1.5.6 For cases where there is marked inconsistency, the claimed level of disability is unexpected based on the available evidence, or it has not been possible to gain sufficient further evidence, a consultation will be required. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Before attending, you should read our guide on how to prepare for your PIP medical assessment. 1.7.7 Where a BASRiS form has been provided, DWP should treat it as other medical evidence and refer the claim to the AP for review in all cases. The HP should explore any variability or fluctuation in the claimant's condition and functional ability by asking the claimant what they can do on good days and bad days. 1.4.13 Any written information that is marked by a claimant or a third party as confidential or in confidence cannot be used in a claim for PIP as it cannot be further disclosed to a DWP CM. Once you have completed and sent your PIP form back to the DWP, you will receive a letter acknowledging they have got your claim. For any award review case referred to the AP, all relevant supporting and further evidence will be visible. 1.7.16 Advice must be evidence based on the balance of probability. Lancashire. daily living intended to act as a contribution to the extra costs disabled people face in their day to day lives that do not relate to mobility; and. Both the General Medical Council and the Nursing and Midwifery Council provide guidance on medical ethics and when it is acceptable to break medical confidentiality. PIP sits alongside support provided by the NHS and local authorities and is not meant to duplicate that support. Etc About Personal Independence Payment Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit for people with a long-term health condition or impairment, whether physical, sensory, mental, cognitive, intellectual, or any combination of these. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 1.6.48 No opinion on entitlement to benefit should be given by the HP. The health professional will use this time to listen to you about some aspects of your condition when you are engaging in daily activities in life. Pip telephone review sprung on me out of the blue. I keep - Scope What are my options for dealing with debt? PIP claims: Too many Northern Ireland people 'unfairly rejected' routinely contact GPs of people with mental health problems claiming PIP. Most people claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP) will be asked to attend a PIP medical assessment with a healthcare professional. Firstly, we should start by assessing what evidence we can provide to the assessor and Decision Maker at the initial claim stage to assist them in making the correct decision. This will include details of the claimants key supporting health professional and basic information about their mobility. The HP must explain to the claimant that they are going to carry out a functional examination but that it will be different from the clinical examination they might get at their GP's surgery. Advice should be clear, succinct, justified and in accordance with the consensus of medical opinion. T he government's abolition of the disability living allowance (DLA) and its replacement with personal independence payments (PIP) means that people with disabilities - many of whom had been told. There are 3 parts to the guide for assessment providers (APs) carrying out assessments for Personal Independence Payment (PIP). It is paid to make a contribution to the extra costs that disabled people may face, to help them lead Claimants should be encouraged to involve another person at consultations where they would find this helpful for example, to reassure them or to help them during the consultation. The HPs evaluation could include the level of expertise of the individual offering the opinion; their direct knowledge of the claimants health condition or impairment; and whether it is medically reasonable. The. 1.6.36 When considering mental health medication HPs should remember that not all claimants with a mental health condition will be on medication or receiving therapy. HPs are required to advise on: which of the descriptors in the activities set out in the assessment criteria are relevant to the claimant, taking due consideration of variability and reliability, whether the functional impact of the claimants health condition(s) or impairment(s) has been present for at least 3 months and is likely to remain for at least 9 months, the appropriate time to review the claim, or indeed whether the claim will require a review, and whether the functional restriction identified in the report will be present at the point of any review, whether the claimant is likely to require additional support from the DWP in order to engage with future PIP claims processes. Report: Once your PIP assessment with questions on mental health has finished, these health professionals will make a report discussing which PIP descriptors apply to you and elaborate on their reasoning. In such cases it will be essential to get an accurate account from the companion. There may be very occasional circumstances where the claimant reasonably requires the support of more companions and this would be acceptable. 1.15.25 Occasionally a HP may be asked to provide evidence that consent is held in the form of the claimants signature before the information is forthcoming. You will be declared capable of doing something if you can do it: If you have better and worse days, make sure you explain this to the assessor. If you say you came alone on the train, theyll make a note that you can travel alone on public transport. Landmark PIP judgement for mental health against DWP For the first time, a Supreme Court judgement has been obtained by a benefits claimant with mental health problems against the DWP for denying entitlement to Personal Independence Payment (PIP). 1.14.5 Considerations that the HP should make include, but are not limited to: whether the claimant has a condition which is likely to have fluctuations in the functional effects over time, whether the claimant has a condition which is likely to have sequelae which cause deterioration or fluctuation of function, whether the condition is the same condition but with a different diagnostic label - for example mitral valve disease / mitral stenosis, whether the original diagnosis has been amended but the underlying impairment and functional effects remain the same for example bronchial asthma in the past but now suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is substantially the same condition, whether the same condition is present and responsible for the functional effects but deterioration has occurred due to a second condition. 1.4.7 Where necessary, HPs may also seek evidence from professionals by telephone. There are various sources of further evidence, including, but not limited to: a report from other health professionals involved in the claimants care such as a community psychiatric nurse (CPN), a report from a local authority-funded clinic, evidence from any other professional involved in supporting the claimant, such as social workers, key workers or care co-ordinators, telephone conversations with any such professionals, information from a disabled young persons school or special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO). Physical and mental examination: If required, and with your consent, they will conduct a brief physical and mental function examination. Inconsistencies could result in claimants either over or under emphasising the impact of their conditions and efforts should be made to avoid both. Independent Assessment Services | At Your PIP Consultation 1.8.5 Before selecting a descriptor, the HP must consider whether the claimant can reliably complete the activity in the manner described in the descriptor, taking into account whether they can do so: 1.8.6 The HP must also take into account that most health conditions or impairments can fluctuate over time. This free money management tool is specifically for people on Universal Credit. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. DS1500s will be sought and paid for by the DWP. Mind's Director of External Relations, Sophie Corlett says: Pip telephone assessment experience. PIP for Depression and Anxiety | Disability Claims 1.4.10 In all cases and on all forms the HP completes when giving advice, the HP should check their advice for any information which could be seriously harmful to the claimants health if it were disclosed for example, a poor prognosis that is unknown to the claimant or a diagnosis of a psychotic illness in a claimant who lacks insight into their condition. Such examinations should be tailored to the individual claimant and will vary depending on the nature of the disabling conditions present. The claimant or companion may keep the notes and do not have to provide a copy to the HP, although the HP may record that notes were taken. When making contact with that professional by telephone, the HP must make it clear if they do not hold consent from the disabled person to permit disclosure of information about their condition and explain the provision for third party claims under the SREL. . Pip telephone assessment experience. Cost-of-living crisis and your mental health. 1.8.16 When a third party provides evidence for example, a carer or health professional the HP should evaluate the strength of the opinion being expressed. Cognitive disorders (Types, Symptoms & Treatment Options) . The information gathered forms part of the suite of evidence and should be included in the assessment report provided to the DWP and referenced in their advice. If the claimant has difficulty socialising and planning and following but is sitting securely in their home on the phone during assessment, it stands to reason the decision making will be compromised! PIP Assessment Questions On Autism | OptimistMinds Replied by BIS on topic Mental Health and PIP phone assessment. PIP Assessment Questions On Mental Health | OptimistMinds 1.6.44 If an area of function is examined, the HP must record all findings in the assessment report, even if function is found to be normal. In exceptional circumstances a written request for further evidence can be issued. 1.6.40 The HP will never disturb underwear, never ask the claimant to remove their underwear, and never carry out intimate examinations (breast, rectal, abdominal or genital examinations). Either before or after your assessment, you should ask the receptionist at the assessment centre for a travel expenses claim form and pre-paid self-addressed envelope. Companions should take no part in examinations. Citizens advice. Check if youre eligible for PIP. Failure to provide this may result in the advice being returned for clarification or rework. Getting the right support can mean that we won't face a financial . Therefore absence of medication does not automatically mean that the health condition is not severe. 1.7.25 Should the HP fail to obtain an unequivocal answer to whether the claimant is terminally ill or their prognosis, their advice to the CM must be founded on the balance of medical probability, which should if possible be evidence based. Personal Independence Payment statistics to January 2021 Physical and psychological or mental examination: If obligated, and with your consent, these health professionals will administer a short physical and mental function examination. It is important to understand that more than one of these time frames for fluctuation may apply to an individual claimant. Such cases will be flagged to the AP at the point of referral. 1.6.55 However, the involvement of companions should be handled appropriately by the HP. If the individual is claiming under the Special Rules for End of Life criteria (SREL), the case is instead referred directly to the AP and dealt with as a priority. A registered and qualified healthcare professional will carry out your telephone Work Capability Assessment. The assessor will investigate the information you gave on your PIP form but also make judgements based on what you say and do during your PIP assessment.
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