For the first time in your life, you were never this thankful that bathtubs were invented. Wooyoung is fast as fuck, this man aint getting caught up in none of this living dead shit. he was trying to cook you both dinner. #reactions You finally arrive home. Just a bad influence but a lot of fun, Do not trust him around people that pass out! Originally posted by port-of-ateez. Part of him wanted for you to have a guaranteed career, but another part of him wanted you to go for your dreams. #kimhongjoong You realize it was yunho. completed. He started speaking when you fastened your seatbelt. You begin to sob at his words, glad youve got someone like him to take away the bad things in life and pull you onto dry land when the waves get rough. He would shyly smile and hug you back. We should do something about that, yeah? bonus: y/n : seonghwa why the fuck are you smiling, you look creepy. When he learned it was you, hed sneak up behind you and immediately back hug your petite body. NO! He had just walked out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. International KPOP fan you were looking through an old photo album of you when you were younger. You see his cheeks turn red. Yunho meeting jungkook will always be a memory he would never forget. Your hand that was originally on the pillow was now ruffling his blueberry colored locks. Today was no exception. After your ranting, he comforts you with hugs and kisses. ATEEZ - THE REAL ON KINGDOM (REACTION! You say. He followed what you wanted and watched you as you went from a trainee to an idol. " See- bleeeh! Youd both end up entangled in each others embrace by the end of the day. He spoke. He stopped drinking and spoke Sure, whats your brothers name? You arrive infront of his studio and knocked. . Jung Wooyoung He sits on the edge of the tub by your feet and begins to massage your soles and your toes, knowing your feet would hurt after the long day youve had. He felt the need to braid your hair so he put the lessons you taught to use. He admired every part of you. Wooyoung heard the whole thing from behind you and speaks upYah, you know Y/N is only kidding right? Today, the two of you were doing your things. #mingi The movie wouldnt even start. Have you seen him playing mafia game with the rest of the guys? hes too much of a cuddle bunny to even get up alone. You immediately wake up at the feeling of someone touching you. He spoke in a deep satoori accent. Aish, how many times do I tell you to not apologize all the time! You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. Or is someone the matter? He rubbed your back, and keeping your . Why don't you help me with what you caused, hmm? the moment he saw your eyes with dripping tears, he stopped whatever he was doing and scurried to your side. As much as ATEEZ's members are known for their performance abilities on-stage, they're also known for giving their . You know my secret. Appearing everywhere, every second. My god are you alright? Warnings - Light swearing, mentions of skipping meals & self neglect (let me know if theres anything else). He sets up the gaming console and hands you a controller. Theres absolutely no way there are cows on the moon Hongjoong exclaims, his eyes still fixed on his computer as he works. He only grew angrier at the looks the members sent you. He said, purposely saying the last question. )Find blocked reactions here including the full episodes of Kingdom Legendary War - And you werent in the mood for shopping. He was baffled. Yunho is the first member and you sit down with the biggest smile on your face. His usual smile appears again and pulls you to him. a / n : its the middle of class but guess whos posting . What you said was a joke, right? You pout before rolling back to your side of the bed and sleeping again with your cuddle bug. He took your face in his hands. He stops playing and pauses the game. Today has been one of the longest days of work youve ever experienced, your feet feel as though youre walking on fire and your shoulders ache beyond belief. a / n : I FINALLY FINISHED THIS I can finally sleep now since its like two already and Im on the verge of passing out, alexa play . sweet night by kim taehyung. BRookie ATEEZ when you're on your period: Cuddling. Im sorry I couldnt cook dinner. . It was pretty big and you could only roll your eyes. You giggle. A couple of weeks ago my partner and I found out that were having a baby. ", - teasing, lots of it; might want you to make yourself cum, - would be experimenting so does about anything he wants but with you only watching, - probably uses a whip instead of spanking you himself, - will not listen to you, but loves to hear your pleas, - "look at you all wet just because i stripped. Includes: ~happiness~ It also had writings on it. #san yunho was scrolling through your gallery while you took a bath. An ATEEZ Fan Has The Ultimate Y/N Moment When Asking Yeosang On A The place he likes to kiss you most of all would undoubtedly be your shoulders, more precisely the hollow of them. Whats with the mask huh? Aish yunho were in public You toss and turn, continuing your sleep. Wooyoung walked in and saw you. But fire on the other hand, it also radiates strongly. And that was hard to choose from. When you told him its nothing, he carried you to the couch and made you lie on him. You smiled at the thought. Shes just like taehyung-oppa! The little touches. Thats because its flat You exclaim, making him jolt with eyes wide. haha fire-roast get it? "SHHH I'M LISTENING TO JIMIN HYUNG" He exclaims. You play with his long strands lightly, rolling his silky locks between your fingers as you wait for the bathtub to fill. You stand still in front of your house, keys juggling in your hands as you clench your fist around them. He quietly sang to it trying not to wake you up. you were both on your skateboards, drifting through the empty park. He would only get confused as to why. You were humming to the song that was currently playing, unaware of sans footsteps. #fanfiction You tease. Again these thoughts lingered. Have you ever actually seen the earth in a picture where it looks 3D? You lean in as you speak. skeptical at first. The moment you accidentally spilled the sauce you worked so hard on spilled onto your top, you gave up. He wiggles the key in and opens the door. Anyways, thanks for reading! You say, voice slightly croaky. You were a bit taken back. Probably from staring at a screen for too long. He would just rub your belly when he felt like it. Do you thinkIll do well on my exam? You question, glancing at him with puppy eyes and cracker-stuffed cheeks. Why dont we play to get those mean thoughts out of your mind? You ask while stirring the soup. patreon teddygreyonstuff?fan. #romance Time isnt real. His Turn On: When you smirk. From the bedroom to bathroom to the kitchen, everything was spotless. kim hongjoong - imme. We can try it if you want. Walking into your shared apartment, you meet the soft, brown eyes of your boyfriend, Wooyoung. Silence fills the vehicle, right before seonghwa grabs your face and pulls you in for a long and deep kiss. Idiot. Woo says, dumbfounded. You then heard the keyboard keys that were being pressed, stopped. You drive to the studio while music was playing. Your head shook, moving away from him as he tried to hold onto your waist. You inform the tall male. To be sure he asked you. What the- , Youre beautiful in every single way possible and if you dont agree Ill shove another chicken down your throat . You settled on a recipe that was quite complicated. You always look beautiful butfuck Y/N, this is a whole different level He practically slurs as if hes drunk on you. Maybe we should just stay here instead of going to the pool? You suggest with a giggle, placing a sweet kiss against his lips as he grins down at you. You catch him biting his lip slightly as you continue to trace your fingers all the way from his neck, down to his v-line. shopping was always an activity you both loved to do together. Meeting jungkook will be an even bigger one. . Before the others got to reply, he answered his own question. Im not letting you guys go until we can sort this shit out. ateez reaction you come home crying. Everythings wrong. It poured for hours and you didnt have an umbrella with you. He somewhat looked as though he was accepting it. He had pretty lips and San couldn't help but stare as Yeosang smacked them, savouring the taste of his coffee. You stare at everything and sigh. you and wooyoung recently began dating. You roll your eyes. For once quiet and speechless. Look I get that you dont like him/her, but dont disrespect him/her. You chuckle at his question, did he really think youd cheat on him? You lay comfortably, falling asleep when you waited for san to finish showering. bg writings ateez reaction having a curvier significant 2, them when you accidentally send a hot pic of yourself, them when you're having a mental break down, them getting teased in front of the members, them getting ask about you in a talk show, them when you fall asleep in a video call, them when you wear a lingerie around the house. All his built up stress went away when he came home to see you sleeping with a hand on your belly. fire. Hope you like it guys xx he will brag about you non stop. You'd both end up entangled in each other's embrace by the end of the day. Nowhere to go, just lost. He turns to you in shockWhat?- He asks. he isnt one to berate you or scold you for having dreams like that. Rankings (7.20.2021) Come on, youre always in the mood, whats wrong? See- bleeeh! Yah, when are you coming out? You know thats actually seagull meat, dont you? You ask him with a blank expression. . Y/N don't. don't tease me DON'T TEASE ME" - he whispers harshly.However you continued to ignore his pleas and in the end he made sure you got your punishment. I see him as a laid back guy so I don't think that he would make you quit as long as you don't cough your lungs out or show other symptoms that it might be bad for you. You could only sheepishly smile and scoot closer to him. See? How about you bring your pretty ass over here and help me out He smirks at you with hooded eyes, his abs tense as he grips his length through his shorts, the bulge being very much prominent at this point. His eyes emitted an aura that was full of love and lust. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you with a surprised expression. You guys have the guts to just sit there knowing that you left y/n all alone? Not to mention twin. Yeosang sat on the bed with a coffee in hand and a book with the other. When you saw him walking into the bedroom, you stood up and hug him. 13) Date night with Ateez. So I see you guys dont like y/n. His voice is so soft, its like the warm blanket you need when its cold outside. It seemed like the world was against you. noun Hed be more gloomy in interviews or promotions. Now with a baby on the way, he was more touchy than ever. You try your best to balance the two plates that contained stacks of pancakes. Everytime you run your hands against his abs or just his body in general, you can see a slight change in his breathing; it goes more shallow. He asks, gesturing for you to sit with him. . He peppers kisses on your hair as you walk towards the apartment kitchen. ", - large hands so probably wants you to cum from his fingers, - will mockingly ask you if you know why you're getting punished, - "pretending to be all innocent, are we? His personality just embodies fire. Hed smile and give you a peck before you help him before he starts a tantrum. Do you have any idea? You hum in approval. Upon meeting your brother, yeosang looked calm and relaxed. Crying? You too notice how everyone is uncomfortable by your presence. When have you got so good at braiding, baby? You might relax better He replies but gives in when you usher him over to you. Hes more chill and lets you do your thing, but hed be lying if he said he wasnt surprised at your sudden rise in the industry. Kang Yeosang at first, he didnt even notice. Didnt you say your stressed? Y/N!! He grins as he walks towards you. You thought it would be the perfect opportunity. 1, members they're most and least jealous of pt. Baby, lets go back to sleep. Urging you to join him in talking to the baby. Park Seonghwa Seonghwa isnt one to want any commotion or fights so hell settle it the easy way. In today's video Ed and I react to kpop idol group Ateez and their new comeback "Ans. he saw you walking in with pouring tears. He soon stopped and fully embraced you. You reply. You hang up on him, turning off your phone as you enter your apartment. You alright? 26) When they hear you speak another language for the first time. You aint got to tell me fuck- I can feel it San grunts, both of his hands now resting on your ass, pulling your cheeks apart so he can reach as deep as possible. You had to run out to get coffee for your boss in ten minutes. And his dorky way of doing things says so! #choijongho Not a smile, but a smirk. yunho loved talking to the baby within you. You rest your eyes and listened to his heartbeat as you both fall asleep. Check. I firmly believe the key to surviving an apocalypse is based on intelligence and tactics instead of strength, that is why HJ and YH are at the top. You first woke up when you heard the front door open but didnt bother opening your shut eyes. Hes also very strong so hed be able to build things, fight etc. ". Healing poWeRrrRs. He brought yours near his lips and kissed it, Isnt it too early to be up, darling? His eyes were wide as you noticed his sudden action. You know, J-hope? He asked. I was joking You say quickly. Hongjoong is second because hes good at thinking outside the box as well as making fast decisions andworking under pressure. But yunho either way dragged you all the way to the mall. Wont hurt to take a few photos right? You think shes not the right girl? Now the struggle of turning off the darn alarm became even more difficult. Oh yunho, hes just my brother. He raises a brow at you. Merch? But he did whatever he could to turn that pout upside down. 41) How Ateez would deal with their S/Os fanboys/sasaengs. Resting your head on his shoulder as he embraces you, you close your eyes and take in the sweet scent of your lover. You continued talking about your day and brought up that your brother namjoon just left you on read awhile ago. Which he had been doing for the past three hours. You both sat down on the bench. Jimin just mentioned you in his livestream! You yell. When he saw you curled in a ball on the bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he climbed on the bed. 38) When you beat them in an arm wrestle. You can only giggle at him as he roots for you. Hey hey, look at me. You passed out on the bed. Seonghwa looked both lost and confused. He was skeptical if his eyes were broken or not. ateez reaction to you turning them on . He leaped on the bed as you opened another album. Not until you showed him a picture of you and seokjin together. Yeah, it says here that they cut some off when you die so it can make toilet paper. You reply, pretending to read from your screen. ", Your Turn On: When he hugs you from behind, The first time he hugged you from behind, your heart rate sped up Having his arms around your waist makes you melt Desperately wanting his hands to travel lower than your waist You're left wanting more of Hongjoong when he ends the hug Putting one of his hands on your rapidly beating heart "Love, do you know how much I crave for your touch right now? Anyways, Its been a while sinceIve written something absurd like this so please enjoy :3, Tag List - @simphwa @multidreams-and-desires @woowommy @yunhospuppy @ateezinmymind @jonghoisbabie @224-12, A/N - Hi, I hope you enjoy this little headcanon and I hope it lives up to the expectations of the Anon that requested this! Hes water and fire. ", [P21] Grey's Anatomy Character He Represents, [R28] Him Listening to Your Favorite Song, [P35] Your Polyamorous Partner (another ATEEZ member). He would shyly smile and hug you back. you were taking a nap on the couch since you had nothing to do for the day. he was playing with his switch. You guys think I cant sense all the telepathic shit you say to one another? hed try to prove to his members that you were someone to be trusted and liked. Threatening may be his method, but hey whatever works I guess? MOVE! He shouts, grabbing your phone. All you want to do is relax. Seonghwa is scared, tell him its a dream and he can go home because he really doesnt know how much longer he can put up with this. Finished ~ 12.06.20 You were on the verge of giving up. He saw you on the couch, silently dozing off. That until the mark was in your vision. He usually brings along his skateboard and arrives back thirty minutes later. How was work today? He asks softly, all you can do is groan in response as he raises a hand to stroke your hair. Not that it was that bad. Either way, it was something you two enjoyed very much. And when popularity came to your path, he would be so proud! You lay your had on his lap and hug his waist. So is anyone gonna tell me why Ive been feeling a weird vibe around you seven from the start of this relationship? He grew skeptical at first since youre usually the one who was tidy and neat. Sometimes you smirk on purpose just to get a reaction out of him. I dont wanna mess things up. Was all you said. ATEEZ Funny Moments | Hilarious Reaction | FO SQUAD KPOP-- More videos on our Patreon: Come chat w/ us on DISCORD: http. Dia-Beanie missing Ateez (@seahors377) March 1, . His nose scrunches up and his eyes screw tighter as he notices the sun peaking through the window sills. He quietly listened to the babys heartbeat. Even if you tried to hide your crying, he saw it nonetheless. It didnt bother you until you hear it becoming louder. . A/N - Currently sobbing my dick off over Mingi because hes so precious I just wanna bubble wrap that dude. Im sorry Ive been slow with requests these days, Ive been trying to sort out my small business. He said, words tinted with poison. He wanted to call out each and every one of them right on the spot. Now that your a successful idol, hes nothing but happy and proud of his younger sister. "A week of nothing," you grinned as his arms snaked around your waist in excitement, barely able to properly contain himself at just the thought.". He sits down and feeds you one. Choi Jongho Ateez Reactions Masterlist. When jungkook came over for both dinner and to meet who youve been gushing about, he didnt expect to see such a tall boy. Hed reach out to you and hug you so tight you couldnt breathe. You should sleep now woo You lean back to kiss his cheek. You groan loudly as you threw your hands in the air. wooyoung found the idea of talking to the baby cute and adorable. When the two sat down at the same table, you could tell wooyoung was enthusiastic as ever. WHERE? One of his arms was wrapped across your figure. Exclusive videos! Dont wanna tell me? Originally posted by agiibang. I feel like the thought of using a weapon of some kind would excite him a little just dont put him in charge if you want to survive. After a solid minute, you felt his arms around your waist. You see his cheeks turn red. Why dont we relieve that right now? Before the lad woke up, you took a small look at the clock and see it was already past noon. No, I have my psychology exam in an hour and I still cant memorise the difference between conformity and obedience You answer with a groan. All the clicking that could be heard made you wake up. Jongho is so hard to convince but you finally got him when you told him ostriches could fly. Fine Im only saying yes since I love you. Your use of face masks didnt bother him much. He felt so stupid for a moment. He walks into Hongjoong's room not saying anything to you but you hear him say "Hyung, Y/N pranked me. Oh I dont know wooyoung, the only thing thats wrong is that you hate my boy/girlfriend! You heard him chuckle, then feeling your hair getting played with. I'm hard, and you've barely even touched me. ", - choking (i don't know why but it seems like he has a thing for necks), - unlike hongjoong, he'd want to hear you yell, - won't even wait until both of you are alone; that's how confident and impatient he is, - "if you stay quiet just because the members are in the other room, i'll make sure even our neighbors hear you scream my name. O-oh my fuck- San groans, pulling out of your pussy and quickly pumping himself, releasing hot strings of cum over your lower back and your butt. He was what you called yunho.exe stopped working. #songmingi Or his family? He continued doing it for days. His lips that were slightly dry at the lack of hydration, again, caused by the number of hours he stayed up. Y/n-nie, whats the matter? You were still a bit in a daze so he offered you coffee. Shit You whisper to yourself as you plant your elbows on the desk with a thud, your face falling into your hands as everyone in the library glances at you. If we do end up breaking up, I dont want it to be because of you guys. You didnt know but tears were already forming. Hed be really good at anything strength related though. He texted you when he was getting out of the studio to prep yourself for a date tonight. "yunho, baby you're heavy get off." you whines but he whined back, mumbling that . I enjoyed making this so expect similar OT8 content in the future and let me know if you want to see more! There you stood, in the dressing room with him ( not in that way you little shit- ) Y/n, do you like this dress? Therefore, both of you didnt know much about each other. You just wanted to let him know that you got a new job, that's all. Baby whats wrong? Mingi tips a pack of dinosaur nuggets onto an oven tray, you walk past and sayDid you know, those are made out of dinosaur meat? he doesnt respond, just stands there, shocked looking at his nuggets. Pressing a kiss to your forehead, he pulls away and allows you to take off your shoes before grabbing your handCome, Ill run you a nice bath He says, flashing his pearly teeth and leading you to the bathroom. ATEEZ Funny Moments | Hilarious Reaction - YouTube You both started to run out of air and eventually pulled back. For some reason, he radiates earth bender vibes. With nothing left on, he steps in the shower that was running with warm water. you saw him lying on the bed with a harry potter book in his hand. He sings you your favorite songs, occassionally dancing with you. You clung to him like a koala, all while crying all the stress out. 4) Ateez as boyfriends. It's like you're begging for him to do something to you. Thats when jongho realized you had jeon as your name. YOU ARE READING. Who wrote this? . He stopped chewing his food and stood there, frozen. You had a concerned look on your face while looking down. Thats alright princess, why dont we settle on the couch? . Although mingi in inception contridicts this. Im sorry I was too shy love He said kissing your forehead before spooning you and the baby. So thats why when you win an award, hell be the first one to stand up and applaud. You hurriedly wake the sleeping boy up. Absolutely determined to be everywhere at once, Hes the one to call the ambulance for another member when they fuck themselves up, Bro I told you it was a bad idea Wooyoung got it on video though its so funny you gotta watch it, Drinking game ace! You notice all the stares directed towards you. You somehow managed to do it and turned off the annoying alarm. Despite your best efforts, in the end you still end up on the couch. Now slightly calmer, you look up at him with glossy eyes. You catch him biting his lip slightly as you continue to trace your fingers all the way from his neck, down to his v-line. " Hed smile once in a while, but hed still be sad about it. sorry It will look cool if he actually spit fire though. Oh shit. Youre right! He yells, clutching a stegosaurus nugget to his chest. You tried to convince him anyways. The roasts alone radiate fire bender vibes. I'm going to murder all of you." The next 30 minutes was filled with your cursing and the boys snickered . He looked even more confused. Your hands run back up your torso, squeezing your breasts slightly before you lean over the foot of the bed and push them together with your elbows, a perfect angle for your boyfriend to admire them in their golden glory. He's really turned on just by your touch. Your sleepy head was too busy dreaming to even hear the ringing alarm that went off a second ago. But you thought wrong. You continued your rant while he braids your hair with the most adorable face. , I dont like my body I guess? he kind of knew from the start. All sorts of thoughts rush through his mind. Eventually, he just pins you to the wall. You explain. initially, he was very opposed to it. a / n : I didnt expect this to be that long- Im shooketh. You exclaim once more. Wolf!Ateez Reaction to - iredes You say. He calmly says while eating. He held back throughout the whole movie. "I don't want to hear what you have to say, in fact, I don't really want to be in the same room as you, right now.". Oh youre awake already? But youve been feeling self conscious lately. He would smile and look down at you. , i have a feeling hed have mixed feelings. Pairing - Boyfriend!Wooyoung x Female!Reader. But when he did, he would say the sweetest of words. I sometimes cant also believe that ass is my brother. Writing this made me remember how much of a wonderful, loving person our Sannie is. You didnt tell me you were related to the Kim Taehyung He groaned. He was talking to the baby. You set down the snacks and went back to him. You sniffle and say Im sorry yunho . Why couldnt you have a perfect body? You giggle at his sweet gesture, Mingi always makes it clear how he feels about you, constantly expressing his concerns whenever you dont look after yourself, especially when you have important exams coming up. Hed go to your concerts whenever he gets the chance. #kpop A smirk forms on your lips as you admire yourself in the mirror, knowing exactly what kind of effect your new swimsuit would have on him. Chan knows that you feel comfortable between his arms and never hesitate to embrace you since it . You didnt answer but hug him. You were on the small couch that the staff brought in earlier. You see san drinking a glass of water and decide it was a good opportunity to tell him. He quickly picked you up and placed you on the bed. Sometimes sexual, sometimes not. Trapped between him and the wall you look to see his face. Baby do you wanna tell whats wrong? Ateez Masterlist Last Updated - Kpop Reactions / Writings Preferences and reactions for the members of my favorite KPOP boy band, ATEEZ!!
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