DOT&E does offer some good news about ODIN. Its no wonder that President Trump has stated, These people are sick.K. The two US governments: (1) a legitimate Interim Military US Government empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent foreign paid-for, foreign controlled (on the foreign ground of the District of Columbia) Biden Administration. The services calculate an aircraft fleets availability rate as the percentage of aircraft that are mission capable and in the possession of its operating squadron, not in depot-level maintenance. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. H. Our Military Intel Contact on Exchange/ Redemption Instructions: Safe link websites were the only way to obtain personal 800 numbers so you could secure an appointment at a Redemption Center and ask for the higher exchange/ redemption rates. The subject of your email entry should be: Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure, Must be in text format Proper Grammar No foul language Your signature/name/username at the top. Report text available as: TXT; F-35 Program Stagnated in 2021 but DOD Testing Office Hiding Full Extent of Problem, Cyber Threats and a Scrapped Logistics and Maintenance Network, Uncompleted Development Masquerading as Modernization, By A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children. War Profiteer Alexander Vindman Pushes for American Troops in Ukraine! In an unprecedented move, DOT&E is concealing many of the key details of the F-35s poor performance. Maintenance crews found that on average it takes more than twice as long as the programs contract specifications to complete needed repairs. Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. The End! This is why all private intelligence companies are being removed from existence. Program officials initially said it would cost $10.8 billion to complete the additional development work plus an additional $5.4 billion to upgrade F-35s purchased in the years before engineers completed their design work. 116-236 - NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 116th Congress (2019-2020) Committee Report Hide Overview . The law states that if the testing office submits a classified report to Congress, they must submit an unclassified version as well. The Balfour Declaration 1917. Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Incs CIA, Queen Elizabeths, Illuminati Banking families and Vaticans Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going. In an unprecedented move, DOT&E is concealing many of the key details of the F-35s poor performance. But the details DOT&E stripped from this years public version of its report are not the sort that would provide an adversary a technological advantage. We need to continue to improve the functionality of ALIS in the near term, as we ensure that the ODIN structure that we put into place, from a hardware perspective, from a data environment perspective, and from a software perspective, is what the users need, Fick told lawmakers during the hearing. Leveraging AI based technology to transform the future of - Europa Once the parts arrived, ALIS would then guide maintenance crews through the steps to correct the problem. The non-public DOT&E report explains that the F-35 fleets availability rates increased temporarily because program officials surged spare parts to some units, and because the newest aircraft delivered from the factory had the effect of reducing the percentage of aircraft being pulled from service to send to the maintenance depots for modifications or major repairs. Disclaimer:All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. 13 May.. Over 5,000 arrests related to the RV have happened within the last few weeks. The company retained the data rights and intellectual property necessary to effectively sustain the F-35 program throughout its lifespan. On Tues. 20 April at 7:45 pm EST (2:45 am EST Iraq time Wed morning) the release was given by DoD & UST for Iraq to post the RV international rate in the Gazette. Unless or until Lockheed Martin and the F-35 Joint Program Office can produce a working support network, the F-35 will not be an effective aircraft program. Joint Program Office officials claim the F-35 can operate for 30 days without connecting to ALIS. Debts, Mortgages, Taxes, Vaccines etc all become illegal. At this point in the whole F-35 saga, its doubtful anyone would be surprised to know that after Lockheed Martin failed to deliver effective maintenance and logistics with ALIS, the company is now being paid again to build ODIN. 1 May: GESARA debt release to begin. Its about the children the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. Improving DODs cybersecurity posture will require network defenders, system users, and mission commanders to be equipped with innovative tools and training to successfully detect and rapidly respond to nation-state cyber-attacks., F-35 boosters worked diligently to reassure Congress and the American people that the programs all-encompassing maintenance and logistics network, the Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) would work as advertised and transform the way the services would perform maintenance. The non-public version of the report broke out the reliability data into six separate charts. As stated above only Mil Intel stays. OE Data Integration Network (ODIN) is the authoritative digital resource for the Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG), Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) and accompanying Force Structures,. What it really did was create more work for pilots and maintenance crews. use projects. ), The Most Advanced Node in the 21st Century Warfare, The Most Lethal, Survivable, And Connected Fighter Jet Ever Built, Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS), described the Joint Simulation Environment, Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), F-35 Changes Needed While Still in Infancy. On Sun. In this context, the EU-funded ODIN project has identified 11 hospital care challenges that can be addressed by combining robotics, IoT and AI., *In July 2019 US Marines combined with Navy Seals to rescue 2,100 caged children found in underground tunnels beneathChina Lake Naval facilityin southern California. >>>>>PROJECT ODIN<<<<< MILITARY SPACE FORCE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OPERATION CONNECTED TO STARLINK SATS. Project ODIN - Conspiracy? | Southern Maryland Community Forums Congress needs to keep up the pressure to protect the testing offices independence by making sure no future unclassified reports are stamped with any kind of phony information designation. Designers validate the simulator by taking data gathered during real F-35 flights over test ranges. Judy, Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 22, 2021, Extra, Extra Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 21, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 21, 2021, Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 20, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 20, 2021, Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 19, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 19, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 18, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 16, 2021, Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 15, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 15, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Extra Special Report #3 as of April 14, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Special Report #2 as of April 14, 2021, Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 14, 2021, Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 14, 2021, ______________________________________________________. ODIN - Ryan O'Donnell Portfolio More than twenty years into the F-35s development, the aircraft remains in every practical and legal sense nothing more than a very expensive prototype. This is information the public must have in order to pressure policymakers to correct the problems that, if uncorrected, could harm U.S. service members and the U.S. national defense mission. This is why we are moving away from Oil, Gas & Fuel to Tesla Wireless Technology. 23-26 April will be a pivotal moment in time.a suddenly moment where everything changesBo Polny predicted a year ago: Benjamin Fulford Report: It is Payback Time April 19, 2021, And We Know 3.4.23: Pepe Represents, We are the News, Truth is Spreading, there is Hope. Jeffrey Epstein and his sidekick Maxwell had given up maps of the global tunnel system a major income producer for the Cabal. The office went on to report that the data for the Marine Corps F-35B and the Navys F-35C did not match other reports of the availability of those aircraft. For these reasons, the Congressional Budget Office simply excluded the F-35 program, currently the highest profile aircraft program, from its analysis. 22 April Ward, Parkes, Mel K, Rodriguez Update: Mel K Joins Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, & David Rodriguez for A Round Table On Fire! *In March 2020 an international military force repatriated to the US Treasury, 650 plane loads of gold and cash from the Vatican according to Charlie Ward, Ph. The first system was installed on the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey (DDG 105), during her recently completed Dry-Docking Selected Restricted Availability. The tables DOT&E did include in the public version of the report were also of less value because they were presented with vague labels and without detailed explanations. Per federal law, a major defense acquisition program cannot legally enter into full-rate production without completing its initial operational test and evaluation plan. Operational testing, when done properly, will find design flaws like poor engine reliability and the fact that the F-35As gun doesnt work properly so they can be fixed before an enemy can take advantage of them. And, we will!!! share on facebook tweet this Hannah Hudnall Fact Check Reporter This is why the tunnels are being bombed too apart from rescuing children & killing Chimeras. Known as the Operational Data Integrated Network, or ODIN, the new system would combine hardware produced by Lockheed with software coded by the government, allowing the Defense Department to retain more control over the system. Basically every created by the UK Royals/Crown/Rothschilds is now null & void. Those charts helpfully spelled out the acronyms and provided actual data rather than opaque trend arrows. There would be possible occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system. What happens when the watchdog tasked with overseeing the most powerful law enforcement agency in the country doesnt do its job? However, ODIN hardware development is moving forward. According to the non-public version of the testing report, F-35 aircraft availability rates "plateaued" in 2021 and then declined starting in June. Gesara = 1000 yrs of peace, no more wars. The CIA has been taken over by the National Security Agency. One of the biggest challenges has been increasing the capacity of intensive care units. If the facility cant work properly, the formal operational testing plan will either have to be amended or cut off prematurely. Established in 1958 as part of the U.S. Department of Defense, DARPA pursues opportunities for transformational change rather than incremental advances. Must be respectful WWG1WGAQ. In 2009, the Ottawa Citizen's defense reporter David Pugliese reported that the US military was about to spend $100 million to upgrade the facilities at Kandahar, Afghanistan, in order to accommodate up to 26 aircraft for a local "Task Force ODIN". On Wed. 21 April the US Index was visibly dropping, though the Market managed to stay slightly in the green. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid. Have a three to four page summary of what project(s) you are doing that includes your background and interests and how many jobs you are creating. Why are the U.S. MIL. She previously worked the Navy/congressional beats for Defense Daily, which followed almost three years as a staff writer for National Defense Magazine. Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement. . The reporting system often produced bad data that required administrators to spend time on tedious workarounds. Defense Innovation Unit seeks to convert CO2 into jet fuel, ChatGPT can make short work of Pentagon tasks, Air Force CIO says, Air Force advisers study use of satellites for tracking moving targets, European firms line up behind push for secure SATCOM standard, US Cyber Command developing own intelligence hub, Tax scams How to report them Money Minute, Capitol Hill weighs action on two controversial topics: medical marijuana and abortion, Lockheed wins hypersonics contract | Defense Dollars, Go inside a secret nuclear fallout bunker sealed for decades, Germanys military Zeitenwende is off to a slow start, Meloni visits India, UAE to patch up old defense kerfuffles, Pentagon orders engine vibration fix for entire F-35 fleet worldwide. 12 April arrests were made of bankers being trained or training others on how to siphon Tier 4B exchange funds from currency holders so that we currency holders would never be able to get anything from our exchange funds except a small limited amount. No foul language How Laser Weapons Could Become a Major Asset for the U.S. Navy DOT&E reports that questions remain about ODINs ability to withstand cyberattacks despite the recognized need for all new information systems to be developed with cybersecurity as a fundamental design feature. Bond processing was finished by Sun. These People Are Sick! Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal | Politics | Before Its News. That scheme quickly fell apart as designers and the testing teams could not keep up with such an aggressive schedule. ODIN development has stagnated due to funding constraints and the need to husband ALIS along as an interim solution through the transition. While the F-35 program experienced a few marginal improvements in some reliability categories, the overall trend shows that the fleets performance remains below the Defense Departments standards and is even getting worse in some categories. That fleets rate went from 6.4% to 6.8%. *In 12-16 April 2021 the Special Op forces began blowing up and flooding the DUMBS beneath Capitol Hill with the Potomac River. Pentagon leaders cannot even provide an estimated completion date as theyve done in the past. If Guertin were to do that in this case without the simulated tests, the first time the F-35s full capabilities would be tested could potentially occur over the skies of an enemys capital. This website uses cookies to track how visitors use our website so that we can improve the performance of our site and provide you with a better user experience. A fully mission capable aircraft is one that is able to perform all of its assigned missions. US Navy Installs laser weapon system ODIN on USS Dewey Destroyer Lockheed Martin says ALIS turns data from many sources into actionable information, enabling pilots, maintainers and military leaders to make proactive decisions to keep jets flying.. 4-22-2021 | Prophecy | Before Its News (,,,, (Reader) Very Interesting and Impacting Must See Videos as of April 21, 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official,, RAW: Dr. Colin Ross Robert David Steele,, . Executive Order 13959 3 Gorge Dam in Singapore 23 minutes. (If youre not receiving the newsletter after subscribing or you are having issues, please send an email This is obviously true in times of war, but its also equally true during peacetime. The F-35 programs modernization effort, an effort to complete the delivery of capabilities that should have been included under the original development contract, is behind schedule and has done little to reduce the high number of unresolved design flaws. The latest report by the Pentagons Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E) reveals stagnation and even backsliding in some fleet reliability measures. One of the documents you need to sign was an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) that could last six months to five years, depending on the amount of funds that you have received. . The military also arrested 13-demon-bloodline families, Mafia heads, the Pope and 350 personnel in the Vatican. The Black Swan Events would occur through the first weeks of May: Just prior to the Emergency Broadcast System taking over Mass Media there was expected to be a Cyber Attack and fake Nuclear Scare Event. The label is a tool that some in the federal government misuse to conceal information that could be embarrassing to them, but because the information does not damage national security, they cant hide it under a classification label. Why no fly zone +There are a lot of reasons including Gold, Tunnels, ANCIENT tech . When the system identified a problem, the replacement parts needed would automatically be ordered and then tracked through the supply chain. These People Are Sick! Dan Grazier, military fellow with the Project on Government Oversight, warned of "the real possibility that ODIN, like ALIS, will have . DOT&E reports that the F-35 program still has 845 unresolved deficiencies with six still classified as Category I, or design flaws so serious that it may cause death, severe injury, or severe occupational illness; may cause loss or major damage to a weapon system; critically restricts the combat readiness capabilities of the using organization; or result in a production line stoppage., The 845 reported design flaws in this years report seem like a slight improvement over the 871 identified in last years report. Note:Readers can save 10% off their first order using promo codeINTEL10, Pure Body Extra Strength (Cellular Detox). All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. June 1, 2021 Starlink Up and Ready for EBS Activation Starlink is up and apparently ready for the Military to activate the worldwide Emergency Broadcast System known as Project Odin: (1) How Starlink Will Change The Internet Watch on Tech Vision Jul 9, 2020 Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of April 22, 2021, US Under Military Law, Congress Arrested, War With CCP Won and No One Knows It | Politics | Before Its News,, Congress, Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill | Politics | Before Its News, The Underground War Happening Now Part 2 YouTube,,, Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal | Politics | Before Its News,,, Q: Trump Card! Gold, Silver, and Copper. The minutes of one such meeting held in 2018 showed that the board downgraded a Category I deficiency to a Category II with no plan to correct.. As one former fighter pilot wrote, when a pilot doesnt get enough experience in the air, the likelihood they will be effective or even survive in combat drops precipitously.. If and when the F-35 program does clear all the hurdles to move into the production stage, the F-35 will still require extensive development to finish all the work that should have been completed long before making it to that point. 19 April scores of US Treasury employees serving the Cabal were arrested, As many as 100 and likely more were caught red-handed in a scheme to fund the next CV-19 Stimulus, stop the RV /NESARA/GESARA and keep on printing fiat dollars.. F-35 boosters enjoy telling people that the program is more than just a fighter jet. The remaining operational tests require the simulation to accurately reproduce the real-world performance of all the F-35s mission systems and how they respond when they detect signals from the myriad potential simulated radar systems, aircraft, and anything else the real F-35s would encounter on a mission. AND CONTROL ALL GRIDS AROUND THE WORLD AND CAN BYPASS ALL MEDIA/RADIO/INTERNET PLATFORMS. A U.S. Army project, ODIN is a web application that serves the exercise planning and training community. Task Force ODIN Transfer of Authority - Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of July 9, 2021 The program office needs a specialized simulation facility to fully test the F-35s ability to fight and survive in the heavily defended airspace a sophisticated adversary like Russia or China would create. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. | One of the tables omitted from the publicly released version detailed the fleets availability rates at each F-35 base. A full-production decision cant be made until the planned 64 tests in the simulation can be completed. According to DOT&E, by the end of the week of September 27, 2021, 52 F-35s sat idle because they didnt have functioning engines. Thomas Anderson: Scholz was in Washington! The Rods of God would destroy 34 Cabal buildings (including the White House, Buckingham Palace and Vatican? The mission capable rate is calculated by each military unit and is the percentage of aircraft ready to perform at least one of its assigned missions. ODIN - OE Data Integration Network The Odin Project - Facebook Along with the delays come extra costs. According to the non-public report, the lack of spares inventory, and limited component-level depot repair capacity, contribute to the shortfalls in spares supply. First, the services are buying new F-35s so fast that the manufacturers of replacement parts cant keep up with demand. RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 5-12-2021 - The Navy continues to learn more about a pair of directed energy weapons, as the service installs the fourth and fifth dazzler system this year and begins land-based testing of . The fleet-wide average availability rate . Delivered Wednesdays. The upcoming communications blackout will be to bring online Project After Lockheed Martin failed to deliver effective maintenance and logistics with ALIS, the company is now being paid again to build ODIN. 22 April 2021, Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.Source: Dinar Chronicles, Divide They Try, Fail They Will, for Where We Go One, We Go All to Support POTUS, Follow Q and Trust Plan, The Plan to Save the World includes every country in the 22 nation Alliance.
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