to view this author's last article or U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Franklin Corporation, U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Jindal Tubular USA LLC, U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Behold Washington, LLC, U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Corinthian Inc. U.S. Imports and Bills of Lading for Van Zyverden Inc. Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, Household Furniture (except Wood and Metal) Manufacturing, Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists), Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel, Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing, Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction, Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction, Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance, Other Services (except Public Administration), The First, A National Banking Association, Southern Electric Corporation Of Mississippi, Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services, Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing. We're dedicated to keeping Mississippians informed with our thorough reporting. The U.S. government has released a list of businesses that have received emergency pandemic loans of $150,000 or more. On average, businesses in the state received about $7,000 per employee. PPP loans helped businesses retain nearly 48,000 employees in our state. The law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, whose chairman David Boies has represented powerful clients such as former Vice President Al Gore in the Bush v. Gore Supreme Court case, received between $5 million and $10 million. Religious organizations such as the Catholic dioceses of Biloxi and Jackson, the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi,and the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Churchreceived hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Here's who got PPP loans in Mississippi - The Clarion-Ledger Wochit. The goal is to fund small businesses that have been economically impacted due to the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, the data provides information regarding the sizes of participating lenders and participation by community development financial institutions, minority depository institutions, Farm Credit System institutions, fintechs and other nonbanks, and other types of lenders. By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with Mississippi Today. Tate Reeves also got PPP money. The published data now include specific amounts businesses have received, as well as the names of places that got smaller loans. While many companies did not provide demographic information, the data suggests the vast majority of money went to white-owned businesses. Borrowers are eligible for full forgiveness as long as they maintain the same level of employment and compensation for a certain period and spend most of the loan on their payroll. According to Business Insider, you may be out of luck and too late to receive funding. Who will win? We believe that an informed Mississippi is a better Mississippi. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). The PPP loans are designed to keep people on the job, and can be forgiven if the funds are used on payroll and similar expenses. Restaurant chains like P.F. There were several errors in the database, so it's not clear whether all the companies listed received the funds. Why PPP Loan Recipients in Mississippi Could Be at Risk Mississippi TUPELO 169 PPP loans (>$150k) have been issued in the city of TUPELO, MS. All publically available loans are listed here in order of business name. But of those that did, white-owned businesses in the state outnumbered all others that got money combined including Black, Hispanic, Asian and American Indian businesses by a five-to-one margin. Email Frank: Almost all of that money has yet to be distributed. Yet that rate varies greatly; J&W Transport LLC, a trucking company in Jackson, received a loan of over $260,000 to pay one employee. by Alex Rozier, Mississippi Today July 7, 2020, This
article first appeared on
Mississippi Today and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.

. Secret IRS data shows it's paying off - Salon, Heres hoping this USC/UCLA-Big Ten merger careens off the track, crashes and burns | Jones - PennLive, LETTER: Thank cadre deployment and BEE for the mess - BusinessLIVE, Why The Racist Left Smears Clarence Thomas As An 'Angry Black Man' - The Federalist, This Is the Most Important Decision You Can Make To Increase Sales Right Now! A pedestrian wearing a protective mask walks past a Shake Shack restaurant in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Monday, April 20, 2020. Reeves: Businesses with ties to Tate Reeves received loans. Millsaps, Tougaloo and Rust colleges each receivedbetween $2 million and $5 million.
- The Atlantic, The Fountainhead Reading Group with Andrew Bernstein - The Objective Standard, Copyright 2000 to 2023 Prometheism Transhumanism Post Humanism. Medical businessessuffered deep revenue losses during the pandemic as normal lucrative procedures and treatments were put on pause to handle the virus. Those loans represent nearly three-fourths of total loan dollars approved, but a far smaller proportion of the number of actual loans. Manley said that business owners who did not receive a check, but felt they qualified should email with their business name, account number and the reason they believe their business met the criteria for the $2,000 check.
PPP Loan Fraud List | Who Got a PPP Loan? - YouTube Most businesses applying for loans also did not disclose the gender of their ownership. By joining our newsletter, you are confirming that you agree with the Privacy Policy, Frank Corder is a native of Pascagoula. More than 40% of Black small business owners wereforced to close shop as result of the pandemic. 2023 Magnolia Tribune.
Skip But We Wish It Had Been - Fatherly, A field guide to the pandemic deniers - Salon, Mastodon, Tool, Coheed + Cambria, Primus Members Team on Cover of Rush's 'Anthem' - Loudwire, Daddy Ducey had his chance to deal with COVID; It's time to call Mom | What the Devil won't tell you -, Peter Bart: How Hollywood Learned That Mixing Politics And Art Can Turn Big Ideas Into B-Pictures - Deadline, The saga of the doctor versus the denier continues - Antelope Valley Press, Making it on your own in pandemic | Opinion - News-Press Now, Every generation gets 'The Baby-Sitters Club' it deserves - SFGate, How Amber Heard went from a small town in Texas to centre stage in Hollywood's most explosive trial yet - Evening Standard, Big problems with the Paycheck Protection Program? There is not an exact figure because many of these loans are disclosed in ranges. Enjoy! Yet that rate varies greatly; J&W Transport LLC, a trucking company in Jackson, received a loan of over $260,000 to pay one employee. A Division of NBCUniversal. Revealed: How U.S. Gov't & Hollywood Secretly Worked Together to Justify Atomic Bombings of Japan - Democracy Now! According to DOR spokesman Jacob Manley, the agency has sent out checks to 11,905 businesses for a total of $23.6 million, which isabout a third of what the program was supposed to distribute. The U.S. Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Treasury Department, today announced it was releasing detailed loan-level data regarding the loans made under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Three Hispanic, two Asian and zero American Indian businesses reported receiving at least that amount. Mississippi Today published info on many of the businesses receiving money last summer, but the Small Business Administration has since made public more information on PPP recipients following a lawsuit from the Washington Post and other outlets. You cant edit our stories, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. Narrow the list by typing in a business or city name. Help keep the momentum going by rejoining our member community today. - profiles and social posts So here are the links and resources I mentioned. Seventeen Mississippi businesses received between $5 million and $10 million, the top loan amount, with about 120 more receiving between $2 million and $5 million. The Roman Catholic dioceses in California, New York, Nevada, Tennessee and Kentucky also received loans. We prefer Author Name, Mississippi Today in the byline.
See PPP Loans Recipients In Mississippi Chang's China Bistro and Chop't received aid of between $5 million and $10 million. A former Mississippi prison guard has been sentenced to three years of probation for COVID relief fraud.
Mississippi - PPP Funded Companies - SBA Search Latest PPP Loan List The program has about $132 billion in funding remaining. The SBA released other details about the program Monday, including: The PPP's goal is to offer forgivable loans to smaller businesses, helping them to stay afloat and employees to maintain their jobs as the coronavirus puts the U.S. economy on hold. This year alone, nearly a hundred thousand Mississippians received $2.3 billion in PPP loans from the CARES Act, which provided much-needed financial assistance to business owners. While some minority-owned businesses may not have disclosed race in their application, only one Black business owner reported receiving a PPP loan worth at least $1 million. We do not sell or share your information with anyone.
U.S. Treasury releases listing of PPP loan recipients per state We prefer Author Name, Mississippi Today in the byline. You cant edit our stories, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style. to see all of their content. Most of those that answered were white and male-owned, shown below: Use the tables below for full lists of Mississippis PPP recipients, by business and industry.
PPP list: Who received federal loans in Mississippi? Eastern Fishing And Rental Tool Co., Inc. Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations, All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers, Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers, Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings, Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers, Air-Conditioning and Warm Air Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing, Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices, Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools, Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers, Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing, Mississippi Tank And Manufacturing Company, Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing, Pearl River Valley Electric Power Association, Progressive Medical Management Of Batesville, LLC, Region VII Mental Health Intellectual Disabilities Commission, Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers, Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores, Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores. We center readers in everything we do, informingand engagingMississippians through reporting, podcasts, events and online communities. Ambassador to Tanzania. Several law firms, including ones with ties to President Trump (Kasowitz, Benson & Torres) and former vice president Al Gore and film producer Harvey Weinstein (Boies Schiller Flexner) also received PPP loans. 2023 CNBC LLC.
Mississippi PPP loan recipients: See the full searchable list of who The Ayn Rand Institute received a loan and defended it on Twitter. Lawmakers decided in mid-May to set aside $300 million of that money for small business owners. By clicking submit, you agree to share your email address with Mississippi Today. Several law firms, including ones with ties to President Trump (Kasowitz, Benson & Torres) and former vice president Al Gore and film producer Harvey Weinstein (Boies Schiller Flexner) also received PPP loans. California students call to remove Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher busts - Campus Reform, The GOP Are Standing on Trump's Sinking Ship, But Democrats Need a Vision Beyond Electing Biden - Common Dreams, Is Donald Trump the Republican Partys future, or its past?
Tracking PPP: Search Every Company Approved for Federal Loans - ProPublica Internationally, South Korean airline Korean Air received a PPP loan. - The Guardian, Shaker Heights actors to star in Zoom play: Press Run -, Masking Authoritarianism In The Name Of Public Health - CodeBlue, The Federal Reserve Works Best When It Sticks With Gold - Forbes, Government Grants Loan to Libertarian-Based Ayn Rand Institute - The Great Courses Daily News, Rest of the Story, Pandemic Edition : Planet Money - NPR, Law of Integrity the Joke's on Us - India Legal, No. MDA Spokeswoman Melissa Scallan said MDA is currently reviewing applications and could be issuing checks as early as this week or next week. The Government alleged that Mr. Martinez acquired approval to issue PPP loans as a non-bank lender and earned over $70 million in lender fees.
Mississippi companies reported the aid will help them retain about 412,000 jobs about one-third of the state's total workforce. The case was brought in Foley Square, New York and is pending.
Mississippi PPP loan recipients: See the full searchable list of who - Newsweek, Objectivism Q&A with Ben Bayer and Dan Schwartz - New Ideal, Book Banning Is Wrong Unless It Gets Me Out of Helping My Kid With His Homework - The Hard Times, THE TEACHER'S DESK: Breaking the Rules | Opinion | - Times Tribune of Corbin, If Big Ten didnt just add lucrative programs like USC but trimmed stragglers, whod get the boot? - The Week, Daily Reformer: Hagehan The First Couple Of Minnesota Politics -
PPP recipient list: Which companies got PPP loans? - The Business Journals There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. The spectrum of businesses receiving PPP loans crossed . The US government recently added a second round of $310 billion to PPP loan program. Any web site our stories appear on must include a contact for your organization. The average amount was about $69,000, the lowest in the country. The fate of Amtraks Gulf Coast return rests with a federal board, They couldve picked Elijah Moore, but Saints drafted Payton Turner. Some firms said they didn't receive or apply for the money they're listed as getting. Chao is the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. Perdue Inc., a trucking company co-founded by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, was approved for $150,000 to $350,000 in loan money. Bankers, lawyers, and consultants told Business Insider that the volume of pre-approved loans will soak up the second round of funding.If you don't receive emergency government funding, it's suggested for small businesses to seek funding through tax relief, private companies, local governments, and organizations offering small business grants.