The aim of this design policy is to shape and direct development proposals to create resilient and exceptional places, spaces, and buildings in South Gloucestershire. Given the location of the existing power station on the edge of the Severn Estuary and surrounded by low-lying Levels, and the timeframes involved with decommissioning, resilience to flood and climate change will be important considerations for both decommissioning and planning relating to radioactive waste. Key drivers informing consideration of new planning policies and approaches include: As we begin considering what policies might need to eventually replace the Core Strategy and PSP, we start by discussing the range of issues facing South Gloucestershire. Contributions to the Local Authority and/or other appropriate and agreed organisations to mitigate or where appropriate offset any adverse impacts, additional demands and/or harm caused by the project. This may be subject to change based on any changes to the National Planning System. These policies will be informed and refined from the feedback obtained from this Phase 1 consultation; particularly if we have the issues and priorities for the plan correctly identified. It is also accepted that due to the long timeframes, changing contexts and complexities of some NSIPs, aspects of impact prediction may be uncertain. To give an idea of the type of detail which might come forward, we have set out the existing planning policies that currently address the headline topic and priority issue. PDF Stroud District Local Plan (2020-2040) STRATEGIC MATTERS STATEMENT OF 20. Emerging priority: Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment &Development that promotes health andwellbeing, Existing adopted policies: CS2Green infrastructure, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment & Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: CS9Managing the environment and heritage, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: CS1High quality design, PSP1Local Distinctiveness, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas, Existing adopted policies: CS5Location of development (inc.GreenBelt), Emerging priority: Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: CS15Distribution of housing, Existing adopted policies: CS21Gypsy and Traveller accommodation, CS22Travellingshowpeople, Emerging priority: Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: CS11Distribution of economic development land, Existing adopted policies: CS14Town centres and retail, PSP31Town Centre Uses, Existing adopted policies: CS10Minerals, PSP23Mineral Working and Restoration,PSP24Mineral Safeguarding Areas, Existing adopted policies: CS36Proposals for major infrastructure projects, Emerging priority: Achieving sustainable travel and transport, Existing adopted policies: CS7Strategic transport infrastructure, PSP13Safeguarding Strategic Transport Schemes and Infrastructure, PSP14Safeguarding Rail Schemes and Infrastructure, PSP15Park and Ride/Share, Emerging priority: Providing the right supporting infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: CS6Infrastructure and developer contributions, Emerging priority: Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Existing adopted policies: CS3 Renewable and low carbon energy generation CS4 Renewable or low carbon district heat networks, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP2 Landscape, Existing adopted policies: PSP3 Trees and Woodland, Existing adopted policies: PSP18 Statutory Wildlife Sites: European Sites and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) PSP19 Wider Biodiversity, Existing adopted policies: PSP20 Flood Risk, Surface Water and Watercourse Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP21 Environmental Pollution and Impacts, Existing adopted policies: PSP22 Unstable Land, Emerging priority: Protect and enhance our environment & Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: CS24 Green Infrastructure, sport and recreation standards, PSP44 Open Space, Sport and Recreation, Existing adopted policies: PSP4 Designated Local Green Spaces, Existing adopted policies: PSP5 Undesignated Open Spaces within Urban Areas and Settlements, Emerging priority: Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: PSP9 Health Impact Assessments, Emerging priority: Development that promotes health and well-being & Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP35 Food and Drink Uses (including drive through takeaway facilities), Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces & Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP17 Heritage Assets and the Historic Environment, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces & Development that promotes health and well-being, Existing adopted policies: PSP37 Internal Space and Accessibility Standards for Affordable Dwellings, Emerging priority: Creating exceptional places and spaces, Existing adopted policies: PSP8 Residential Amenity, Existing adopted policies: PSP38 Development within Existing Residential Curtilages, including Extensions and New Dwellings, Existing adopted policies: PSP43 Private Amenity Space Standards, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Protect and enhance our environment, Existing adopted policies: PSP7 Development in the Green Belt, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas, Existing adopted policies: CS16 Housing density, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Creating exceptional places and spaces, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: PSP40 Residential Development in the Countryside, Existing adopted policies: CS19 Rural housing exception sites, Existing adopted policies: PSP41 Rural Workers Dwellings, Emerging priority: Planning for urban and rural areas & Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP28 Rural Economy, Existing adopted policies: PSP29 Agricultural Development, Existing adopted policies: PSP30 Horse Related Development, Emerging priority: Provide the right type and number of new homes, Existing adopted policies: CS17 Housing diversity, Existing adopted policies: CS18 Affordable housing, Existing adopted policies: CS20 Extra care housing, Existing adopted policies: PSP42 Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding, Existing adopted policies: PSP39 Residential Conversions, Sub Divisions and Houses in Multiple Occupation, Emerging priority: Enable a productive, clean and inclusive economy, Existing adopted policies: CS12 Safeguarded areas for economic development CS13 Non-safeguarded economic development sites PSP26 Enterprise Areas, Existing adopted policies: PSP27 B8 Storage and Distribution Uses, Existing adopted policies: PSP32 Local Centres, Parades and Facilities PSP33 Shopping Frontages, Existing adopted policies: PSP34 Public Houses, Existing adopted policies: CS37 Nuclear related development PSP46 Oldbury New Nuclear Build (NNB), Existing adopted policies: PSP25 Hydrocarbon Extraction (inc. Fracking), Emerging priority: Achieving sustainable travel and transport & Pursue a carbon neutral and resilient future in a changing climate, Existing adopted policies: CS8 Improving accessibility PSP11 Transport Impact Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP10 Active Travel Routes, Existing adopted policies: PSP11 Transport Impact Management, Existing adopted policies: PSP16 Parking Standards, Existing adopted policies: PSP12 Motorway Service Areas and Roadside Facilities, Emerging priority: Providing the right supporting infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: CS23 Community infrastructure and cultural activity, Existing adopted policies: PSP36 Telecommunications Infrastructure, Existing adopted policies: PSP45 Crematoria, CS25 Communities of the North Fringe of Bristol Urban Area CS26 Cribbs / Patchway new neighbourhood CS27 East of Harry Stoke new neighbourhood, Draft policy not yet available. With regard to Clause 2, a map of existing renewable energy installations will be produced (and updated as appropriate) and published on our Local Plan webpages (under the Evidence base section) This clause allows for older, existing infrastructure to be upgraded with modern/ more efficient technology. Theme: Flood & Flood Risk Management(incl. This will give a figure for the suitable reduction in car parking provision as a percentage reduction against the standard guidance in the Schedules below. It is therefore vital that where relevant, schemes of monitoring are put in place during construction and during operation to assess the reality of impacts arising. We have delivered thousands of new homes to help meet current requirements, but demand is set to intensify further over the coming years. However it is not a replacement for the provision of infrastructure to promote other modes of transport such as walking/cycling and public transport services. This will need to include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in. This is necessary to ensure that heating systems are decarbonised and move away from fossil fuel systems (i.e. Pay it. Schedule A Car Parking Provision Standards Residential, Schedule B Car Parking Provision Standards Non Residential, Schedule C Disabled User Parking Provision, Schedule D Cycle Parking Provision Standards, Motorcycle and Other Powered Two Wheelers. Further information on the NSIP process, including relevant legislation, guidance advice and roles of the various parties may be found on the Planning Inspectorates website. Completion of the current fibre broadband deployment across South Gloucestershire will achieve 99% superfast fibre broadband coverage by 31 March 2021. Protecting our Designated Local Green Spaces, 25. 34. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? Men from the least deprived areas live five years longer and women live over six years longer than those living in the most deprived areas. Since the disposal of radioactive waste on site is likely to constrain future land uses and activities and result in the need for security/regulation, waste management or disposal proposals should form an integral part of master planning for decommissioning of the site at Oldbury. The Local Plan will guide how and where this will happen. It can also bring wider environmental and economic benefits, and improve the security of our energy supply. determination of any planning applications for proposals related to the NNB proposal; andiv. For these applications, consistency with the Development Consent Order and relevant certified documentation is the primary consideration, but national and local policy may also be relevant. We will further reinforce our inclusive culture where everyone feels able to participate and achieve their best. These contributions will be negotiated as part of the planning process,including through section 106 agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy where appropriate. The public consultation on our plan to introduce restrictions on the rights of homeowners to convert existing housing into houses in multiple occupation in the Stoke Park and Cheswick ward, and parts of the Filton ward closed on 31 January 2023. Council Plan 2020 - 2024 | BETA - South Gloucestershire Given the long term nature of decommissioning, spanning many years and even generations, it is acknowledged that plans for the site will evolve over time, and the masterplan will therefore need address both interim and end states and be capable of review and revision. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Different standards for different parts of the district? 65. Pollution We are committed to reducing. The policy must also acknowledge and reflect that we are in a period of transition, and help support the process of moving from established practices to the new approaches which will better support our sustainability objectives in the medium and longer term. By focusing our efforts on education and skills for both children and adults we can have greatest impact in tackling inequality. Every day our staff and councillors speak with residents, businesses and other partners and these conversations helped shape our initial thinking and priorities. Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) Plan - South Gloucestershire The map below shows the indicative areas that will require an SGC Accessibility Assessment. For more information see our local plan review. July to October 2020: Call for Sites invited, November 2020 to March 2021: Public consultation Phase 1 on issues and approaches, new approaches for urban and rural communities, and a draft planning policy to inform preparation of our new Local Plan 2020, February 2022 to April 2022: Public consultation Phase 2 including: Urban Lifestyles potential site allocations and employment areas in Urban Areas and within Market Towns potential approaches to rural growth Strategic Green Infrastructure Renewable Energy Areas draft planning policies for growth, protection, site proposals and place discussions. e) In appropriate areas and sites, Urban Lifestyles principles will be applied, to make the best use of land by optimising densities and providing a mix of uses, leading to the creation of compact, efficient, and healthy urban areas. South Gloucestershire Council - Bristol Live Life expectancy varies considerably across South Gloucestershire. Potential for integrated solutions between the Magnox and NNB including to the temporary and/or long term reuse of brownfield land and flood mitigation Maximise sustainable transport and construction methods Integrate Sustainable Drainage solutions into NNB site design Facilitate the use of waste heat from NNB for e.g. We cant deliver this Plan alone; many of the commitments we are working towards will be delivered either by, or with our partners. An example of this is our current work with the South Gloucestershire Tec Arc, a cluster of world-leading business and research institutions from the Bristol and Bath Science Park and National Composites Centre at Emersons Green, through the University of the West of England and Bristol Robotics Laboratory at Frenchay to the aerospace and engineering businesses of the Filton Enterprise Area. Additionally, we have sought to demonstrate the scale of the new approach we are taking to addressing issues affecting the most vulnerable. As a NSIP, the primary policies against which an application will be determined are the overarching energy NPS EN-1, along with technology-specific energy policy for nuclear power generation and other relevant national policy such as the NPPF. In recognition of the burden and disturbance borne by the community in hosting some Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects, the Council will where appropriate require packages of community benefits to be provided by the developer to offset and compensate the community for the burden imposed by hosting the project. For the latest updates check our consultation page. We also recognise that there are smaller cohorts of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic children and children from the gypsy and traveller community facing an even larger gap in attainment. Council Plan 2020 - 2024 | BETA - South Gloucestershire Changes to the way the planning system operates (including national planning policy) is likely to have a strong influence on the range and content of planning policies we include in our Local Plan 2020. If so, there will be a charge of 290 plus VAT. Given the nature and scale of many NSIPs, it is likely that the full range of topics under the Environmental Impact Assessment regulations will need to be considered. Yet we also have attractive, safe communities with access to the city and open countryside. 5) Use, homes and buildingsDevelopments should be adaptable over time, in order to be able to accommodate changing work/home, employment and shopping patterns, and people potentially choosing to stay in their homes for longer into older age. Select any property or area of the District and find out about planning policies and planning restrictions that affect it. This is currently scheduled to take place in late 2023. South Gloucestershire Council has decided to join Bath & North East Somerset and Bristol city councils in pressing on with their Local Plans after metro mayor Dan Norris told the Government in May . Planning applications and development South Gloucestershire is a fast growing area, we are committed to creating more and better places to live and work. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? We would like your feedback on whether we have provided the correct range of policies that we will need in the future to guide development and create exceptional places and spaces within existing and new communities. Unlike for example domestic waste streams, radioactive waste from a nuclear power station is not generated by that local community, it is generated by that national infrastructure facility and any on site disposal would again be hosted by that local community on behalf of the nation. The zones proposed therefore focus on parts of the district outlined as Urban Lifestyle areas. A heat network (also known as district heating) refers to a network of insulated pipes, pumps, controls and thermal storage, used to transfer heat, as hot water, from a heat source to buildings and locations where it will be used. This is because in non-residential development proposals it is difficult to assess the unregulated energy use as the end-user can vary widely and is not necessarily known. 33. A Community Impact Assessment will also be required in order to bring together and assess individual and cumulative impacts on existing communities and to inform the development and timely implementation of appropriate management and mitigation measures. Updated technical guidance will be prepared by the Council to accompany the policy and explain how we expect applicants to demonstrate that their development proposals comply with the policy requirements. Are located in areas identified as suitable for renewable energy development in the technical maps (to be included in the Appendices of the Local Plan); orb.