The claim that the spike is toxic, that came directly from the [DarkHorse episode]. Their willingness to lie did. In 2016, it was the 135th most-prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 4 million prescriptions. Tech Tycoon Steve Kirsch Dangled a COVID Cure and Then Went Full Anti Both of them encouraged anyone reading this article to get vaccinated. NIH doesnt want you to get the drug since it would compete with Molnupiravir, so fluvoxamine will never make the NIH guidelines. National Patterns in Antidepressant Medication Treatment - Home of JAMA Fluvoxamine at 50mg twice a day for 14 days is a very well-tolerated drug (as long as you avoid caffeine and alcohol) for the treatment of COVID infections. Where did it go wrong. Can I see your risk-benefit analysis?. Medicine today isnt about saving your life. People are dying because of physician fear of a new treatment with a 100% success rate and a solid mechanism of action. It was approved by the FDA in 1994 and has been used in millions of patients worldwide. Steve Kirsch: Don't Get the Vax! Early Treatment Saves Lives This suggests that a 50mg BID loading dose for day one, followed by 50mg QD dose for the following 13 days should also be quite effective. Zero. We are ignoring the advice of the KOL group and doing nothing. Since FLV is a safe drug, it should have been widely discussed with patients that there is virtually no downside and a huge reduction in hospitalization if the drug is given early. Is fluvoxamine helpful for patients with the coronavirus? Is it - Quora Yes, these were successes, but the successes could have been bigger if we had really paid attention to marketing. In 2013, Johnson & Johnson paid $2.2 billion for its own kickback and fraud scandal, including a specific $400 million fine for its subsidiary Janssen, which manufactures the covid vaccine. There are 4 outpatient studies that have been done (2 at WashU (see. All can merit a fluvoxamine prescription based on traditional diagnoses. There are other non-prescription things you should always have on hand. By Steve Kirsch in fluvoxamine Feb 14, 2021 The case for fluvoxamine for treating COVID-19 A very short op-ed arguing for using fluvoxamine against COVID. . Tech Entrepreneur Crusades for SSRI as COVID Therapy But while this effort was praiseworthy, Kirsch's predilection for oversimplifying and exaggerating led him to mislead. None of this would really matter if Kirschs views on vaccinations were private, or shared with a limited audience. The man who ran Risperdal sales, Alex Gorsky, is now CEO of Johnson & Johnson. After one or two conversations like that, I got tired of arguing, so I started avoiding his calls, she said. Have the drug on hand. Expect similar things to happen when Eiger applies for an EUA for interferon lambda, a drug with a 89% efficacy in phase 3 trials. At that dose, no side effects were reported for his patients (I know of only one person who had mild nausea at that dose) and everyone reversed out their symptoms in an average of 3 days. Last Checked: 03/02/2023. The evidence is solid. The medical community doesnt care about saving lives. All the researchers are convinced the drug works. 95% confidence effect size is 75% or more. There are reports of people who cant tolerate the drug, but they stop using it and nothing bad happened. The antidepressant fluvoxamine, which is generic, but sometimes sold under the brand name Luvox, is a member of the class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Were having trouble saving your preferences. Paper reviewing the evidence and mechanisms of action for fluvoxamine: Lenze Phase 2 RCT published Nov 12, 2020: Seftel RWE trial that confirmed the Phase 2 trial published Feb 1, 2021. . This is why Cliff doesnt talk to me. The Lancet paper showed that if you were treated early enough and took the drug as prescribed (it only works if you take it), it was shown to reduce your chance of death by 12X making it far more effective than any other drug for COVID. People who report not tolerating the drug are typically prescribed too high a dose. That work has yielded one promising candidate, the antidepressant fluvoxamine; other CETF-funded efforts have been less successful. In severe cases, it takes longer. Added to FLCCC protocols and Fareed-Tyson protocol among others. This is what the Seftel trial at Golden Gate fields used. That was a big mistake because the original paper contained text related to earlier studies and the editors chopped it out. Fluvoxamine Data Unveiled as Promising Early Treatment in - BioSpace Fluvoxamine works on hospitalized patients too, but no US hospital will let you use it (sound familiar? , or the patient is simply sensitive to the drug (50mg twice a day can be too much for some people). PDF How I would treat COVID - Steve Kirsch Today, we are letting people drown and we are not even telling them there is a life preserver they can ask for today with compelling evidence that is under consideration by the life preserver safety group. I am not aware of a single case where taking the made things worse, e.g., person was doing fine BEFORE the drug and symptoms worsened after taking the drug. Timing is everything with respect to outcomes. Should I take ivermectin or fluvoxamine or both? - Quora I also think it makes a lot of sense to look for pre-existing drugs that can help treat covid symptoms. As of November 13, fluvoxamine has been proven to work in every trial that has published results, including outpatient and inpatient studies. These huge businesses do often prioritize profits over human health: in 2009, Pfizer paid a $2.3 billion settlement over kickbacks and fraudulent marketing, including a $1.3 billion felony fine. Are the Covid-19 vaccines "safe and effective"? - TrialSiteNews Most recent articles first. Im just telling you the truth. Boulwares trial was part of a wider movement to bulk up the evidence base underlying standard covid treatments, and one of several trials that found no benefit to using hydroxychloroquine. While Kirsch had the final say in who received grants, no one I spoke with expressed concerns about what projects had been funded, or why. The group who declined the drug were very sick with 12.5% requiring hospitalization and one died. Hes refused to accept the results of a hydroxychloroquine trial that showed the drug had no value in treating covid, for instance, instead blaming investigators for poor study design and statistical errors. committee votes 11-2 that the evidence is not adequate to demonstrate a net health benefit for molnupiravir over symptomatic care alone; Paxlovid and fluvoxamine receive more favorable votes, This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Personality Traits of Episodic and He felt like he in good conscience had to speak out about covid, and so he made the decision to separate himself from M10, says Char, who has known Kirsch since the 1980s. He might be a good snake oil salesman., I experienced this myself when, on one call, we discussed several studies. His efforts became more focused on medical research when, in 2007, he was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. , a non-profit known as the nations drug pricing watchdog, did a review of the evidence and determined that fluvoxamine evidence is superior to Molnupiravir. It is not unusual to be wary of developing science, or wrong to be skeptical of pharmaceutical companies. I've asked people, "there's a lot of evidence here it's not just a small phase 2 RCT. This is a more comprehensive look at the key evidence supporting fluvoxamine: Hear from the doctors who did the studies directly as well as the Dean of Medicine at Emory University: List of the best evidence-based COVID treatment options. They were all given the drug soon after symptoms and the placebo group was pure in that they were not taking any COVID drugs. In every case we are aware of, the drug was successful in reversing COVID symptoms, generally in 3 days or less. The Lancet paper showed that if you were treated early enough and took the drug as prescribed (it only works if you take it), it was shown to reduce your chance of death by 12X making it far more effective than any other drug for COVID. It was recommended back in January 2021 by a key opinion leader (KOL) panel to be used, but it took a year for, because they were rejected by 10 journals. I have all of these on hand and I load up on vitamin D3 every day. . The choice couldn't be more clear cut. Fluvoxamine public data repository - Google Drive, On Cytokines, Fluvoxamine and COVID-19 Part 1, Jon-Emile S. Kenny MD[@heart_lung] You see, we have a kind of allergy to the past; its our national disease, and the very assurance with which you insist that the past is within the present is l, On Cytokines, Fluvoxamine and COVID-19 Part 2, Jon-Emile S. Kenny MD[@heart_lung] Apocalypse is played out now on a personal scale; it is not in the sky above us, but in our bed. -Mark Doty Introduction With a proposed pathway coupling patho, Effect of Fluvoxamine vs Placebo on Clinical Deterioration in Outpatients With Symptomatic COVID-19, This randomized trial compares the effects of fluvoxamine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with immunomodulatory effects vs placebo on a composite of dyspnea or pneumonia and oxygen desaturation among adult outpatients with polymerase chain reactionconfirmed mild coronavirus disease 2019 (, Prospective cohort of fluvoxamine for early treatment of COVID-19, Abstract. The WashU Phase 3 study hasnt been disclosed yet, but they had compliance problems with their patients this time around (phase 2 was local so the patients got the drug early and also were very compliant and the placebo group was truly taking nothing). The paramedics will think you are on drugs. $1M reward: Do we need more data re: Fluvoxamine for COVID-19? But they dont want their names used. The 50mg BID dose was quite effective, but it has to be started early (as soon as symptoms start). If you start 5 days after symptoms, all bets are off. Medium banned him for misinformation. Steve Kirsch: Vaccine Killing Millions, Treatments, VAERS, 5-Month Death Signal, Mystery Clots Embed 7.76K 31 'This Has Cost Millions Of Lives': Steve Kirsch On Suppression Of Repurposed Drugs And A Spike In Deaths 5 Months After Vaccine Rollout By Jan Jekielek American Thought Leaders / The Epoch Times November 24, 2022 Show more I couldnt tell I was on the drug. Opinion: The urgency for vaccinations | The Northside Sun @stkirsch. The NIH did nothing despite the fact the that NIH, FDA, CDC, and academic institutions participated in the panel, this is NOT about the science. He prefers iconoclastic approaches, whether by directly funding asteroid detection or advocating for nuclear power to combat global warming. Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 summary Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund 650-279-1008 Google Docs This is a more comprehensive look at the key evidence supporting fluvoxamine: Fluvoxamine for COVID-19 As of January 18, 2021, the CDC estimates that 90,000 Americans will die from COVID in just the next 3 weeks. Steve Kirsch Home page Fluvoxamine, COVID, pandemic, . Ive talked to doctors who are extremely familiar with the drug and all the trial results and they would prescribe it to their patients. But even that didnt last long. If you do have a side-effect, it is usually mild nausea which goes away when you stop taking the drug. What has alarmed many of the scientists associated with CETF, though, are Kirschs reactions to the work hes fundedboth successes and failures. Nobody in the medical community is speaking out about how hypocritical the medical community is for ignoring the positive Phase 3 trial results and instead following whatever the NIH or FDA says. Twenty-four years ago, . . fluvoxamine The fast, easy, safe, simple, low cost treatment for COVID that has worked 100% of the time to prevent hospitalization that nobody wants to talk about We now have a viable solution to reduce COVID hospitalization and mortality; Read More fluvoxamine Got COVID? It never was. Think about it Molnupiravir has a 50% risk reduction whereas fluvxoamine is over 90%. Physicians who use the drug for COVID now swear by it. Some people report mild nausea while on the drug (stops when stop the drug). 1:49 Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has spent decades pitching the next big thing, whether optical mice (Mouse Systems), document processing (FrameMaker), search engines (Infoseek), digital security (OneID), or e-commerce (Propel Software). Now they turn to Rust. Tech millionaire Steve Kirsch went from covid trial funder to After two weeks (since it was a tight knit community, everyone could see what was happening to the two groups), every track worker who got sick with COVID, demanded the drug. CETF funded David Boulware's trials on hydroxychloroquine and the Phase 2 and Phase 3 fluvoxamine trials, among many other research projects. Steve Kirsch. Fluvoxamine, created 37 years ago, is an inexpensive and widely available generic drug. But I know something else that few other people know, thanks to a source at the NIH: the NIH was planning to approve fluvoxamine months ago, but they got a call from the FDA telling them not to. This 1/6 of the dose the FDA has approved for OCD (the labelled indication for fluvoxamine)! Steve Kirsch on Twitter We could have saved a lot of lives. It has enrolled only 130 people in the first month and is enrolling only 70 per week now. Fluvoxamine for early treatment of covid-19 - Medical Update Online As noted before, the repository has a link to the 1 hour serotonin lecture. Early research suggests that fluvoxamine, an FDA approved medication for depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, can be an effective early treatment for COVID-19. Kirsch IDeacon BJHuedo-Medina TBScoboria AMoore TJJohnson BT Initial severity and antidepressant benefits: a meta-analysis of data submitted to the Food and Drug Administration. So probability of successful Phase 3 can be estimated to be over 99.99% since there are tens of thousands of phase 3 studies. Ive used it personally at 50mg twice a day and experience no adverse events at all. The babys brain was split in half, and it was just covered with blood. Steve Kirsch is looking for an explanation for 171,000 excess deaths. To scientists, giving fluvoxamine a chance means running a large trialnot giving it to individual patients in the clinic, off-label and outside the context of active data collection and analysis. Fluvoxamine is a very safe drug on market for 37 years, tens of millions of people have taken it, no record in scientific literature of anyone dying on overdose, and according to doctors that know the drug the best, about as dangerous as taking a Tylenol. But a panel of key opinion leaders from the NIH, CDC . Also, this drug is only prescribed by psychiatrists so most doctors have no experience whatsoever with the drug. Dosage there is 30mg once a day. Doctors wait for government permission (EUA or added to the NIH guidelines) before using a drug. February 17, 2021. . If you cant get a prescription for COVID, then perhaps you have OCD? Read More fluvoxamine The Fluvoxamine FAQ But they will refuse to give it to you even after being proven in a Phase 3 trial that was approved by the WHO. Comparison with molnupiravir. Once the Phase 2 result came out, it should have been embraced by doctors. I bumped up the reward to $1M. Steve wanted to say, Look, Ive got all these famous [infectious disease] docs and researchers, and they all say give fluvoxamine a chance, Judith Feinberg, one of the former CETF advisory board members and vice chair of research at the West Virginia University School of Medicine, told me. Steve Kirsch. How I recommend people treat COVID and the fascinating backstory of how fluvoxamine was discovered. Author Affiliations Article Information. You can experience serious side effects if you do not pay attention to interactions such as if you are currently on another SSRI of a different type. Note that some of these articles are inaccurate. This alone will give roughly a 50% effect size and explains why all of the the SSRIs are effective including those that do not activate the Sigma1 receptor (e.g., Paroxetine). The NIH wrote a bullshit rejection because the FDA told them not to approve it. Talking to Kirsch is an exhausting experience. See this. The paramedics will think you are on drugs. They rejected the drug for insufficient evidence just like they always do for ivermectin. Doing something is better than nothing. Stopping the meds will return you to your normal self. Completely avoid caffeine, alcohol, tylenol, and benadryl. If you take fluvoxamine, please avoid caffeine while on the drug. . Download Citation | On Mar 1, 2023, Gne Seda Albayrak and others published A Cross-Sectional Study on the Personality Traits of Episodic and Chronic Migraine Patients | Find, read and cite all . We don't know why the NIH panel is ignoring fluvoxamine and we aren't allowed to find out. Steve Kirsch: Vaccine Killing Millions, Treatments, VAERS, 5-Month sorry about that. Medicine isnt about saving lives anymore. You can help by bringing this document to your doctor's attention. 33. Hes also recently increased the number of Americans he claim have been killed by the vaccine from 25,0000, to 150,000, or even as many as 250,000 Americans. He was recently featured on 60 Minutes which highlighted his . But an Editor's Note urged physicians to treat this as a hypothesis and not as a basis for clinical decision-making. They all promised me when fluvoxamine passed Phase 3 trials, nearly everyone would use it. Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a class of anti-depressants, mostly prescribed for people suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Fluvoxamine is also an Although there is evidence that fluvoxamine can prevent clinical worsening and the need for hospitalizations in outpatients with early covid-19, I have seen no good evidence that fluvoxamine is useful as a substitute for the vaccines, co-investigator Angela Reiersen wrote to me. Seftel was able to duplicate the 100% protection from hospitalization and death in the treatment group, vs. a 12.5% hospitalization/death rate for the No treatment group. If you cant lay off the java, then try fluoxetine (Prozac). After I ended the Zoom meeting, Satterfield called me to apologize for cutting us off. Molnupiravir followed patients for only 30 days because they know the drug is dangerous. Dr. Joe Ladapo wrote a brilliant op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, "Too much caution is killing COVID patients." Fluvoxamine is a well-tolerated, widely available, inexpensive selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that has been shown in a small, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study to prevent clinical deterioration of patients with mild coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). ICER Publishes Final Evidence Report and Policy Recommendations on Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 - ICER. The NIH wrote a bullshit rejection because the FDA told them not to approve it. ICER: this is NOT about the science. In September, Kirsch emailed Morris asking him to estimate the maximum number of deaths caused by vaccines. Why the FDA should grant an EUA for fluvoxamine immediately, Links to evidence about fluvoxamine including the public data repository, Here's the first one: The data is there in plain sight for anyone to see today. Some speaker, off camera, went on a . We don't know why the NIH panel is ignoring fluvoxamine and we aren't allowed to find out. To date, the #1 drug with the most evidence to make a significant difference, without any doubt, is fluvoxamine. So far, doctors have failed to share his sense of urgency. He pushes fluvoxamine, an anti-depression drug which despite doing very well in covid treatment studies has been strangely neglected. That receptor also helps regulate the body's . And not zero., Kirsch immediately forwarded the exchange to me and, I suspect, other journalists. Medicine today isnt about saving your life. . It was tested in. And while Morris believes that all claims about vaccine safety should be properly vettedIs it possible theres another rare side effect of the vaccines that we havent figured out yet? This story is part of the Pandemic Technology Project, supported by The Rockefeller Foundation. Steve Kirsch is a high-tech serial entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley. To protect M10 from my COVID-19 vaccination opinions, I will no longer post about my vaccination concerns here. It was recommended back in January 2021 by a key opinion leader (KOL) panel to be used, but it took a year for the KOL meeting notes to be published because they were rejected by 10 journals. . Please, As of November 13, fluvoxamine has been proven to work in every trial that has published results, including, studies. Steve Kirsch: $25,000 to Anyone that Proves Fluvoxamine - TrialSiteNews Steve Kirsch is a high-tech serial entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley. Don't underestimate the virus. The drugs mechanisms of action were explained to the KOL panel which voted 2>1 in favor of fluvoxamine.