version). These four steps help you to orient yourself to a passage, wrestle with what it's trying to communicate and examine your life in light of God's Word. Inductive Bible study is a practical, relevant, and time-tested approach to interpreting Scripture. The goal is that we live holy, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose and action and that in so doing we are made adequate and equipped for every good ("God") work, which represents only those works He initiates and empowers. Believe that the text means what it says. Overview of Inductive Study with Observation Worksheet and example of how to mark a page, Click for Introduction to Inductive Bible Study using PowerPoint (2002), The MacArthur Study Bible Nashville: Word, How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It - see page 30, Skip Heitzig How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It, Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics, Chicago Statement on Biblical Application. I have known some rejoice greatly in the doctrine of election who never were elected, and some who were very pleased with the doctrine of justification by faith, but who had no faith by which to be justified. Trust and obey, for theres no other way Who art thou that judgest another man? To his own master he stands or falls. We will not fully comprehend the extent of the "return on our investment" until we enter Paradise and stand before our Lord at His bema (judgment) seat. This fundamental step must be taken if one desires to accurately interpret and properly apply God's Word. For the first question, you might think through your initial reading of Mark. Once you do that, you can start shining a light on smaller sections of Scripture. The inductive study process involves three steps: observation, interpretation and application. But His smile quickly drives it away; For more on studying the Bible on your own or with others check out our Bible Studies resources. You might discover that salt was not only used to flavor food, but it helped keep it from spoiling. Used by cults. The tireless runner is a picture of what Application should look like in each of our livessobrethren, beloved of God, chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world for so great a salvation, filled with His Spirit and controlled by the love of Christ "let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of faith" (He 12:1-note, He 12:2-note) pressing "on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Php 3:14-note) disciplining ourselves "for the purpose of godliness for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."