Other famous members of haplogroup H. Luke the Evangelist (H2a2b) : . All of them belong to the typically north-western European R1a-L664 (DYS388=10). In 2003, an Oxford University scientist traced the Y-chromosome signature of Somerled of Argyll (1100-1164), a military and political leader of the Scottish Isles of Norse-Gaelic descent. He launched the magazines Time, Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated and was called "the most influential private citizen in the America of his day". They established that he belonged to Y-haplogroup R1b-P310 and mt-haplogroup H. Rogaev et al. J. Richard III, last king of the House of York and last of the House of Plantagenet, was YDNA G-P287, in contrast to the Y haplotypes of the putative modern relatives. One fourth of the Vlach people (isolated communities of Romance language speakers in the Balkans) belong to J2, considerably more than the average of Macedonia and northern Greece where they live. Subclades. In the 17th century, the Barclay de Tolly, a branch of the Barclay of Towie from Banffshire, migrated to Mecklenburg, and later to what is now Latvia and Lithuania. About 16 princesses of Yuan dynasty were married to khans of the Ongud. [38], Charles Darwin belonged to Y haplogroup R1b based on a sample from his great-great-grandson. He is Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, and is known for his advocacy of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind. R1a members of the Cooper DNA Project belong to the Scandinavian/Scottish R1a-Z284 > L448 branch. Discussion and support of Y-DNA J2-M172 Haplogroup Research:. From 1716 to 1800, a Jacobite branch also held the title of Duke of Perth. Mathieson et al. His father was of Romanian Jewish ancestry. Within the Indian subcontinent, J2a peaks at frequencies of 15-25% around the Indo-Pakistani border, from Punjab to Gujarat and Sindh. [50], A 2019 study proposed that the Y lineage of Jochi (Genghis Khan's eldest son) may have been haplogroup C2b1a1b1 (C2), which they identify as a new potential candidate for Genghis Khan's true Y-DNA lineage.[46]. Distinguishing the co-ancestries of haplogroup G Y-chromosomes in the Richard Stockton (1730-1781),was an American lawyer, jurist, legislator, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The most likely hypothesis is that J2b2a1 (L283) penetrated into the Pontic Steppe region during the Neolithic or Chalcolithic period, by crossing the Caucasus from western Iran, then migrated to the Volga-Ural region, where it was absorbed by the R1a-Z93 tribes in the Early Bronze Age. The DNA results also disproved a branch that was later added to the family book. He was elevated to the rank of prince in 1815, a title that his descendants would keep until the 20th century. American Founding Father Patrick Henry (1736-1799) belonged to R1b-L21 > DF13 > DF1 > S6365 > BY16 > Z16372 according to relative testing at the Henry DNA Project (lineage R1b-06). The House of Bernadotte, which has been the royal house of Sweden since in 1818, and also of Norway between 1818 and 1905 belongs to R1b-DF27 > Z195 > Z272 > S450 > Z295 > S25783 > CTS4065 > S16864 > A5000 > FGC39239 according to the testing of a cousin of King Gustaf V. The dynasty was founded by Jean Bernadotte, a former marshal of Napoleon, who was elected the heir-presumptive to the childless King Charles XIII of Sweden, and became King Charles XIV John. [37] A followup publication precisely identified the haplogroup more precisely as a subgroup of O-M175, designated O1b1-F1462(xPK4). The drawback of this hypothesis is that it doesn't explain why R1b lineages strongly outnumber J2b2 in Europe but not in South Asia. Genetic genealogy confirms this link as members of Clan MacGillonie carry the same haplotype as the Cameron. As part of the same analysis, mitochondrial types were determined for four further individuals, thought to have been the Royal Physician and servants. Sheikh Mohammed has overseen the development of numerous projects in Dubai including the creation of a technology park and a free economic zone, Dubai Internet City, Dubai Media City, the Dubai International Finance Centre, the Palm Islands and the Burj Al Arab hotel. On the whole they were good military commanders and tacticians as well. Famous people's Y-DNA listed by haplogroup - Eupedia The American actor and filmmaker Ben Affleck (b. American writer and Nobel Prize laureate William Faulkner (1897-1962) was a member of haplogroup I1-Z60 > Z140 > Z141 according to results from the Faulconer DNA Project. The Origins Centre at the University of the Witwatersrand tested the DNA of Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), the famous South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist, who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, and determined that he belonged to haplogroup E1b1a. Paulus Van Haren Kster (1644-1708) from Dsseldorf, Germany. Clan Erskine, a Lowland Scottish clan from Renfrewshire, apparently belongs to R1b-U152 > Z36 > BY1328 > BY2151 > A7992 > A8001 > BY32396 based on at least one descendant from John Erskine, 19th Earl of Mar (15581634) at the Erskine/Askey Surname Project. According to this Japanese blog, patrilineal descendants of Emperor Higashiyama had their Y-DNA tested and all belonged to haplogroup D1b1a2 (IMS-JST055457/CTS107), formerly known as D2a1b. Based upon the methodology posted here and using the sample set described here, as of January 2019 it appears that there are six ancestral Y-DNA lines in haplogroup J2 in the Ashkenazi Jewish population: (1) J2-L556; (2) J2-Z30390; (3)- (4) the J2-L254 and J2-FGC30508 subclusters of J2-FGC4992; (5) J2-BY268; and . He and the Minamonto (aka Genji) clan presumably belonged to the same haplogroup D-Z1504 as the Imperial family, from whom they descend. He was the founder of Stockholm, and acted as regent of Sweden for 18 years. Haplogroup J2 (Y-DNA) - Eupedia He was a descendant of Kevin Bacon (b. Edward was the youngest signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence. He invented among others the phonograph, the automatic telegraph, the movie camera, the alkaline battery and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. For haplogroups J, Eve's descendant left African and traveled through the Middle East and on into Southwest Asia before turning left and migrating throughout Europe. The origins of the clan are unclear, but one hypothesis is that Donal Dubh, the first chief of Clan Cameron was descended either from the Macgillonies. Sayyid Ajjal was Yunnan's first provincial governor in history and was of Arab, Turkic or Persian Muslim origin. Another branch became Lords Paisley (1587), Earls of Abercorn (1606), Marquesses of Abercorn (1790), and Dukes of Abercorn (1868) to this day. What's more, 99% of them fall under the Z628 (aka Z597) clade, with a shared common ancestor who lived only 4,500 years ago. A cadet branch of the Huntly became Earls of Aberdeen (1682), then Marquesses of Aberdeen and Temair from 1916. He is best remembered for being a strong defender of slavery. Freskin's great-grand-son was William de Moravia (c. 12101248), became 1st Earl of Sutherland, a title that the clan chief who keep until 1535, when it passed to Clan Gordon. Their son was Alexander Gordon, 1st Earl of Huntly (d. 1470), whose patrilineal line was therefore Seton/Seaton and not the original Gordon lineage, was the progenitor of all the subsequent chiefs of clan. This blog is dedicated to those who carry the J2 "Y" DNA Haplogroup (J-M172), with a focus on J2a4h2, also known as J-L25, with further changes to F3133, and FGC9962. Freskin's descendants were designated by the surname de Moravia ("of Moray" in the Norman language), which later became 'Murray'. [33] In YFull's YTree a more detailed position is given for his Y-DNA under I-Y3120's subclades Y4460 > Y3106 > Y91535.[34]. Based on results from the Witherspoon DNA Project was a member of R1b-U106 > S263 > L48 > L47 > Z159 > Z4714 > BY35813 > BY56495. To indicate the correspondence, this haplogroup is often designated J2-M172. the study from publication in a reputable journal. 1 spot in the ATP rankings for a total of 223 weeks. The clan chief obtained the title of Lord Graham (1445), then Earl of Montrose (1503), Marquess of Montrose (1644), and eventually Duke of Montrose from 1707 to this day. The most famous member Pavel Tsitsianov (1754-1806), an Imperial Russian military commander and infantry general who also served as head of the Russian troops in Georgia and Viceroy of the Caucasus. The I2b-L415 & I2c-L596 Haplogroup Project was able to determine that the haplotype of the Georgian house of Tsitsishvili was I2c2b2. Analysis of a handkerchief with blood traces said to have been obtained at the execution of Louis XVI of France, suggested that he may have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup G-M201. His Y-DNA is Q-M378 (previously Q1b). [51] Given the sample size, however, this result cannot be regarded as conclusive and further testing of other documented descendants is necessary to help confirm or refute this finding. King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, belongs to haplogroup R1a-Z280 (north-western Slavic S18681 subclade) according to the testing of a distant cousin with FTDNA. Formula One champion Jackie Stuart (b. Yet, at present, J2b has never been found in Neolithic, Chalcolithic, nor even Bronze Age Europe, nor in the Fertile Crescent during the Neolithic or Chalcolithic. Solo and with The Police combined, he has sold over 100 million records. Modern Cretans have the highest percentage of G2a (11%), J1 (8.5%), J2a (32%), and L + T (2.5% together) in Greece (and the highest percentage of J1 and J2a in all Europe for that matter), the three haplogroups associated with the Kura-Araxes culture. Polish politician Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, who served as the minister of interior from 2013-2014, was tested in GENOgraphic project (as mentioned in Newsweek Poland) and was found to belong to haplogroup N1c. Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, belonged to haplogroup R1b-P312 > Z30597 based on the testing of a descendant of his grandfather, Judge James Wilson (1787-1850) at the Wilson DNA Project (Genetic Family ZZN). As of April 2017, he has won 12 Grand Slam singles titles, the fourth most in history, and held the No. . 1940) belongs to haplogroup I2-L801 > Z170 > CTS6433 > S2364 > S2361 > Z78 > CTS8584 > Z185 > Z180 > L1198 > S20905 > Z190 > Y4869 > CTS12706 according to WikiTree. All shared very close STR values, proving beyond reasonable doubt that they shared a same recent patrilineal ancestor. Both belong to the Nakh ethnic group, who have inhabited that territory since at least 3000 BCE. The article explains that 6 million Japanese men (10% of the male population of Japan) carry the same Y-DNA lineage as the Imperial family and that they share a common ancestor about 1000 years ago. 1973) might belong to haplogroup E-V13. If you are new to genetic genealogy, please check our Introduction to phylogenetics to understand how to read a phylogenetic tree. The first appearance of J2 during the Neolithic came in the form of a 10,000 year-old J2b sample from Tepe Abdul Hosein in north-western Iran in what was then the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (Broushaki et al. The Cochran DNA Project determined that the clan's original lineage is R1a-Z284 > S4458 > S5301 > S5153 > L448 > YP355 > YP609 > YP4252 > YP4248 > YP5007, which confirms the Scandinavian origin of the clan. Al Capone (1899-1947), sometimes known by the nickname "Scarface", was an American gangster and businessman who attained notoriety during the Prohibition era as the co-founder and boss of the Chicago Outfit. The PF5456 subclade is barely 2500 years old, and would have emerged and propagated after the founding of Rome. He is the only person to have signed all four great state papers of the United States: the Continental Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. Descendants of two of the sons of Old Olof (who was born about 1380) were identified as G-Y12970*, and descendants of his alleged brother Fale as G-Y16788. [25][26], The Y haplogroup of Richard III, last king of the House of York and last of the House of Plantagenet, was identified as Y-DNA G-P287, in contrast to the Y haplotypes of the putative modern relatives. Z2177, another subclade of Z435, is a bit under 3,000 years old. Famous J2 people - J2-M172 John Tyler (1790-1862), the 10th President and 10th Vice President of the United States was identified as a member of haplogroup I2-L801 > Z170 > CTS1977 > Y4946 > Y5282 > CTS1858 > CTS10148 based on the results from the TYLER Family DNA Project (descendent of Henry Tyler). The first President of the United States, George Washington (1732-1799), may well have belonged to R1b-L21. Author: Maciamo Hay. Two of his known descendants were tested by two different companies and both lineages had practically identical STR values, which confirmed their recent common ancestry. Haplogroup_J_(Y-DNA) - bionity.com The majority (about 70%) are members of the Celtic haplogroup R1b. He served as the first and sixth post-colonial Governor of Virginia. This is the strongest evidence that J2b actually originated in the mountains of the Zagros or the Caucasus, rather than in the plains of the Fertile Crescent. The two first human beings to have their whole genome sequenced, James D. Watson, the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA, and biologist Craig Venter both happen to be members of Y-DNA haplogroup R1b-S21 (U106), although they belong to distinct subclades (L48 > Z9 > Z30 for Watson, and L48 > L47 > L44 > L163 > L46 > L45 for Venter). Braxton Bragg (1817-1876) was an American army officer during the Second Seminole War and MexicanAmerican War and later a Confederate army officer who served as a general in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. First Ancient J-Z631 Found in the Via Salaria Necropolis in Rome Early in this expansion process, Haplogroup J developed 2 subgroups, J1 and J2. Haplogroup J (mtDNA) - Blogger He is praised by advocates of smaller government and laissez-faire economics, while supporters of an active central government generally view him less favorably, although most praise his stalwart support of racial equality. The most principal occupant, Gaodang King Korguz, had mtDNA of haplogroup D4m2. He has recorded more than 90 albums and has received 18 Grammy Awards. This corresponds to the time when the Proto-Indo-Europeans started invading Central Europe from the Pontic Steppe. The Polish princely House of Lubomirski appears to belong to haplogroup J2b2a-L283 > Z585 > Z628 > Y15058 (aka CTS3617) according to the testing of a member of the family (reportedly Ladislas Jean Lubomirski, father of the photographer Alexi Lubomirski) at Family Tree DNA. One of his cousins was George Clinton (1739-1812), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, who served as 1st Governor of New York and 4th Vice President of the United States. According to the O'Neill DNA Project, the latter's probable lineage was R1b-L21 > DF13 > DF49 > Z2980 > Z2976 > DF23 > Z2961 > S645 > Z2965 > M222 > Y2605 > Y2841 > DF104 > DF109 (aka DF105), which split into 29 branches. Clan Bruce is a Lowlands Scottish clan, which was a Royal House in the 14th century, producing two kings of Scotland (Robert the Bruce and David II of Scotland), and a disputed High King of Ireland, Edward Bruce. Origin and Subclades of Y-DNA Haplogroup J2-M172 - YouTube Djokovic is considered one of the greatest tennis players of all time. The geographic origin is believed to be in the cressant fertile (Iraq,Turkey and Syria) The age is estimated to be 18,500 +/- 3,500 thousands years ago See more details about J2 . He is the son of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and German diplomat Claus von Amsberg, whose family hails from Mecklenburg. M319, one of the principal J2a1 subclades in Greece, Italy and Western Europe, reaches is maximum frequency in Crete (6-9%). The Academy Award nominated American actor and a playwright Woody Harrelson (b. An analysis of the Hume DNA Project has provided conclusive evidence that the Scottish philosopher, historian and economist David Hume (1711-1776) belonged to haplogroup R1a-Z284 > S4458 > S5301 > S5153 > L448 > CTS4179. He is a descendant of Robert Emerson (1561-1620) and George Emerson (1484-c.1570), who are also the ancestors of Thomas Emmerson (1708-1790) in the project. Taylor previously was a career officer in the United States Army, rose to the rank of major general and became a national hero as a result of his victories in the MexicanAmerican War. Furthermore, this N1c1 haplotype possess the distinctive value DYS390=23, found in Scandinavia but not in Uralic populations, confirming that this was indeed the original haplotype of the Varangian prince Rurik (c. 830-c. 879) who established the Kievan Rus'. Another presumed descendant of the imperial family tested at Family Tree DNA and also belonged to that haplogroup, and more precisely to the D-Z1504 subclade. 241 belong to J-L70 . His maternal haplogroup is H.[5], A lock of hair kept at a reliquary at Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume basilica, France, which local tradition holds belonged to the biblical figure Mary Magdalene, was allegedly assigned to mitochondrial haplogroup K. Ancient DNA sequencing of a capillary bulb bore the K1a1b1a subclade according to the author Grard Lucotte, who concluded that she was likely of Pharisian maternal origin. 1937) appears to belongs to haplogroup J1-Z18271 (downstream of ZS227), which corresponds to the lineage of the Y-chromosomal Aaron. They descend from Richard Stockton (1665-1709) from Princeton, NJ, whose lineage was determined to be G2a-L497 > Z1816 > FGC809 > Z39863 by the Stockton Surname DNA Project. The Clan Campbell DNA Project identified the main Campbell line from Argyllshire as belonging to R1b-L21 > DF13 > Z39589 > L1335 > L1065 > FGC10125 > FGC10117, with a common patrilineal ancestor who lived about 1000 years ago. Most branches (Towie, Collairnie, Fife, Kilbirnie, Perceton) were found to belong to haplogroup I2a1a-M26 > L160 > PF4088 > PF4189 > Y84594 > BY68371. In 1919, he ousted the communists of Bla Kun from Hungary and banned the Hungarian Communist Party. However the senior Y-DNA line of the Habsburgs ended with Emperor Charles VI (1685-1740), father of Empress Maria Theresa. Origin and diffusion of human Y chromosome haplogroup J1-M267 - Nature Archeological evidence of a massive migration from the southern Caucasus to the Indus Valley is elusive at present, but it cannot be excluded as it has been proven now that large-scale Indo-European migrations took place during the same period from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe to Europe and Central Asia. Another possibility is that Napoleon III was fathered by Carel Hendrik Verhuell. 1959) is a Bosnian Serb politician, currently serving as the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the collective federal head of state and is also its chairman. Other ducal lineages descended from illegitimate sons of King Charles II include the Dukes of Cleveland (extinct in 1891), the Dukes of Grafton, the Dukes of St Albans, and the Dukes of Richmond (combined with the Dukedoms of Lennox and Gordon). Because mtDNA breaks down more slowly than nuclear DNA, it is often possible to obtain mtDNA results where other testing fails. J1 is the only Semitic Haplogroup. Franklin Pierce (1804-1869), the 14th president of the United States, was a member of R1b-U106 > Z381 > Z156 > S497 > DF96 based on the results from the Pierce DNA Project (North) (Group C). Bacon has won a Golden Globe Award and three Screen Actors Guild Awards, and was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award. His grandfather was Henryk Sienkiewicz, a journalist, novelist and Nobel Prize laureate. There is a distinct association of ancient J2 civilisations with bull worship. The first expansion probably correlated with the diffusion of domesticated of cattle and goats (starting c. 8000-9000 BCE), rather than with the development of cereal agriculture in the Levant. Bogdanowicza et al. Geni Wiki Projects Page. A history of the lineage of Irish kings that was compiled by Irish monks, known as "the Annals of the Four Masters" lists "Conn of the Hundred Battles" among the ancestors of Niall. The Austrian composer, music theorist and painter Arnold Schnberg (1874-1951) belonged to Y-haplogroup R1b according to his profile on Geni. [39], Edward IV of England and his brother Richard III of England, both sons of Cecily Neville, Duchess of York, would have shared the same mtDNA haplogroup J1c2c. Based on their phylogeographies, F3133 and M319 could be associated with the Kura-Araxes expansion. Dodik was the Prime Minister of Republika Srpska from 1998 until 2001 and from 2006 until 2010 and the President of Republika Srpska from 2010 to 2018. All three men excavated belong to Y haplogroup Q, with subclade not analysed. Although the study does not mention their haplogroups, further analysis of the data revealed that Nakht-Ankh belonged to Y-haplogroup H2, a very rare lineage today, but which was consistently found among Early Neolithic farmers from the Levant, Anatolia and parts of Europe. The Cheek/Chick DNA Project - Haplogroups It was very important for the Yuan dynasty to maintain marriage-alliance with the Onguds, which had been very important assistant since Genghis Khan. J2 Middle East - Background | FamilyTreeDNA That would explain why it has been so hard to identify R1a or R1b lineages that could be of Illyrian or Mycenaean origin. List of haplogroups of historic people - INFOGALACTIC The following year was declared Regent and Head of State. I2a2a1 in current ISOGG nomenclature) according to the Luce Surname Project. It is likely that J2 men had settled over most of Anatolia, the South Caucasus and Iran by the end of the Last Glaciation 12,000 years ago. Haplogroup J2 is commonly found within Asia Minor, Persia, . The most likely estimate is 1873 BCE, . The American financier and banker J.-P .Morgan (1837-1913) descended from Sargent Miles Morgan who migrated from Wales to Massachusetts. He was a direct descendent of the Piast Dynasty, the first historical dynasty ruling over Poland, starting with Prince Mieszko I (c. 930992) and ending in 1370 with the death of King Casimir III the Great. [46], Y chromosome haplogroup C2c1a1a1-M407 is carried by Mongol descendants of the Northern Yuan ruler from 14741517, Dayan Khan, who is a male line descendant of Genghis Khan which was found out after geneticists in Mongolia conducted tests on them. If European Borders Were Drawn By DNA Instead Of Ethnicity This region matches exactly the confines of the Bronze Age Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilisation, that existed from 3300 BCE to 1300 BCE and which practised bull worship like other J2a civilizations.