The Peoples Party: Trying to Break Away from Having failed to derail the party away from the populist mission that has galvanized thousands nationwide, we can expect relentless attacks on the party and me. We kept reaching out and reaching out to meet since Super Bowl Sunday on February 13th.. This was so alarming to the remaining national board members that they brought it to my attention and that of our General Counsel. WebThe Movement for a People's Party is a populist-left political party created and led by Nick Brana since November 9th, 2017. Party Rage Against the War Machine I spoke at some length with a former member of the Peoples Party who was part of a group that was attempting to organize things for some change. I thoroughly enjoyed your speech, it was nice to be in the company of interesting, level-headed people. Nick Brana Apr 9, 2021. Later I told her that I was relieved that she came into the room because the incident was scary. Bif Crowley. Interview with Nick Brana, founder of Movement for a People's Party, conducted by Scott Harris August 26, 2020 Throughout the 2020 Democratic National Convention virtual broadcast, a concerted effort was made to project an image of party unity. It was originally called Draft Bernie for a Peoples Party. It is clear that they are not ready to organize in a transparent, open, and respectful way with organizers across the nation.. On average, Nick Brana works for one company for 11 months. Party All flash, no substance. I spoke at some length with a former member of the Peoples Party who was part of a group that was attempting to organize things for some change. Nick is intimidated by anyone who knows more than him, this person said. After taking written statements, interviewing both of us separately, and examining the evidence, the committee concluded that the allegations did not have merit and were a politically motivated attempt to remove me. Nick Brana [14], In September 2021, the People's Party gained ballot access in Florida, the first state where it has done so. WebNick Brana is the National Director with the Movement for a People's Party, the national nonprofit at the helm of the rapidly growing movement for a new progressive political party in America. [10], The organization held a virtual People's Convention on August 30, 2020. WebNick Brana, the former national political outreach coordinator for the 2016 Presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders campaign, founded the Movement for a Peoples Party in 2017. @nick_brana @No2NatoNo2War. I dont know where the outsized animus toward Campbell comes from. Why Hollywood Sucks: Third Times a Charm with Dune? WebNick Brana is the national director of the Movement for a People's Party. Rage Against the War Machine 3. Real Progressive The Terry Allen Show We were removed [from the board] because we were concerned about Nick remaining in his position, Clarke said. People's Party Nick Brana Of The People's Party Interviews Chris Hedges They Spat So Much Truth (To Power) In This Interview I Needed A Large Towel After Hearing It. , and extensively off the air. The accusations come amidst a great deal of turmoil and struggle for control of Rage Against the War Machine Nine months later, the party is in the process of a bitter dissolution, with ORLA announcing their split from MPP via a press release on Sunday, February 7. 3. Please, VICTORY DECLARED! Nick Brana is the founder and national coordinator with the Movement for a Peoples Party. Nick Brana A series of bird-brained political PR stunts over the past few weeks betray an organization desperately trying to regain relevance after the initial hype faded. Why write 30 paragraphs about a rumor without saying what exactly is rumored? Multiple sources familiar with Movement for a Peoples Party [MPP], which over the years has attempted to build a third party that can run local and federal candidates, told Status Coup News that Nick Brana, MPPs national chair, has been under internal investigation since December 2021 after a female subordinate that Brana had, at one point, had a romantic relationship with made accusations of sexual harassment against him. Nick Brana, Founder and National Coordinator of the Movement for a Peoples Party, joins T. J. OHara, host of Deconstructed, to discuss the organizations evolving platform and the progress it is making.The movement seeks to create a major new progressive populist political party in the United States. We had been in a consensual relationship that she had initiated. Coleman interjected that it was not acceptable, and tried to draw attention to the issue by tagging Nick Brana and other leadership in a post in which he asked, Are you okay with this? After, he was called a classand race traitor. Peoples Party Such was the inauspicious beginning of the Peoples Convergence, organized over the weekend by the founder of the Draft Bernie for a Peoples Party! campaign, Nick Brana. People's Party From the very beginning, Brana misled members of Draft Bernie for a Peoples Party and exploited their hopes that Sanders would lead a third party even though the Vermont senator himself explicitly rejected that idea in Originally, Clarke said, the SIC members planned on making several recommendations: a six-month probationary period where Brana would have to be free of any type of sexual harassment accusations, take training classes for sexual harassment, participate in workplace supervisory training, and also that he not serve as a one-on-one supervisor to the accuser or anyone else during that six-month probation period. Sabrinas woke attacks on many of you were so abrasive that dozens of grievances were filed against her, more than everyone else in the party combined, culminating in a petition with dozens of signatures demanding that she be dismissed. A democratic decision-making process which involves volunteers at all levels in decisions about goals and how work is done, b. He was also a founding staffer and electoral manager with Our Revolution. Meanwhile, they were also trying to enact their liberal agenda on the National Organizing Committee. When he isnt building a peoples party, you can find Nick hiking with friends, reading sci-fi and envisioning the post-scarcity world of the future. Maybe Swearengin can turn it around and lead the MPP to victory promising Ketchup Packets for All. In her own words, Johnston was hoping that the MPP would be something that would give people a third option; an alternative that was going to be run by the people, and was going to be a voice of the people. Nick Brana Such was the inauspicious beginning of the Peoples Convergence, organized over the weekend by the founder of the Draft Bernie for a Peoples Party! campaign, Nick Brana. He was the national political outreach coordinator with Bernie 2016 and founding electoral manager with Our Revolution. We had no input, absolutely nothing said Lisa Pfeffer, a former East Coast MPP organizer when describing the role of volunteers in the MPP. The assault allegedly took place in New York last July. Mixed in with the allegations were demands for professional advancement and veiled threats to the board that she could go public and attempt to destroy the party if her demands werent met. This group of board members also sought to remove any and all accountability from paid contractors. As was mentioned by the petitioners and cited in the piece above, the MPP marketed themselves as a party with a horizontal leadership structure. Clarke told Status Coup that the SIC originally consisted of three MPP board members. Nick Brana Movement for a Peoples Party Nick Brana The Peoples Party: Trying to Break Away from We also knew that we couldnt let them continue to abuse volunteers, shift our message and mission to identity politics, and deny party members the democratic right to vote and decide the partys position on vaccine mandates. Its why the petition begins with the following points: We must have a formal, horizontal organizational structure, including detailed bylaws which require: a. People's Party Brana formed the MPP in 2017 out of the Draft Bernie for a Peoples Party organization, after Sanders endorsement of Clinton in the 2016 elections. 3 years ago. My friends, I have been accused of sexual harassment. In recent days it has become abundantly clear that the would-be third party is such a disaster that as far as musical festivals go, Woodstock 99 serves as a far better metaphor. But, weeks later, concerns mounted that one of the SICs members was leaking information to Brana. Web41K views 4 years ago Nick Brana of Movement for a Peoples Party is in California meeting with Labor Unions. Feb 23, 2022 | Press Releases, Statements, Updates, By Nick Brana, Chair of the Peoples Party. I wish the people luck with their own political future, they will need it with their characters as they are. There were a bunch of issues with communications not mentioned in statuscoup you tube. Through multiple sources, including Clarke, Status Coup learned of an abrupt two-to- three day period between Saturday February 19th and Monday February 21st where five board members were abruptly removed from MPPs board after they had called for an emergency meeting to go over the findings of the investigation into Brana. Nick Brana - #PeoplesParty @nick_brana National Chair, @PeoplesParty_US . Nick Brana Of The People's Party Interviews Chris Hedges They Spat So Much Truth (To Power) In This Interview I Needed A Large Towel After Hearing It. On Sunday February 20th, the five board members who had called for the meeting the day before showed up to the Zoom meeting. Follow him on Twitter: @Nick_Brana. I think its important to warn people not to waste their time with this organization, one former volunteer told me. But the more her allegations fell apart, the more brazen the hostile faction on the board became. They are all seeing the need for a new third party. Formerly National Political Outreach Coordinator, Bernie 2016. If Nick likes a proposal, we vote on it. When populist delegates overwhelmingly struck down their provision, they were furious. Sometimes the anti-Semitism is overt, other times it is more shaded. WebThe Movement for a People's Party (MPP), also known simply as the People's Party, is a progressive political organization in the United States aimed at "forming a major new political party free of corporate money and influence".. Nick Brana formed the party after the 2016 presidential election as "Draft Bernie for a People's Party." Bif Crowley. He was the national political outreach coordinator with Bernie 2016 and founding electoral manager with Our Revolution. Outraged, this hostile faction of board members drew up a plan to purge dozens of populist leaders from states across the party, beginning with me and proceeding to other national board members and the state delegates who had voted against them, an action that would have destroyed the party. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. "It Did Scare Me": Assault, Harassment Allegations Against I was relieved. [5] In 2017, Brana formed the group out of the "Draft Bernie for a People's Party",[1] which failed to gain Sanders's support. United under the banner of the Movement for a Peoples Party, they sought to create a corporate-free third party that could make waves in both local and national elections. Expect those who were removed to attack on DNC-aligned and billionaire-funded media outlets that have long sought to bring down the Peoples Party, especially since Force the Vote. After the rally, we'll march to the White House and deliver our demands to Warmonger-in-Chief Joe Biden. I was excited to not have to have fights about voting Blue no matter who, which I havent done in over a decade, she told us candidly. With nearly sixty thousand members and interviews in more than a hundred mainstream and independent media outlets, the Movement for a Peoples Party is building a coalition of labor and progressive organizations for a nationally-viable party for working people. They sought to replace our universalist message of health care, college, and housing for all with partitioned messages for different identity groups, a staple of Democratic Party campaigns. Nick Branas 14 Million People Doesnt Add The accusations come amidst a great deal of turmoil and struggle for control of The Peoples Party is a populist party. Movement for a People's Party (, Three months after the midterms: Nick Brana Describes Dem's Corporate Wave. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The efforts of the petitioners to raise awareness about these issues were characterized by Nick Brana on, , a recording of which was shared with The Vanguard, as, An escalating attack against MPP and against the community. Brana then went on to say, It's taken many forms, including what is clear infiltration., We had no input, absolutely nothing said Lisa Pfeffer, a former East Coast MPP organizer when describing the role of volunteers in the MPP. The organization, founded by Nick Brana in 2017 (originally as Draft Bernie for a Peoples Party) was promising big things to those exasperated by the undemocratic shenanigans of the Democratic party, especially in the wake of (The issue of Turner switching her party affiliation if elected is no longer relevant as she lost her Ohio race last night to establishment Democrat Shontel Brown.). WebNick Brana is the national director of the Movement for a People's Party. Apr 9, 2021. The October 22 Peoples Party Debate Response will be the second in MPPs response series. Nevertheless, some outspoken former members had no issue with going on the record. Brana claimed that according to a recent Gallup survey, 14 million people had left the Democratic party since the election in November. Posted by. 3. Nine months later, the party is in the process of a bitter dissolution, with ORLA announcing their split from MPP via a press release on Sunday, February 7. Several members resigned over this debacle or were forced out by Brana, in his characteristicly petty and vindictive fashion. Formerly National Political Outreach Coordinator, Bernie 2016. When the hostile members of the board and contractors realized that the investigation was not going their way, they encouraged the accuser to escalate her claims. The organization, founded by Nick Brana in 2017 (originally as Draft Bernie for a Peoples Party) was promising big things to those exasperated by the undemocratic shenanigans of the Democratic party, especially in the wake of their treatment of Bernie Sanders. SIGN UP as a paid Status Substack member for $5 bucks a month. He was also a founding staffer and electoral manager with Our Revolution. Nick Brana is the National Director with the Movement for a People's Party, the national nonprofit at the helm of the rapidly growing movement for a new progressive political party in America. He said it a couple of times again. Peoples Party? They were fundamentally reorienting the party away from its populist mission of uniting the left and right against the establishment, a mission they derided as building a red-brown alliance and economic reductionism.. Nick started saying that he wanted to have sex. Movement for a People's Party Nicks populist NOC coalition has to go, they stated. "It Did Scare Me": Assault, Harassment Allegations Against WebNick Brana Building a major new progressive populist party in America. The Peoples Party: Trying to Break Away from It would hardly be worth commenting on were it not for the real damage Brana has done to people in his orbit. I believe FTV and the marches were all a PR stunt run by MPP to divide the left and gain members at the expense of actually building power on the left, Campbell told me. These board members wanted to convert it into a more liberal and woke party. The remaining board members and our General Counsel decided that we had to take action to safeguard the party before they attempted to purge the party of populist leaders, delegates, and volunteers. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They are all seeing the need for a new third party. WebFrom Nick Brana, Movement for a People's Party (found in my Inbox this evening) Close. Bernie Sanders declined to be the People's Party's figurehead, instead again seeking the presidential nomination in the 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries. This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 21:39. What happened over the next several months includes inter-party dysfunction, disaffected volunteers who formed a petition, accusations of Democratic Party infiltration, and allegations of mistreatment and unprofessional behavior on every level. Uff da!!! Share this post. Movement for a Peoples Party When Sanders refused, Brana began constructing the Movement for a People's Party. Here are the EXPLOSIVE allegations of assault and harassment against. Where MPP goes from here is an open question. Exposing the Rage Against the War Machine Rally, Part 8 WebJoin us at the Lincoln Memorial at 12:30 pm on Sunday, February 19th, on the anniversary of the Ukraine War and President's Day Weekend, to Rage Against the War Machine!Veterans, speakers, rock musicians, comedians, and more. On average, Nick Brana works for one company for 11 months. People's Party SIGN UP as a paid Status Substack member for $5 bucks a month. These were totally reasonable positions. This Twitter spat precipitated her exit. I felt it was clear that I wasn't playing around. "Nick started saying that he wanted to have sex. Nick Brana At no point was one implemented, and even the most important decisions, such as policy positions, strategic priorities, and who would be placed in leadership, were decided by undemocratic means, behind closed doors, by the MPP leadership. An early signer of the petition of grievances, Pfeffer has been at the forefront of the effort to hold the MPP leadership accountable. Indeed, many of the ex-members I spoke to chose to remain anonymous for fear of having their lives ruined by MPPs crack team of ruthless, S.O.B. The assault allegedly took place in New York last July. Cheray organized MPPs People with Disabilities Political Outreach Circle, but when she tried to use her newfound position to actually push for accommodations for the disabled, such as increased accessibility, she was told such services were unaffordable and unobtainable despite Cherays many suggestions of how to sanction these services. People's Party Nick Brana These board members wanted to convert it into a more liberal and woke party. New Party To Break Through Nick Brana Its a ridiculous conspiracy theory from the Clinton camp, but not at all dissimilar from the nutty things MPP people believe. As a result, a fourth board member was added to the SIC. This liberal faction opposed allowing our membership to democratically decide the partys position on Covid vaccine mandates, going as far as attempting to shut down a party-wide vote and censor and cancel volunteers who discussed it in Slack. Instead, they have seemingly chosen to walk the path of those they proclaim to be fighting. It did scare me and I was struggling. Perhaps Kamilah Harris may like to share her private conversations publicly and explain how attacking brand new members for hours in a shared work space is acceptable hate that they accuse others of holding towards them. Fortunately, these philistines were defeated when Brana, patron of the arts, overruled this decision and decided to hire the company anyway, sparing no expense so that he could realize his gesamtkunstwerk. Whatever the case, he certainly had enough mojo to woo big speakers like Nina Turner to his August 2020 virtual convention. Peoples Party Nine months later, the party is in the process of a bitter dissolution, with ORLA announcing their split from MPP via a press release on Sunday, February 7. Interview with Nick Brana, founder of Movement for a People's Party, conducted by Scott Harris August 26, 2020 Throughout the 2020 Democratic National Convention virtual broadcast, a concerted effort was made to project an image of party unity. MPP is poorly served by its unaccountable, autocratic leadership; its paranoid circular firing squad culture; and by many of its own members, who are gullible, emotional and susceptible to ludicrous conspiracy theories. As volunteers and even members of the Coordinators Circle tried to suggest a course correction, Brana obstinately rejected their proposals. Refusing to answer basic questions regarding leadership accountability creates an understandable amount of skepticism, especially from a movement that celebrates transparency and purports to be the antidote to the undemocratic structure of the two party duopoly. [6][7] The group gathered 50,000 signatures on a petition to present to Sanders[8] and held its first mass gathering, the "Convergence Conference", in Washington, D.C. "The ultimate goal is to replace the Democratic Party, it's not merely to create another party," said Brana in 2017. This comparison was inaccurate. Branas proposal to hire an outside firm was voted down. People's Party Web41K views 4 years ago Nick Brana of Movement for a Peoples Party is in California meeting with Labor Unions. Try for free at National Coordinator @ Movement for a People's Party; Electoral Manager @ Our Revolution; see more Immediately there were red flags. attorneys. Movement for a Peoples Party founder Nick Brana has become the latest member of the populist left to be accused of inappropriate sexual conduct.