With what, exactly? You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. (Vers shuts her eyes, squeezing them shut) Don't fight it. [crowd moves away and gradually disappears]. Goose jumps onto the reactor and scratches the Tesseract, intrigued by the bright light. [During this monologue, the Director advances towards Fury, who is lying on his back in defeat. Nick Fury: But we're here now. Soh-Larr sent a warning signal, which we've intercepted, that his cover's blown. Vers: Nicholas Joseph Fury, you have three names? Carol Danvers: I saw you crush 20 of my best men with your hands bound. Carol Danvers: Yon-Rogg: No. racas 4 yr. ago. You say this thing looked like Coulson? He killed her. Sound familiar? But, now you're saying she's from another planet. Nick Fury: As a result of me punching you in the face." Our subconscious chooses the way they appear to us. Hidden. Vers: His beacon's coming from that temple. How far to C-53? ], [The scene changes again, but the wires have disappeared and the walls have been replaced with an endless glossy floor. How to Draw Great-Looking Comic Book Women #25 Defense, Captain. You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. At the same time, the Accusers arrive outside Earth's atmosphere. Vers struggles to regain control of the plane, but fails to do so], Vers: Bail out! I don't even know who I am! Vers. Too risky. Yes. Fury: Oh, ho. The agents eventually push through, but Vers and Fury are already hidden behind a tower of boxes. Phill Coulson and Nick Fury step out of an unmarked police car. [deleted] 4 yr. ago. You know that. And you're a Kree, a race of noble warriors. But I see you've changed it up a bit since then. Am I supposed to guess where that is? Lawson: Me. ], [Screen title: Captain Marvel will return in Avengers: Endgame], [Back in 1995, inside Fury's office, Goose jumps on her owner's desk. For those who are new and are wondering about why this was necessary, read the shift in editing starting March 1st blog. Fury: What? Yon-Rogg: What did you do to your uniform? Without deception. This causes all electricity on the ship to malfunction. THANK YOU SO MUCH !! He's the best guy and he's awesome," Rudd said. Yon-Rogg (through Vers' earpiece): Vers? I am Iron Man". You found my family. I'm gonna end it. Carol Danvers: [The Skrull disguised as Coulson draws his weapon and points it towards Fury. These were big, interesting stories and yet here was someone who seemed powerful enough to. Lawson is not cuckoo. Fury: Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout. I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab. Supreme Intelligence: That code was buried in his unconscious. "You know this is wonderful! [a serious scratch is shown on his left eye], [Scene changes to Maria's house, where everyone gathered for dinner]. When you tell me yours? Yon-Rogg: Lost. Stop. Set in the 1990s, Marvel Studios' "Captain Marvel" is an all-new adventure from a previously unseen period in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that follows the journey of Carol Danvers as she becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You think you can find others like her? My name is not Lawson. That's right, look at the coordinates. Freeing you to do what all Kree must: put your people's needs before your own. And you are the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire from your fist. Ruins that the Accusers are responsible for. The least you can do is give me a smile. My hands are filthy from it too. Maria: There's no way I'm going baby. A few tweaks to your vessel should do it. I saw you crush twenty of my best men with your hands bound. If only you knew, the importance of it to me. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing. Excuse me, miss. The scanner reads the fingerprint before glowing green and opening the door]. Carol: I'll explain it later. There were three films with Bigelow, Blue Steel, Point Break and Strange Days; Kevin Costner's western epic Wyatt Earp; Scorsese's Bringing out the Dead; and Carl Franklin's Devil in a Blue . On a device I believe you call a 'black box'. Get her back. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar. Carol Danvers: Fury: We have no idea what other intergalactic threats are out there. Marvel Dc Comics - Pinterest Nothing compromises the security of our mission. For the good of all Kree! Heroes. To some, it's about trying to find the magic in your life. there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. Carol: Mmhmm. [The scene changes again to the inside of a bar, with Vers sitting at a table with Maria and another pilot standing next to her]. ATTACKS - Carol has 3 attacks, the first of which is called Strike. Knock it off (pointing at Carol). Vers then is forced onto the floor, and her fist begins to glow orange]. This sounds like Skrull simulation, Vers. [reaching her hand out] She's cooperating with the investigation, sir. Samuel L. Jackson is currently embodying the bad ass and sometimes poor tempered Fury. Huntsville, Alabama. And you were the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire through your fists. Maria: Get your butt's inside, it's time to eat. [putting his glasses on after a fistfight with Fury] Kree Star Force. What if they get a hold of it before [The payphone disconnects. Carol quickly escapes and runs towards the energy source. Soren: It's okay. Monica: You have the chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions. [after raising Fury's suspicions by calling him "Nicholas"] Captain Marvel | Marvel Database | Fandom Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it. [Supreme Intelligence sighs. Yon-Rogg: Right. In the end of the intro, a white text appears reading "Thank You Stan". [Carol runs forward and jumps to punch Lawson, however, her hand travels right through Lawson's skull. The MCU's Infinity Saga introduced a huge cast of superheroes with a wide array of abilities. Experimenting with tech that apparently could help us win the war. You are just one victim of the Skrull expansion that has threatened our civilization for centuries. Carol's suit changes to a blue suit with yellow stripes and red gloves, boots, belt and shoulders], [The scene then changes to a path surrounded by grass. Fury: Only if you learn to glow, like your Auntie Carol. Thank you, Agent. [Carol smiles at Fury's question, while Talos just looks towards him and shakes his head. Yon-Rogg enters a pod, too, just as Carol catches up with him. That's classified. Lawson's plan for the light-speed engine. [The Skrull taps Vers on the forehead twice, before noticing that Vers' metal restraints are beginning to glow orange], [Vers begins free from the restraints and begins to fight the Skrulls, one of the Skrulls raises their weapon, but General Talos lowers it], [Vers fights the Skrulls in the room, before confronting Talos. Vers: No. Nick Fury: Perhaps I can help. Phil Coulson enters the room with a suitcase in his hands.]. Yon-Rogg: And what is your earliest memory of Hala? Monica: I kept all your stuff, I'll go get it. Coulson: Understood. Captain America is not here to lead the country. Vers has just regained movement, however, Soh-Larr has transformed into Skrull General Talos.]. I'd like to ask you some questions. I'm not doing it now. Nice diversion. He is the first character to use the moniker Captain Marvel, in the Marvel Universe. Is everyone ok, what happened? Your communicator. Monica: They can stay here with us, can't they, Mom? Jackson has reportedly signed on for nine Marvel films. The two events are not related. From Ant-Man to Captain Marvel: Why De-Aging Effects Can Be a Double (to Soren), [Talos then shoots the four guards escorting the Skrulls onto the ship, causing a distraction]. Carol Danvers: Vers then walks over to a wall covered in pictures of Air Force fighter jets, before fixating on one with the Pegasus logo on the tail. The Torfan populace, we are not to interfere with them, nor them with us. [learning the lunchbox in Carol's possession is empty] Supreme Intelligence: Fury: Been riding a desk for the past few years, trying to figure out where our future enemies are coming from. The director looks around confused before the scene changes to show Fury walking through an aisle of cabinets], [The lights turn on at the end of the corrdior, showing a SWAT-like team following the director. I prefer the view from up there. [The scene changes to show Vers leaning against her car outside of an airplane hanger, with Goose walking towards her. Vers: I'm saying that the last person to see them alive can probably tell us. Yeah, it's like a bad trip, isn't it? Talos: Come on. Just let me unravel this puppy and we'll Nick Fury: I got you. I see flashes. "That's my secret, Captain.I'm always angry." Bruce Banner ( Mark Ruffalo) "We have a Hulk." Tony Stark to Loki ( Tom Hiddleston) "There's only one God, ma'am. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Enough of your mind games! She's coming with us. Nick Fury: Can't you see it now? Your people are terrorists. What? Fury: Ah. From RedLetterMedia's review of Captain Marvel. Bruce Banner: Because I stared into the face of my mortal enemy and the face staring back was my own. Agent Coulson: Carol Danvers: Vers: I see flashes. Take me to bed or lose me forever! Maria puts the CD in the computer tower and the computer begins loading the tape. The accusors will bomb a Skrull stronghold here in the south. The dogfight between the two planes continue, with Vers pushing the lever sideways in an effort to escape the other plane) What do they want? The director of SHIELD then steps out of the passenger side door of the first car]. This time, the suit changes to orange, blue and yellow], [Monica presses the buttons again. The coordinates you found, would've powered a lightspeed ship capable of carrying us to safety. Let me get my fingerprint out. Talos: That's what I'm saying. This quote has been erroneously reported as an ad-lib, but in fact this specific line was in the script. Vers? Monica: Maybe I can fly up and meet you halfway. [The scene changes back to Vers' dream, where Lawson is holding a gun towards an unknown person], [Vers' dream sequence continues through General Talos' voiceovers]. Talos: No one's going to hurt the girl. Fury: If toast is cut diagonally, I can't eat it. [Talos' daughter walks over to Carol, holds her hand and directs her towards the pinball machine in the corner. You have finally asked a relevant question. Carol Danvers: We'll handle this. Tell the Supreme Intelligence that I'm coming to end it. We found her and we weren't even looking. Witness says she was dressed for laser tag. Nick Fury: Going into Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty, Steve was given a chance to reconnect with his roots while Sam Wilson assumed the mantle of Captain America full time. Yes, that's right. But I can't tell if it's real. It's too dangerous. Talos: But, they do kinda complete the look (the Director's voice suddenly changes into the voice of Skrull General Talos). It's hard for me to say goodbye, too. You slipped. Carol Danvers: I need you to be the best version of yourself. Come at once. Keller: She turns on her communicator and calls Yon-Rogg. Oh. [Carol gives Fury his pager] You know, like the Marvelettes? Vers (audio): Copy that. Carol Danvers: [The image then zooms into one of the planets, revealing a Skrull carrying a weapon similar to in Vers' dream.]. ], [The Accusor's ships begin firing missiles down towards the Skrull stronghold down on Torfa. For orbital positioning and velocity. Nick Fury: [Yon-Rogg shoots Carol, causing her to fly backward. Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: Korath: As the car tumbles, Vers sees flashes of orange and blue light similar to that of her energy blasts.]. They're not Brad Pitt sir. Yon-Rogg [annoyed and tired]: Do you know what time it is? That's why security here is so unfriendly. Supreme Intelligence: They need their own home. I forgot, your jacket. Auntie Carol's right. All Top Stories | Fandom We talking cheek swab or urine sample? I noted that peculiar bird you got parked by the road, and I was just wondering if you'd mind if I bring the boys over to get a closer looksie? Vers wipes dust off of her shoulders before walking towards a car and knocking on its window]. 'Cause I remember I was here! I'm trusting you not to eat me. Carol Danvers: Minn-Erva: Load the Flerken onto the heli. Who's a good kitty huh? Very brief recap. It just it just stopped. Yon-Rogg: Then I see no reason to prolong this conversation. Kree glyphs? Monica then changes the colors to match her shirt. Carol: Keep the Tesseract on Earth. Never occurred to me that one might come from above. (Vers begins looking at the coordinates, but her vision is fuzzy)You're almost there.You're almost there. Captain Marvel/Transcript | Moviepedia | Fandom Talos: The bad guy's still in there somewhere- [Goose scratches Nick Fury's eye] Oh! We must all be ready to join the Collective if that is our fate today. [She offers it to Fury, but before he can take it, she pulls it away.]. Ronan: For the good of all Kree, Commander the infestation will be eradicated. She said she had lives to save. Agent Coulson: My best friend. On Hala, you were reborn, Vers. Because all the shooting kinda gave me the wrong impression! Stay with me Lawson! Talos: Just Fury. She was here on C-53 and died in a plane crash. Range should be, a couple galaxies, at least. Yon-Rogg: That's my blood that's coursing through her veins. Flying around the city, smash it into everything in sight and everyone will see it! Talos: Play it cool. Yon-Rogg: I'm so proud of you. Fury: Huntsville, Alabama. Higher, further, faster, baby. Yon-Rogg: Fury: I see that about you (Vers and Fury laugh about this). Maria: Call me young lady again, and I'm gonna put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be. [Goose suddenly lurches himself out of Fury's arms and giant tentacles emerge from inside Goose's mouth. Carol Danvers: Your commander insists that you're fit to serve. Captain Marvel - INSPIRING MONOLOGUE Tag: Captain Marvel AFFILIATION DISCUSSION: Avengers Now that Thor and Vision are upon us we can get a good idea of what the Avengers affiliation as a whole can do. Talos: Tied my boss up, stole his identity. S.H.I.E.L.D. My people lived as refugees on Torfa. So a full-bred colonel turned spy turned SHIELD agent must have pretty high-security clearance. What's given can be taken away. There she is. You tell me the second you get a signal. Those bad guys still in there somewhere? I loved sporting his beautiful blue eyes. First-time nominees include Jenna Ortega, Jack Harlow, GAYLE, Joji, Nicky Youre and Letitia Wright. Costume's a bit much so tight. Yon-Rogg: Vers absorbs the energy, with the flames creating ripples around her. You're supposed to take the form of who I most admire, but I don't even remember who this person was to me. If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. Well, I already destroyed it. I never should have brought you along. Talos simmed him, even knew his code. Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. The first Captain Marvel film took place in the 90's, and ended with Danvers defeating her former mentor Yon-Rogg before helping the stranded Skrull race find a new home. Your blood it's blue. [Fury walks away, leaving the Director of SHIELD and the Medical Examiner with the dead Skrull]. Talos: We just want a home. A venus fly trap. For the good of all Kree, Commander, the infestation will be eradicated. I'm only human. Now skedaddle before you give me any more regrets. The walls appear golden, with pillars wider towards the top and narrowing towards the bottom. [to Carol] Eventually, Yon-Rogg pins Carol to the wall with a mountain of metal from the walkway. We discovered that your energy signature matched Mar-Vell's core. Maria: I'll consider it. Yon-Rogg: I used to find you amusing. How'd that get in here? As a result of me punching you in the face. Talos: Why would I turn into a filing cabinet? Maybe I could fly up and meet you halfway? Does, uh, announcing your identity On clothing help with the covert part of your job? Dr. Wendy Lawson: Fury: Light speed engine? As long as you don't call my flying nifty again. Remember your training. Fury: You're absolutely right, young lady. Vers answers the door and stares unfriendly at Maria's neighbor, Tom]. Captain Marvel and Thor rounded out the top three. But strength is no use against me hex power. Just so I'm clear you were Soh-Larr and the S.H.I.E.L.D. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but. Vers: Ha. Arrgh! [Carol realizes something and pulls out the computer in her arm. I want you to use them. No. Carol: If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. She knows more than she knows. Serve well and with honor. [Yon-Rogg draws his gun and points it towards Vers]. Fury drops Goose], [Surprised look on Fury and Maria's faces]. Carol: In her notes, she called it the Tesseract. Look at you. She was trying to take the Asis up herself, but you said that Carol Danvers: [Vers enters the Supreme Intelligence's chamber]. You call me 'young lady' again, I'll shove my foot up somewhere it's not supposed to be. [Wendy and Vers turn to look at the airplanes which are taking off and landing]. Maria: On my shoulders. Do it alone, though. [The Kree retreat, and Carol returns to Earth, where she confronts Yon-Rogg]. [Referring to Earth, by its Kree code number] Carol Danvers: [Fury throws a grey baseball cap with SHIELD's logo at Carol], Vers: What is this? Nick Fury: [Vers then hangs up the phone. Vers? [Referring to the front of the baseball cap that Fury has given her] Got a smile for me? [The chip on Vers' neck begins to blink, almost simultaneously her hands begin to glow.]. Let's try up there. You don't belong out here! You ready? Endgame is a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Aren't you the cutest little thing. General Talos (voiceover): Who is this person? She can rewrite reality as she chooses, and is prophesied to either rule or annihilate the cosmos." "She took over a whole town using her mind. The war, the lies, all of it. Vers: Pararescue's on the way. Hard is knowing you were out there somewhere, too damn stubborn to die. [Rhodes, Romanoff, and Rogers head to the chamber housing the transmitter device, where Bruce Banner is analyzing it.]. Yeah, but uh, how's my hair? Woody Harrelson made a rare red carpet appearance with his family at the premiere of his new movie, "Champions," in New York City. Vers: No! Permission to fire? The stares, the judgement, and there's nothing I can do to change it, yet I'm still here. Nick Fury: The camera shows Yon-Rogg on the ship]. Who's a good kitty Goose? Mmm. He then opens the lunchbox to find a soup container sitting inside]. She grabs the lunchbox with the Tesseract and finds Maria and Fury]. When he doesn't, she hits him and holds her hand out again]. You and I lost everything at the hands of the Kree. Vers turns over the next photo, showing the beach from eye level; the sand was pushed up into large ridges by the explosion]. We saved you. Hulk Vol 1 7. Cool name for a cool cat. Talos: I'm fine, thanks for asking. Once Vers has aligned the plane parallel to the ground, the plane crashes into a beach), [Vers climbs out of the plane and attends to Lawson, whose head is slumped against her chest. She lights up her fists, preparing to fire, but Yon-Rogg drops the ship, catching her by surprise. We discovered that your energy signature matched Mar-Vell's core. It's two words. The chip in her neck has also turned off. Talos: I know I don't deserve your trust but you were our only lead. Vers then looks towards the bike again before taking some clothes from a nearby store and leaving on the bike], [The scene then changes to the autopsy of the dead Skrull]. [nods negatively and groans] I wonder why they terminated the project. If you help us decode those coordinates, we can find it. 8 Superhero Monologues That Make You Invincible at Auditions The scene then changes to a shopping strip, outside of the Blockbuster. What do Skrulls want with Dr. Lawson? Carol Danvers: Vers is tinkering with her communications equipment with parts from Radio Shack and a payphone. Ronan: The Accusors have completed their operation but the greater mission was a failure thanks to your team. Talos: She wanted you to help us find the core. You are that woman on the Black Box risking her life to do the right thing. Biker/The Don: I thought we bypassed the battery. 14 of the Best Movie Monologues Ever | Backstage Carol Danvers: How 'bout a handshake? [Yon-Rogg looks around, assessing his surroundings.]. The 61-year-old actor was joined by his wife, Laura Louie, 55, and their daughters, Deni, 30, and Makani, 16, as he attended the event at the AMC Lincoln Square Theater on Monday night. Nick Fury: That was the location on the date of the crash six years ago. Gotta admit, that's not the craziest thing I've heard today. There are electronic billboards on buildings, and blue and orange lights can be seen through windows]. Vers pick him up and places him on the console before Goose lies down]. Agent Coulson: Soh-Larr sent us a warning. However, when Fury does this, the director points a gun at his head], [Fury hits the gun away from his head, leading to a long struggle between the two men with the Director being victorious]. You hear me? I've got a proposition for you. [The scene changes to the modified spaceship flying above the clouds before cutting to show Carol and Maria flying. Nick Fury: Vers then walks through the train, observing all the passengers], Stan Lee (1922-2018 R.I.P): [Reading the script for Mallrats] Trust me, true believer. However, Carol protests when Monica attempts to hand it over). Just look at you. Carol Danvers: (Carol pushes herself behind the wall, and sees a screen of her younger memories on Earth playing) You're flawed. Soren: Vers walks onto the hexagon and extends her arms beside her. Hold still, ma'am, paramedics are on their way. monologues and dialogue by everyone from Yoda to a hungry wampa. Yon-Rogg: Captain Marvel (2019) Best Quotes - MovieQuotesandMore Fury: Oh. But remember, without us [Carol is absorbed through the wall, which projects images of her memories], [Carol continues to watches flashbacks of her crashing in races and failing in physical activities]. This is my friend, Carol. Skrull Scientist (voiveover): I think we went back too far. Talos: Carol, this is war. Vers continues to absorb the energy, her hands begin to spark and her eyes glow bright blue. Carol Danvers: List of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters - Wikipedia [The elevator buzzes and the doors open. I'm here to serve it. Carol: The transfusion. He writes on his computer about "The Protector Initiative". Carol Danvers: I have an audio recording from Pegasus of your voice from a plane crash six years ago on a device I believe you call a black box. The final words of Ho Yinsen served as a wake-up call for Tony Stark and inspired him to become a hero. It could be you. Homeless, ever since we resisted Kree rule and they destroyed our planet. Got a smile for me? Director: Wow, they're ugly bastards aren't they? She activates her helmet and holds onto the pod tightly. This results in a fist fight between the two. [tries to retrieve his hand from Danvers, but drops on his knees out of the electric shock from Danvers' photon charge] The Air Force still wasn't letting women fly combat, so testing Lawson's planes was our only shot at doing something that mattered. Randomly, Goose appears at the end of the aisle]. I noted that peculiar bird you got parked by the road, and I was just wondering if you'd mind if I bring the boys over to get a closer looksie? Come on. How long you plan to be in town? Or so we thought. I'll go alone. I mean, you're my science guy, right? Fury: If I played the same pinball machine for six years I'd have some high scores too. Yeah, if that were true, you'd be able to knock me down without them. Anger only serves the enemy. She doesn't typically take to people. I see what you're trying to do. Nick Fury: Talos: You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. A fighter jet suddenly takes off from a tarmac. Once Vers speaks, Monica Rambeau quickly exits the plane she was exploring]. Do you read me? When she knocks, Yon-Roog answers the door still half-asleep]. Monica: Here's another picture of when you were little. Carol enters coordinates on the computer.]. [Scene suddenly changes to show four or five black sedans racing through the entrance tunnel before abruptly pulling up. Hold on! I'm not surprised you can't keep it straight. Some bring out their camcorders and starts filming, crowd moves away and gradually disappears, suddenly breaks her act and knocks out Phil while taking his ID. Get back! No, no. They all . Light-speed engine? Maria: Your plan is to leave the atmosphere in a craft not designed for the journey, and you anticipate hostile encounters with a technologically superior foreign enemy. Vers then is forced onto the floor, and her fist begins to glow orange] Yon-Rogg: Control it. Vers, Fury, and Talos are already inside, waiting for Maria to play the tape.