It may not display this or other websites correctly. Like state supply, the total amount of supply provided via this is available in any province in the air zone in which the air supply mission is flown (regardless of whether it is in range of the transport aircraft or not). Both weather and terrain have an impact on the supply system - the tables in the weather and terrain pages on the wiki provide the figures for the various supply impacts for different terrain/weather states. I tried that, didn't work. The amount of supply a division requires for full supply is based on a range of elements, including the line battalions, the support battalions (logistics battalions reduce overall supply use), weather and the capabilities of their commanders. Why is this the case? Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application, Movie with vikings/warriors fighting an alien that looks like a wolf with tentacles. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Air doctrine is a technology group that allows a nation to specialize the way its air force conducts air warfare. I am taking this from Dustinl796 [1]. Identify patterns and common expectations among the new players. What's Going On In Flint Michigan Today, How to transport troops over water? :: Hearts of Iron IV General Yellow: There is insufficient supply for the units in this province, but there is still enough to provide a reasonable partial level of supply. Honestly, I had no idea what I was getting myself into with naval invasions, so much so it was hard to articulate what questions should be asked. Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. A state with a victory point in it will get 0.2 state supply from this, and then a further 0.05 supply for the total VP value of the victory points in the state (so, for example, a state with one 1-point VP, and one 5-point VP, would have 0.5 supply from VPs, made up of 0.2 base and 0.3 from 6 VPs in total in the state). Supplies are not produced, but rather the level of supply in a province represents a support capacity (it could be thought of as a soft stacking limit). JavaScript is disabled. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Things to be mindful of when thinking about the impact of terrain and weather are: Unlike hub supply, state supply is a fixed amount of supply provided within a state, based on four things: victory points, infrastructure, population and something called base supply, which is a fixed amount of extra supply in a state. Converted to per 1 million people, the scale slides from 0.3 supply per million sparsely populated states to 0.18 supply per million in very densely populated states (e.g. The number of airplanes involved in a port strike is increased by the port strike value (e.g. This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. The level of the railway constructed will be the same as that of the level of the railway in the province that its extending from, but this can be manually adjusted down or up levels (as long as the railway hasnt been built yet) using either the construction list (the +/- buttons on the railway in the list) or on the supply map (left-click on small number (underneath the crossed hammers) on the railways under construction to increase the level, and right-click to decrease the level). These trucks take attrition, which is increased in poor terrain and weather, and they can be subject to air attack from enemy aircraft assigned to the logistical strike mission. The level of supply available in a province is made up of three different sources Hub Supply, "Aerial Supply" and State Supply. The person in charge of HoI4 development appoints an HoI4 team member to make it oh-so-easy to understand how to navally invade in HoI4. The range of a supply hub, and the amount of supply from the hub in a given province. Wont let me move soldiers to naval ports and transport them? Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Note that there can be a delay between a low supply state being reached and the full penalty kicking in. Just add them to the front line in Ethiopia. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? You build a navy by researching ships and building them in dockyards. Unit: Unit supply draw, and where its coming from. If more trucks have been assigned to support hubs than are available, then the benefits will be reduced, in proportion to the shortfall in trucks. From the foreword. For me it always auto-assigned. I use a big army to defend my ports all over asia, i dont have any naval superiority in all that zone so its needed to prevent naval invasion, but when i get invaded some of my division goes to defend . This is a community maintained wiki. How the do you get armies across water? One change that is indicative of the process is the removal of transport ships. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. To connect a new supply hub with a rail connection, open the construction interface and select the railways option, and then click on a province with a railway that is connected to the capital, and then click on the province with the new supply hub. All rights reserved. By default, you can draw supply from your allies supply hubs, and your allies can draw supply from your supply hubs. It is important to bear in mind that if supply falls below a threshold, the air unit will also not receive enough fuel, reducing mission efficiency even further. Edit: not talking about invasions. This is driving me nuts. Where is the code in HOI4 that defines how an AI decides on events (e.g. Incorporate these expectations in the naval invasion mechanic. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? Be mindful that each level of infrastructure costs 6000 CIC such that four levels of infrastructure in one state cost more than a new supply hub. Note that if the convoy route supplying the port is raided, the amount of supply provided will be reduced until the route has recovered its capacity. You can't just move troops to an enemy port, the only way to do that is a naval invasion. If you don't have enough convoys you can't launch an invasion. While rail lines may or may not need repairing (rail can be damaged by strategic bombing, or by your opponent using scorched earth before they lose control of the state), they wont be available for use right away in most situations. right when they go to the port they go right back, They are probably in an army that has an active plan (frontline etc), only happens in my captured province in the middle east. What are best Hearth of Iron 4 mods that'll make your Hoi4 . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Well, it took the Allies 3 years to go from "we need to naval invade Europe", to actually getting it done! Previously, I could right click to an overseas location regardless of them being in a port. I cannot move ANY troops across any water to any province, only by land. The total supply hub/port capacity is based on the connection between the hub/port and the capital, and for ports, the level of the port (both where the convoy departs, and where it arrives). So I'm playing a Hungary and have taken over Yugoslavia and mainland Greece and want to invade Crete (I am also at war with the Western allies). You need naval surpremacy iirc in all the zones it would pass through. By Posted split sql output into multiple files In tribute to a mother in twi So, drop them behind enemy lines for the best effect. What does pausing the AI do in Hearts of Iron 4? So, for example, if there are two states, a level five infrastructure state with a supply hub bordering a level one infrastructure state, the supply flowing from a province in the level five infrastructure state to a bordering province in the level one infrastructure state will flow as if it was level five infrastructure. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? You must log in or register to reply here. Checking an area to see whether the heatmap shading is due to mostly hub or state supply will provide a clearer indication of the effective supply in the province if more forces are moved into the state in other provinces. Why cant you just hold down control or alt to force naval transit or vice versa like in EU4? Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). What happens when separate wars with a common enemy end? Double standards. They work similar to naval invasions, just their range is limited, you need air superiority to execute them, they are much faster and instead of convoys, you need enough transport planes in the local air base to bring all your paratroopers to the target location. However, a level one port connect to the capital by a convoy rather than by a rail connection has a base supply capacity of 8. Identify patterns and common expectations among the new players. Both ports and supply hubs are constructed using the construction interface, shown in the screenshot below. There seems to be a disagreement among the posters in the above link, one saying you need transports (bottom of ship list), and another saying convoys suffice. It is worth bearing in mind that naval units have access to the full amount of potential supply from the hub they're drawing supply from (rather than being limited by what the province can support as well, as per land and air units), so it is far, far less common for naval units to be undersupplied than it is for land or air units. Note, however, that if youre fighting on allied territory, you cant use the state supply system. I click the green "go", the arrows on the plan route move (normally they are stalled if something is wrong), and the troops sit there at the origin ports. However, immediately after a drop Paratroopers have minimal organisation, so dropping them directly into combat is almost always fatal unless they completely overwhlem the enemy. For naval units, being less than fully supplied impacts directly on spotting efficiency and repair speed, but it also reduces the rate of fuel received, which depending on the fuel situation can have an impact on their efficiency in combat as well. Higher levels of infrastructure also allow supply from a hub to reach further, by reducing the drop-off in supply flow from the hub (to a maximum reduction in drop-off of 0.3 for level 5 infrastructure). Previously, I could right click to an overseas location regardless of them being in a port. Naval base - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? I am a very confused new player How do I transport troops overseas? I have been previously moving divisions around freely, from Japan to Korea, the Caroline islands to North China. This can be pretty annoying to do an may take a few fleets to get right. What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? For example, as per the table below, the total CIC to build a railway from nothing up to level 5 is 2,150 CIC per province (170 + 300 + 430 + 560 + 690), adjusted for any construction bonuses and infrastructure effects on construction speed. Actually building railways can be done in a number of ways: Each additional level of rail will increase the size of the total amount of supply in the hub, which means the amount of supply flowing from the supply hub outwards is also increased. There is something missing, and now I know what it is. When I hover over the "go" button, no flags are raised. State supply is evenly distributed to all the units that are in the state (including air and naval units), before other sources of supply are used. Both ports and supply hubs can be constructed in the territory of allies, and of subjects. hoi4 cannot transport to a non naval base - Like manpower, the rate of fuel resupply slows if a unit is not fully supplied. Understanding state supply is essential to understanding how the supply map mode heat map works as unlike hub supply, the shading of each province on the heat map takes into account that total amount of state supply available for the whole state - but once that state supply is used elsewhere in the state, the available state supply for other provinces is reduced accordingly. These change in gradients to elegantly display the supply situation at a province level in a way that is digestible for hundreds of provinces at once. I am definitely missing something. click on the army commander and you'll see on the left a naval invasion icon, click on that and choose the starting port, then right click on the invasion site, then wait while your units prepare, then click on the go button to start the invasion, Yeah, I've done that, but it still says '0/0 Convoys available for troop transport', Have you checked if you can pass the straight at Turkey? I'm literally punching the desk out of frustration that I can't move troops from Italy down to Ethiopia to help in the war. Is there some kind of a penalty for occupation done by non-majors? The follow up, where I transport troops to the naval port I captured. Supply hubs provide supply to each province based on a number of factors, the most important of which is the number of provinces between the province being supplied and the supply hub, with this being modified by the level of the rail connection to the supply hub from the capital, the level of infrastructure, terrain, and the weather. Transport air wings flying air supply missions can only use state and hub supply, and cant draw themselves on air supply. One is an unarmoured austerity train which does the same job as the base model, but at a cheaper price (50 MIC instead of 70). This will make the troops transport across the water. A comprehensive account of the Iran-Iraq War through the lens of the Iraqi regime and its senior military commanders.
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