Myth 1: The Hebrew Bible does not contain the deuterocanonical books. Trying to understand how to get this basic Fourier Series. (2 Samuel 12:27) And Joab sent messengers to David, and said, I have fought against Rabbah, and have taken the city of waters. "for thine is the kingdom" in the KJV but not the NIV. According to Reuss, the 1849 Greek New Testament of Tischendorf was the first to remove these verses from the main text.[83]. Note that in relation to 2 Corinthians 13:14, another end of chapter anomaly (as opposed to mid-chapter), the ESV and KJV agree. Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? Why does KJV have an extra "God" in 2 Kings 10:27? William Orme] (1830, London), reprinted (1872, Boston, "a new edition, with notes and an appendix by Ezra Abbot" ); and The Three Witnesses the disputed text in St. John, considerations new and old by Henry T. Armfield (1893, London); and many more. There is power in the Word and we need to keep that in mind when reading and studying the Word of God. Its very simple, and yet very insidious, my friends. This ought to be a good test-case for whether there are 421 total changes or 100,000 changes to the KJV in its nearly 400-year history. Unlike the Dan Browns theories the Rose Line or Sangreal, the Bible is the most powerful book in human existence and therefore, only those who are intent on diminishing its powers would ever want to change it. If there have been only 421 changes from 1611 until today, how can Wallace et al say that there have been 100,000 changes? No, it is not true. (2 Samuel 12:26) And Joab fought against Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and took the royal city. The change of towards to toward that occurs fourteen times is thus counted as one change. For example: Matthew 5-7 and Exodus 12, 20. After Luther's rejection, the Catholic Church added them to the Council of Trent. [9] Some Greek editions published well before the 1881 Revised Version made similar omissions. Answer (1 of 17): Changing the King James Version puts you on a slippery slope. head (the weight stones)head, the weightstones:. As it forms an independent narrative, it seems to stand best alone at the end of the Gospels with double brackets to show its inferior authority " Some English translations based on Westcott & Hort imitate this practice of appending the pericope at the end of the Gospel (e.g., The Twentieth Century New Testament), while others simply omit it altogether (e.g., Goodspeed, Ferrar Fenton, the 2013 revision of The New World Version). It has undergone three revisions, incorporating more than 100,000 changes!. Why is the Lord's Prayer different in the NIV and KJV? Difference Between the KJV and the NKJV | Difference Between Even if you feel overwhelmed by your sins, God is not. [78], There are two passages (both 12 verses long) that continue to appear in the main text of most of the modern versions, but distinguished in some way from the rest of the text, such as being enclosed in brackets or printed in different typeface or relegated to a footnote. However, children may find it extremely difficult to read. RV: (omitted from main text, in footnote), Reason: This verse occurs twice in the KJV in this chapter; once as the conclusion to verse 20 and again as verse 24, which is the occurrence omitted from modern versions. why does the kjv have extra verses - Is 1 John 5:7 not in any Greek manuscript before the 1600s? If it is While Mark has no proper ending, these verses have no proper beginning. Most of us have the Bible on our devices and phones. Reason: The passage in question is omitted from virtually all modern versions (including both Majority Text editions), frequently without even a footnote. KJV: 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost, and these three are one.8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, Modern versions: (omitted from main text and not in a footnote). "[77] Even before the KJV, the Wycliffe version (1380) and the Douay-Rheims version (1582) had renderings that resembled the original (Revised Version) text. It was dubbed the Wicked Bible and Barker was fined 300 pounds for the error.4. Each member of the task-force was arranged in six groups. and Codex Athous Laurae ("") (8th or 9th century); in the first three it is preceded with a copyist's note about being found in only some manuscripts, in it follows verse 8 without such a note, and in all four the Shorter Ending is followed by the Longer Ending. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Three other points can be made here. If God doesn't tempt us, why does the Lord's Prayer petition Him to "lead us not into temptation"? Why does the kjv have extra verses - This is based on the level of certainty the translators have about whether the verse in question comes from the original text or not. If you preorder a special airline meal (e.g. ( Psalm 40:5 ) Does "And Your thoughts toward us;" mean that God is Specifically thinking about us? If anyone asked me what WLC meant, I'd probably refer them on to William Lane Craig. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I checked the Chinese translation it also has the equivalent of "For yours is the kingdom and power and glory, for ever. What can the West do about the Islamic Problem? Reasons: This phrase, which also appears in Acts 5:39, does not appear in the earliest and best resources - p74, ,A,B,C (original hand),E,. in quot. The chapter divisions would've been added to the Vulgate around 1205. It appears after verse 13 in 13, some Italic and Syriac and Coptic mss. KJV: 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. The original Hebrew is the word re'em which was translated monokeros in the Septuagint and unicornis in the Latin Vulgate. The only exception was Augustine (A. D. 400) who included the books of the Apocrypha (those "extra" books that some Bibles include between the books of the Old and New Testaments). Here is how Wallace et al attempt to justify their deception You see, the King James Bible you buy off the shelf today is printed in the ROMAN TYPE FACE! In the case of the papyri, these are so very fragmentary that they show only that the pericope was not in its familiar place at the beginning of chapter 8. It is not present in the oldest manuscripts of Matthew, but there are versions that include it, so again it is a matter of judgement between the two sets of translators as to which text version is "better". Dr. Bruce Metzger points out that The corruption of tree into book had occurred earlier in the transmission of the Latin text when a scribe accidentally miscopied the correct word ligno (tree) as libro (book).6 Thus, a handwritten error that originated in Latin found its way into the first published Greek New Testament and consequently into the KJV. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. (Some say "it stood" the he or it being the Dragon mentioned in the preceding verses) Among pre-KJV versions, the Great Bible and the Rheims version also have "he stood". The division of the Vulgate into chapters was made in the 13th century, and Jews began adopting the numbers for use in concordances by the mid fourteen hundreds, yet until Bomberg, no Hebrew bible had ever included the chapter numbers as part of the book itself. The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. Why do many companies reject expired SSL certificates as bugs in bug bounties? Words are things. This is just slightly less than one change per 7.91 words that I suggested was the average,3 but two hundred and thirty-seven times the number Scott suggested. Talk about what services you provide. Kurt Aland & Barbara Aland, The Text of The New Testament (rev. What are the major criticisms of the NIV? [45] While verse 7 is omitted in its entirety, parts of verse 6 and verse 8 are also omitted. [13] According to Bruce Metzger, "There can be little doubt that the words are spurious here, being omitted by the earliest witnesses representing several textual types [This verse was] manifestly borrowed by copyists from Luke 19:10."[14]. ", Mark 9:44: "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. why does the kjv have extra verses. In printed Bibles this system made its first appearance in the first two Bomberg editions of 1518. This might be in the masculine or the neuter gender - the word forms are the same. This amounts to one one-hundredth of a percent of the text. With the help of iDaily Bible app, people can study, read, share and listen to the King James Bible. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? The first twelve words of the text are on the preceding leaf. Of recent times we have had many versions produced (No.46 English versions according to that allow for certain doctrines, languages and colloquialisms. Another serious mistake in the King James and New King James versions is in 1 John 5:7-8. . Third, since this gentleman has included rather minor changes (which I also assumed to be part of the 100,000 changes)specifically, printing errors, spelling standardization, and a few minor phrase changes (though he considers these to be among the biggest of the 421 changes), we can proceed on his definition of an alteration. However because t. [60] Expressions of doubt also appeared in the edition of Stephen Courcelles (tienne de Courcelles), in 1658, and from Johann Jakob Griesbach's edition of 1775. That is perfectly sure. In several passages ( Numbers 23:22, 24:8; Deuteronomy 33:17; Job 39:9-10; Psalm 22:21, 29:6; Isaiah 34:7 ), the King James Version of the Bible mentions a unicorn. Why the King James Bible of 1611 Remains the Most Popular - HISTORY It can be used without internet access. Thats called meditation. ), Reasons: The same verse or a very similar verse appears (and is preserved) as Matthew 27:15 and as Mark 15:6. Samuel T. Bloomfield wrote in 1832: "Surely, nothing dubious ought to be admitted into 'the sure word' of 'The Book of Life'. [150], List of New Testament verses not included in modern English translations. Facebook. Bishops Westcott and Hort describe the original (RV) reading as "the obscure and improbable language of the text as it stands. [105] Even into the 17th century, some Armenian copyists were omitting the Longer Ending or including it with a note doubting its genuineness.[106]. why does the kjv have extra verses . The King James and New King James versions keep the extra verses, even claiming them as authentic. for he would recover him of his leprosy." " She said to her mistress, "Would that my lord were with the . In his notes Erasmus says that he took this reading from the margin of manuscript 4ap (15th century) and incorporated it into the Textus Receptus. Many, for example, wish to claim that inspiration did not cease with the death of the last apostle but continued on with the wording of the Greek text that Erasmus, the Roman Catholic scholar, published. The KJV and TR follow codex P (9th century) and a smattering of other (mostly late) resources in reading "I stood". [81], Reasons: Entire volumes have been written about these twelve verses,[82] and considerable attention is paid to these verses in many (or most) texts on textual criticism of the New Testament, and many articles in learned journals. And before you click away, thats what the Bible is all about. What are the main Differences between KJV and Duoay-Rheims (DRB) / douay-rheims vs kjv / Differences between KJV and DRB Douay-Rheims Version (DRV), Does (Psalm 112:7) Old Testament Hebrew mean "Bad News" Or "Evil Tidings"? Although the longer ending appears in 99 percent of the surviving Greek mss and most ancient versions,[85] there is strong evidence, both external and internal, for concluding that it was not part of the original text of the Gospel. Robert Barker, the printer to the throne, inadvertently left out not in the seventh commandment! "[114], The preceding verse, verse 16:8. ends abruptly. Even though I know that I don't know what the WTT means. [115] Yet, out of that small number, 16 words do not appear elsewhere in the Gospel of Mark, 5 words are used here in a different way than used elsewhere in Mark, and 4 phrases do not appear elsewhere in Mark. It is apologetically significant in dealing with two groups: anti-Catholics who deny the existence of vernacular translations before the King James Version (KJV) and certain Catholic Traditionalists who insist on using only the Douay. Selah. [40] J. WEB explains with a footnote in Romans 16: Textus Receptus places Romans 14:2426 at the end of Romans instead of at the end of chapter 14, and numbers these verses 16:2527, In some translations, verse 13 is combined with verse 12, leaving verse 14 renumbered as verse 13.[149]. In 1 Samuel 3:17 Elijah says to Samuel, who has just heard from the Lord in a dream; And he said, What is the thing that the LORD hath said unto thee? It is present in A,,,13, and some Italic mss. All rights reserved. 7 Oxford English Dictionary.s.v. Its omission has a UBS confidence rating of A. Pastor, Please forgive me to use the words, "Penises." This group of changes would qualify for Scotts font theory that he assumes I embrace. Put another way: both groups did they best they could with the manuscripts available at the time. . When comparing the NIV with the King James Version (KJV), it would seem that there are some verses missing in the NIV (and other trusted translations such as the CEV, CSB, ESV, GNB, HCSB, NET, NLT, etc.). How many chapters did he put in Joel and how many in Malachi? Missing verses & changed words in modern Bibles compared to the KJV? But if one is seeking clarity and accuracy, a modern translation is much preferred. Hebraisms. That is, most of the 421 changes that he sees in the KJV are groups of changes. Meaning that the . Conybeare theorized that Ariston was the Armenian version of the Greek name Aristion. UBS loc.cit., Nestle-Aland loc.cit., Souter loc.cit. The problem with this is that we are led to believe that those 421 changes represent a specific percentage of the wholeor, in Scotts words, five one-hundredths of one percent. That would only be true if there were 791,328 different words (as opposed to total words) in the KJV. However, its recurrence as verse 24 is not so well supported. why does the kjv have extra verses - The omission of this clause from Luke 4:8 in critical texts is so well-established that no comment about the omission appears in the Appendix to Westcott & Hort, in Scrivener's Plain Introduction to Textual Criticism, or in the UBS New Testament. As an example of such a variation, in the KJV verse 9 occurs the phrase, "being convicted by their own conscience," but this phrase did not appear in Erasmus's editions although it appeared in the Complutensian and most subsequent TR editions, nor in most manuscripts that contain this pericope. Only 421 changes to the KJV equals an average of one change per 1880 words. At some point, two other people, dissatisfied with the abrupt ending at verse 8, and writing independently of each other, supplied the Longer and the Shorter endings. Amen. why does the kjv have extra verses . Then a space of two lines is left, after which, in the same uncial hand, only in red, is written "Ariston Eritzou." I was reading the KJV and it has this for 2 Kings 10:27: "And she said unto her mistress, Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! Reason: The emphasized words, although by now a very familiar quotation, are omitted from the RV and most other modern versions; it was also omitted by the Wycliffe (1380) and Rheims (1582) versions. Does not this affect fundamental doctrine? 2. For me, I get goose bumps. This seemingly trivial innovation immediately caught on and can be seen in many bibles of his era, and is still in use today How do I align things in the following tabular environment? [96] The addition in Codex W is included in James Moffatt's 1935 translation, with a note indicating Moffatt's belief[97] that it was part of the original text of the longer ending "but was excised for some reason at an early date." This comes out to a total of 766,137 words, or 25,191 words shorter than the number provided by Scott. The absence of these words from the earliest resources, and the several variations in the resources in which they appear, made their exclusion probable but not a certainty (the UBS assigned the omission a confidence rating of only D). A scholar of repute has spoken. But in the underlying Greek text, the numbers are significantly smaller: there are approximately 5000 changes between the Textus Receptus (the Greek text used by the KJV translators) and the modern critical texts (used as the base for modern translations). How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth by Fee & Strauss. Books of the Catholic Bible vs. Protestant Bible - Bible Study Blueprint The KJV is just one of the many other versions of the Holy Bible. Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! Say it out loud! "[65] Even the two leading editions of the so-called Majority Text (Robinson & Pierpont, and Hodges & Farstad) omit this verse (the Hodges & Farstad edition acknowledge the 'Textus Receptus' version of this verse in a footnote). The above are just a few verses that illustrate how, by simply editing a few words the whole inference and power of the verse is diminished. The sixteen omitted verses (1) Matthew 17:21. God has truly preserved his word in the Bible of the King James. Here is a whole series of lecture on Bible translations by Dan Wallace, that answers this. The principal problem affecting this paragraph is that, although it appears in many ancient manuscripts, it does not consistently appear in this place in chapter 8 nor even in the Gospel of John. This verse is said by Naaman's wife's servant and is in reference to Naaman, not God. jackie's danville, va store hours. I have found the relationship to be the following "The Westminster Leningrad Codex is an online digital version of the Leningrad Codex.transcribed from BHS". On the other hand, these 12 verses occur in slightly less ancient Greek mss, A,C,D,K,,13, and a "vast number" of others,[14] and a great many mss of the ancient versions, and is quoted by some other Church Fathers, the earliest being Irenaeus, in the late second century (although his quotations are imprecise). KJV: 6 Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law.7 But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands,8 Commanding his accusers to come unto thee: by examining of whom thyself mayest take knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him. [144] The evidence that the pericope, although a much-beloved story, does not belong in the place assigned it by many late manuscripts, and, further, that it might not be part of the original text of any of the Gospels, caused the Revised Version (1881) to enclose it within brackets, in its familiar place after John 7:52, with the sidenote, "Most of the ancient authorities omit John 7:538:11. After this, Jesus himself sent out by means of them, from east to west, the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. Entirely omitted words: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Difference Between Catholic Bible and King James Bible [5][bettersourceneeded], The citations of manuscript authority use the designations popularized in the catalog of Caspar Ren Gregory, and used in such resources (which are also used in this remainder of this article) as Souter,[6] Nestle-Aland,[7] and the UBS Greek New Testament[8] (which gives particular attention to "problem" verses such as these). What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? Reason: These words are not found in the oldest sources p74,, A, B, P, several minuscules, some mss of the Italic, Vulgate, Coptic, and Georgian versions. The KJV says death and life ARE in the power of the tongue and the NLT infers that it might be.