Honopu Beach. Photo: Ben Schmit. Longitude: -159.6480865. The sheer cliff faces are scarred with lines formed bywater running down them when it rains. She loves hiking, snorkeling, locally-grown coffee, and finding the best acai bowl on Oahu. Honopu Beach is one of the most secluded beaches that Kauai has to offer. Click here to The Original Niihau + Napali Coast Boat Tour, Click here to Learn more about niihau tours, Click here to Learn more about kauai tours, Click here to Learn more about niihau island, Click here to Learn more about the napali coast, Click here to Learn more about snorkeling, This first prominent cliff we will encounter on our, Honopu beach and valley have been made famous by several feature films.
Honopu Beach "@type": "BlogPosting",
Napali Coast As if Honopu Beach couldnt get more breathtaking, theres also a waterfall here. It comes from the conch-like sound the arch makes in high winds, and conch shell in Hawaiian is called Honopu. Yes, honorable yet fatal. When Hollywood needs a dramatic, exotic, tropical beach, they often head to Honopu. document.getElementById('rat').value="5"; At approximately 90 feet tall, the Honopu Valley is considered the tallest peak in Kauai.
Honop Ridge Trail Movies filmed at Honopu include the 1976 remake of King Kong, Six Days, Seven Nights, Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides and Honeymoon in Vegas. A GPS can come in really handy as well when retracing your steps out, as there are opportunities to get lost coming out, too. if (shows){ Hanalei Physical: 5-5134 Kuhio Hwy, Hanalei, HI 96714. The area is a place of ancient temples and burial grounds for Hawaiian royalty. The remote beach features a 90-foot natural arch in the middle that is large enough to fly a helicopter through. If you happen to be someone who likes to jog across a knife-edge ridge with a several-thousand-foot precipice on both sides, the end of Honopu Ridge will give still give you pause to be mindful about how you proceed. With more than 10 years of experience as a professional writer, Megan holds a degree in Mass Media from her home state of Minnesota.
Honopu Beach We hope to see you out there. Check out our Google Earth Honopu Ridge Trailmap for more an overview. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Fine"; It must be accessed by swimming from a boat or the neighboring beach in the summer months.
Honopu Beach document.getElementById('rat').value="2";
document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Poor"; A visible X slashed into the high part of the cliff helps you easily recognize Nualolo. This blog post will provide a complete guide to Honopu Beach, including directions and tips on what to do when you get there. The natural beauty of Kauai and unique landscapes on this island make it a prime spot for filming. Honopu Beach. This arch connects the two beaches of Honopu Valley. Once at Kalalau Beach, some choose to strap on their fins, grab a snorkel, and make the 400-yard swim to Honopu. Recently Voted the Best Boat Tour in the US! function noshow(star_img,rnid) } } See, Hawaiians believed that their chiefs were direct descendants of gods and that their bones contained powerful amounts of the gods mana or life force. Say yes to adventure and come explore with us4,000-foot cliffs, emerald valleys, secluded beaches, sea caves, lava tubes, dolphins, whales, snorkeling, sailing, sunsets, and much more!
Napali Coast selectedVal = '2'; Honopu Valley has been called the Valley of the Lost Tribe as it was the last rumored refuge of the Menehune on Kauai.
Honop Ridge Trail Honopu Beach is one valley past the famous Kalalau Valley and Beach, which is only accessible via a strenuous 11-mile backpacking trip.
Tour If you come with us and feel that deja v, it is probably because you have seen it, in Hollywood movies. We did not linger under the arch for very long. Our talented team strives to provide impeccable service and deliver extraordinary ocean experiences. We are conveniently located with departures in Port Allen and Hanalei, to service guests of Kauai staying in Hanalei, Princeville, Kilauea, Kapaa, Wailua, Lihue, Koloa, Poipu, and Waimea. I understand we have to swim to shore from the boat. ny.src="../../../reviews/images/star.gif";
Tours Nestled along Kauais 17-mile Na Pali Coast is a landmark valley surrounded by a beautiful mystery. Kauai Sea Tours has been providing award-winning tours since 1991. When you do get to Honopu Beach, make sure to keep in mind that it is treated by the locals as a sacred piece of Hawaiian culture. Honopu means "conch shell" in Hawaiian. else if(i=='5'){ It can be difficult to find, but it is definitely worth the effort! } For an up close and personal glimpse of the famous Honopu Sea Arch, check out this mesmerizing footage from Blue Hawaiian Helicopters.
Honop Ridge Trail At approximately 10 minutes or so into the hike you'll come to a junction in the trail - you'll want to bear to the right at this junction and from that point follow the most worn portion of the trail (again, look for the orange and pink ribbons). Hours: 8:00a.m. ny.src="../../../reviews/images/blank.gif"; The arch collapsed in 1992, but the beach still retains its name. This was once a thriving fishing village featuring a stream near many heiau and shrines still found throughout the valley. Above: Kauais Honopu Beach as seen on a Kauai helicopter tour. You should only attempt this swim if you are an extremely confident swimmer who is familiar with rough ocean conditions. else if(i=='3'){ We also receive a small commission from travel partners for some of the links found on this website. WebWe have also Kayaked the coast during Summer 3 times. Some tales talk about the valley having served as a home to Kauais lost tribe, while some involve tales of the supernatural as it served as burial grounds for Hawaiian chiefs in the past. "@type": "WebPage", ), ^ Top of page | Home | Search | Archives, Unreal Hawaii is a digital magazine for people that love the Hawaii outdoors.
Honopu Valley And Arch Daily, The Honu (Sea Turtle) and Its Importance to Hawaii, 6 Tips for Photographing the Na Pali Coast, 5 Interesting Facts about the Na Pali Coast, View From the Top or From the Waters: Discover the Best Way to Explore the Na Pali Coast. WebWe have also Kayaked the coast during Summer 3 times. WebHonopu beach and valley have been made famous by several feature films. var shows = 0; WebHonopu Arch is one of the most amazing sights you will see along the Napali Coast. Your use of this website constitutes your acceptance of all the terms, conditions, and disclaimers posted herein. Honopu beach and valley have been made famous by several feature films. WebFrom $285 Niihau + Napali Super Tour On our signature tour, well explore Kauais extraordinary Napali Coast, and then voyage across the channel to snorkel the world-class waters of Lehua Crater off the Forbidden Island of Niihau, all in one incredible day. Movies like King Kong, Jurassic Park, Six Days and Seven Nights, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End all feature this beautiful backdrop. While the trail is pretty short, it is no longer maintained by the park (due to Hurricane Iniki damage way back in 1992 and Hurricane Iwa in 1982) - so prepare to bushwack; the ferns are especially brutal on the legs if you're not prepared. if (field.value.length > maxlimit) We enjoyed Honopu Beach for an hour or so.
Honopu Valley and Beach Download your copy of our else This is rated a difficult trail based on the fact that the trial is not officially maintained. | Web usage privacy. Our destination wasHonopu Beach, one of the most incredible beaches in Hawaii. { Remember to respect the quiet atmosphere and leave no trace behind as you head on to your next adventure. The Honopu Arch is one of the best parts of Honopu Beach. So for me, being surrounded by a bunch of confident swimmers was very comforting. Come voyage with us to the extraordinary Napali Coast and explore sea caves, waterfalls, and hidden beaches. On the other side of the Honopu arch is anotherbeach.
Honopu Beach } On our signature tour, well explore Kauais extraordinary Napali Coast, and then voyage across the channel to snorkel the world-class waters of Lehua Crater off the Forbidden Island of Niihau, all in one incredible day. Since 1997, Holo Holo Charters has taken people on unforgettable adventures to Kauais, world-famous Napali Coast and remote locations like Lehua Crater off the Forbidden Island of Niihau. The natural beauty of Kauai and unique landscapes on this island make it a prime spot for filming. We invite you to go the distance and experience the adventure of a lifetime. WebAdd Honopu Beach, on Kauais Na Pali Coast, to the list of the worlds most beautiful and most dramatic beaches. { Make sure to bring your camera on this spectacular Kauai tour. In any event, you may want to consult the rangers at Koke'e VC before heading out on this hike. Well, the only way to legally access it is by swimming. By donating to our small business, you accept and acknowledge the donation terms. The shoreline area of Nualolo Aina was once a fishing village ringed by steep sea cliffs. Overall though, we feel the trail is fairly easy to follow and is well marked. document.getElementById('rat').value="4"; The natural beauty of Kauai and unique landscapes on this island make it a prime spot for filming. Check out our other articles at the top of this page for other locations. The main trail can sometimes become vague and you might be misled by several other smaller (hunters) trails that branch off from the main trail. The Holo Holo snorkel/sail was a great excursion! Call Us: 808-742-6331 | Text Us: 808-639-2052. Our fun team is passionate about creating incredible adventures in var image; "description": "Honopu Beach is one of the most beautiful and secluded beaches on Kauai. Mahalo! The cliffs are formed by erosion duringthe winter when gigantic surf pummels this side of the island. At the eastern point of the bay is a high vertical sea cliff. Unreal Hawaii is not affiliated with the state of Hawaii. No landing of any aircraft or boat is allowed in Honop Valley or on its beach, so visitors must swim from an offshore boat or from neighboring Kalalau Beach. A Guide to Honopu Valley and Beach in Kauai. Providing the highest degree of quality customer service available in the industry. WebHonopu Beach | Kauai Boat Tours Honopu Beach & Valley One of the most dramatic and mysterious sections on the Napali Coast is Honopu, which consists of two pristine white-sand beaches, backed by steep 1,200 cliffs and separated by the famous 90 Honopu Arch. What a day! It is truly music to the eyes and sustenance for the soul watching the sun rising and setting into the ocean.
Honopu Beach Breakfast, lunch, and beverages are included in this action-packed adventure for the whole family. function form_visible(){ document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML=" ";
Sea Caves to Visit on Kauai Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Good"; selectedText = 'Good'; This is where we'd advise you to stop, as the third and final portion of the ridge is very narrow and dangerous. Also, currents can be present even if the ocean appears calm. Holo Holo Charters was voted the best boat tour in the entire U.S.!
You can see dykes running through the arch when you look up.
Dora Rozet, East West Tours. Hawaiians enjoyed an isolated life in the valleys of Napali for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. The crew was knowledgeable and helpful. Eventually, you'll come to a hill where the trail descends very steeply again onto the outer (third) portion of the ridge. Archeological evidence discovered in the 1920s suggests that a human population flourished in this valley but then disappeared suddenly, which is why Honopu is sometimes called the Valley of the Lost Tribe.
Honopu Beach Kauai We didnt GPS it or anything but the open ocean swim along the rocky coast felt like a good 350-400 yards. In fact, the only legal way to access it is to swim to it. This is due to the belief that a chiefs bones gain a supernatural power upon death, which could be used against the chiefs tribe. The two hidden and pristine white sand beaches at the end of Honopu Valley, are joined by a 90-foot high arch through the base of the rocky outcropping separating them. } We realize the importance and continue to use them outside of the online platform. Once the winds come, swimming back here to Kalalau Beach wouldve been impossible. The swim is only possible in the summer months, only during low tide, and only before the winds have picked up. } The writer and/or publisher of this website is not responsible for any accidents, injuries, rescues, inconvenience, or loss of life by anyone attempting any of the hikes or activities on this website. These links do not cost you anything and help provide the necessary funding to maintain this website. Port Allen Marina Center Photo: Ben Schmit. The steep cliffs (pali) surrounding the valley and beach kept the area protected from outside intruders. selectedText = 'Excellent'; In the valley, ancient burial and home sites have been uncovered, including tools, and artifacts, and evidence of a sophisticated terrace and agriculture network proves that this was once a popular community. There are large waves that crash against cliffs, strong rip currents, and around 400 yards of swimming. Many Hawaiian myths and legends tell of this area, and it is also a place of ancient burial grounds for local chiefs. Explore the beauty and adventure on one of our Kauai boat tours to the Napali Coast, Niihau and Lehua Crater. Kauai Sea Tours has been providing award-winning tours since 1991.
Tours Up to this point the trail has continuously descended almost a thousand feet, but now the undulating peaks of the ridge require some strenuous ups-and-downs. Eleele, HI, 96705. With its stunning views and rich history, its an unforgettable experience that youll always treasure. Probably the most recognizable ones areSix Days, Seven Nights,Pirates of the Carribean,King Kong,andJurassic World. Napali, meaning the cliffs or many cliffs, consists of 16 miles of dramatic coastline, vivid sea cliffs with over 4,000-foot steep drop-offs, emerald-green valleys, sea caves, and waterfalls. Honopu means "conch shell" in Hawaiian. else if(star_img=='2'){ var ny; We are conveniently located with departures in Port Allen and Hanalei, to service guests of Kauai staying in Hanalei, Princeville, Kilauea, Kapaa, Wailua, Lihue, Koloa, Poipu, and Waimea. No landing of any aircraft or boat is allowed in Honop Valley or on its beach, so visitors must swim from an offshore boat or from neighboring Kalalau Beach. The dykes act as aquifers and store water. The trail and activity descriptions are given to give the reader a better understanding of what to expect while hiking and participating in activities in Hawaii. WebHonopu Ridge Trail is a 4.2 to 5 mile (round trip, depending on how far you go) hike that takes you to incredible views of Honopu Valley and a portion of the NaPali Coastline. Sometimes you can make out a trail at the top, this is accessible from Kokee State Park and a vigorous hike will get you to an overlook of Awaawapuhi and another trail that connects to the Nualolo trail and cliff. Winds pick up at around 11am or noon. It is the responsibility of the reader to use common sense and good judgment by interpreting and using the information to safely enjoy any outdoor activities. Once at Kalalau Beach, some choose to strap on their fins, grab a snorkel, and make the 400-yard swim to Honopu.
Na Pali Coast Tour: Honopu Honopu Valley And Arch At the eastern point of the bay is a high vertical sea cliff. 4516 Alawai Rd. The Koke'e Lodge and Museum will also have maps available, but we'd definitely advise you to go ahead and review the map and become familiar with the area. Kauai Sea Tours has been providing award-winning tours since 1991. (See pre-landslide views of Kalalau Beach.) }, Its another huge strip of sand surrounded by sheer cliffs. Everything is larger than it appears once you walk up to it. This unique landmark often has brown boobies perched above the entrance. The valley and beach of Kalalau boast many hikers all year round; the Kalalau trail starts at Kee beach, and winds over eleven strenuous miles to Kalalau Beach. if(i=='1'){ } For over 20 years we have been offering tours of the Na Pali coast on custom-built touring catamarans that were designed to provide the ultimate touring experience.
Honopu Ridge Trail It can be difficult to find, but it is definitely worth the effort! Book Now Learn More Snorkel + Sail From $210 Napali Snorkel Sail Because Honopu Valley is isolated and not easily accessible except by water, many stories have formed about what events occurred in the area in olden times. Take that arch way off in the distance for instance. Keep in mind that the currents usually flow in the same direction, so if you swim over to Honopu and it was easy, it may not be as easy on the way back if the current comes from that direction (which you may not have noticed on your way there). Kauai is most definitely our favorite Hawaiian island to hike. Themana here is very powerful, and many people in this area feel an eerie presence when they are here; as if they are being watched by spirit guardians. Also, you don't have to be a hard-core hiker to experience all the best Kauai sights, as many Kauai sightseeing tours are perfect for all ages and abilities. The waters of Niihau and Lehua are considered to be some of the best in Hawaii with over 100-feet of visibility and unique lava formations with rare endemic sea life you wont find anywhere else. WebHonopu Beach One of the most remote shores in the world, Honopu Beach, located on Kauais Na Pali Coast, can only be accessed by swimming.
Honopu Beach Another interesting feature of Honopu Beach is the picturesque waterfall that falls from one of the rocks. selectedVal = '1'; WebHonop Valley and Beach sit along the northwest shore of the Hawaiian island of Kauai, on the Na Pali coast. Theres a reason its known as one of the worlds most beautiful destinations. WebFrom $285 Niihau + Napali Super Tour On our signature tour, well explore Kauais extraordinary Napali Coast, and then voyage across the channel to snorkel the world-class waters of Lehua Crater off the Forbidden Island of Niihau, all in one incredible day. function showform(raid){ Until then, Honopus sand dunes and amazingly blue waters will continue to stay enchanted for twinkle-toed adventurers to discover. Once you get through the initial "maze" it's very easy to follow the trail out onto the ridge. The rest of the crew made their way over. She lives on the west side but is constantly taking mini-road trips across the island and visits the neighboring islands whenever she can getaway. var b = document.getElementById('t0'); Book Now Learn More Snorkel + Sail From $210 Napali Snorkel Sail document.write("

"); This discovery supported claims regarding native tribes having lived in the area in the mid-19th century. Latitude: 22.14403388 The Honopu Valley, which is easily spotted for its distinctive natural arch is filled with stories and wonder that youll want to explore if youre planning a trip to Kauais most famous coastline. }
Honopu Valley and Beach From the water, this arch looks modest in size, but that is only when compared to the massive landscape that surrounds it.
* Hawaii-Guide.com is not a booking agent, accommodation provider, establishment, or tour operator. You'll receive your first newsletter soon! The further in he walked, the bigger the arch looked. Nualolo is probably steeper going down than Honopu; though Honopu does have some very steep areas. Every single day, from sunrise to sunset, Kauais coasts sing a unique symphony of natural wonder. WebLooking down toward the coast, the thin stretch of beach and the Honop Arch can be seen in the distance. Don't forget to check ourKoke'e State Park Hikingpage for information on all the incredible trails inside the park. Honopu Beach is one of the most beautiful and secluded beaches on Kauai. Thank you! Thanks. Our fun team is passionate about creating incredible adventures in This information is not intended to give specific advice on any trail. From here the ridge descends steeply onto the ridge where the views get increasingly better as you hike up and down the hills along the ridge.
Honop Valley - Wikipedia Dora Rozet, East West Tours. Around the corner is a large waterfall, cascading down the sea cliff, through the arch and into the ocean. } else { Click here to Learn more about sustainability, Click here to Learn more about private boat charters, Click here to Learn more about holo holo pono pledge, Click here to Learn more about photos, history & fun, Click here to Learn more about frequently asked questions, Click here to Learn more about reviews & testimonals, Click here to email reservations@holoholocharters.com, Click here to view location Port Allen Physical: 4353 Waialo Road, Suite 5A, Eleele, HI 96705 , such as guavas and grapefruit that grows along its coast. } This blog post will provide a complete guide, including directions and tips on what to do when you get there. We hope that this article has given you a wonderful image of Honopu Valley and Beach and encourages you to come out and see this natural wonder for yourself. (Be warned they may tryto dissuade you from doing the hike since it's not an officialtrail). Kauai Travel Guide Frequently Asked Questions. In Adventure, Places by Makana ChartersMay 10, 2021Leave a Comment.
Honopu Beach Kauai Honopu Beach is one valley past the famous Kalalau Valley and Beach, which is only accessible via a strenuous 11-mile backpacking trip. The sailing was especially a fun experience. The remote beach features a 90-foot natural arch in the middle that is large enough to fly a helicopter through. shows = 1; WebHonop Valley and Beach sit along the northwest shore of the Hawaiian island of Kauai, on the Na Pali coast. Hours: 8:00a.m. There are many myths surrounding this unique scar, but it is mostly credited to the volcano goddess, Pele, leaving her volcanic signature. The two hidden and pristine white sand beaches at the end of Honopu Valley are joined by a 90-foot high arch through the base of the rocky outcropping separating them. Honopu means "conch shell" in Hawaiian. WebThey will have very few people so you will have a peaceful beach. selectedText = 'Very Good'; var selectedVal = ''; While the beach is difficult to access, it is only one valley past the famous Kalalau Valley and Beach, which is only accessible via a strenuous 11-mile backpacking trip. However, make sure you have the stamina to take this route to get to Honopu Beach its deemed as the most difficult beach to reach in Kauai, with Only the strongest, most ocean-hardened swimmers attempting to reach it by swimming. Voyage with us today on one of our Kauai boat tours and see why we were voted in the top 10 Best Boat Tour in the US for three years in a row (2021, 2020, and 2019). field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit); Honopu Beach is one valley past the famous Kalalau Valley and Beach, which is only accessible via a strenuous 11-mile backpacking trip. As morning sun rose over the towering cliffs surrounding Honopu, it lit up the arch with warm glow. With swim fins and snorkels in hand, we prepared for a long swim to a secluded beach. With the rugged scenery, waterfalls, beaches, and much more, it is easy to see why. This article is part of a series to give you an idea for the one-of-a-kind scenery on the Na Pali Coast of Kauai. This Jurassic-like wonderland features two coves, separated by a massive rock arch, and is set against towering 1,200-foot sea cliffs. It was imperative to bury a chiefs remains in a secret location because it was believed that the mana contained within could be used against the tribe if discovered by the wrong people. 4516 Alawai Rd. { "url": "https://www.napaliriders.com/" The land on Honopu Valley is highly fertile, making it a great base for communities and even castaways! document.getElementById('rat').value="1"; Aloha! This cliff is easily distinguished, as it hosts radar and tracking equipment and cellular phone sites you can see from a distance. Honopu Beach. document.getElementById('rat').value=selectedVal; Its no question why Honopu Valley and Beach is listed as one of the worlds most beautiful and dramatic spots. info@MakanaCharters.com
When Napali was inhabited, it is estimated that a large population of two to four thousand Hawaiians may have lived in Kalalau at any given time. The only way to get to Honopu is by swimming, either from Kalalau Beach or from a boat. The scale of this place can only be comprehended by being here. The remote beach features a 90-foot natural arch in the middle that is large enough to fly a helicopter through. The end of the valley houses two secluded small beaches collectively called Honopu beach or Cathedral Beach both believed to be spiritual spots for their calm waters and history. Thus, when a chief died, a capable warrior was designated for the honorable yet fatal task of burying his bones. var n = document.getElementById('n'+rid); else if(star_img=='4'){ Honopu Beach was once a popular spot for filming movies and TV shows, including South Pacific and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.. The crew Drew, Emily and Jess were fantastic! There are three major parts of the trail. Around the corner is a large waterfall, cascading down the sea cliff, through the arch and into the ocean.
Honopu Beach ny = document.getElementById(image); This website's use is your expressly conditioned acceptance of the terms, conditions, and disclaimers found within our Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability page without any modifications. Port Allen Physical: 4353 Waialo Road, Suite 5A, Eleele, HI 96705, Hanalei Physical: 5-5134 Kuhio Hwy, Hanalei, HI 96714. This made the swim to Honopu that much longer and it made having a snorkel and fins that much more important. After coming out on a tour it can be fun to watch these movies, even if you have seen them before, but this time with a bit of reference to point out the locations made out to be everywhere but Kauai. This blog post will provide a complete guide, including directions and tips on what to do when you get there. This belief is the source of many Hawaiian legends and myths, which wed love to give you a glimpse of. We have considered swimming over on a calm morning from Kalalau wearing fins. WebHonopu Beach | Kauai Boat Tours Honopu Beach & Valley One of the most dramatic and mysterious sections on the Napali Coast is Honopu, which consists of two pristine white-sand beaches, backed by steep 1,200 cliffs and separated by the famous 90 Honopu Arch. Its also rumored in some circles that Honopu Valley was the last home of Kauais fabled Menuhune tribe of little people. It was just us and the occasional crab. On that page, we've also posted a map of the entire area (Koke'e and Waimea State Parks) for you to download and print out at home.