Answered in 5 minutes by: Solicitor: Jo C. Jo C., Barrister Category: UK Law Satisfied Customers: 82,725 Experience: Over 5 years in practice. Those university students that take the bus for a 1200 meter ride, do push up the price for low-income earners that maybe cannot afford a monthly pass. Fare evasion The British and American approach is to make it hard to break the law, even at the cost of making it hard to follow it. In terms even an econo-rationalist (rational plan, Martin Kolk ) should understand: it works best when it is nearly frictionless. Since racial identification is supposed to not occur in official stats. Verified Hi Thank you for your question. Come on that reeks that of condescension to the poor. Of course efficiency is important but it is not achieved by those approaches, no matter how theory predicts it. Seattle uses a third way of incentivizing monthlies, in addition to low-income fare discounts and relatively affordable monthly passes; Washington States Commute Trip Reduction law incentivizes large employers (>100 people) to reduce driving alone rates, and buying monthly passes for employees and making them available for little to no charge is a fairly common strategy to do so. The official website of France. The economic-rationalist argument is that this competition will force all players, especially those wickedly inefficient state bodies, to improve their customer service focus (just listen to Jean-Pierre Farandous statement on attaining the new job: pure management speak while covertly threatening the unions). Iwould highly recommend BSB Solicitors to anyone in the future. And incidentally I totally reject your repeated assertion that low fares, or flat fares, to the outer zones of big cities, encourages sprawl, because it does the opposite (it will encourage TOD around the stations) and is much more likely to entice them out of their cars. Do you think the econometric, austerity-minded policies w.r.t. E.g. And the operators are normally satisfied. Not just because its important to get all the revenue you can, but if its easy to fare evade then everyone will do it as, no one really sees it as a crime in their own minds. Ill try and post some of the tweets John Bull made about fare evasion when talking to Second Avenue Subways. In both Paris and Stockholm, the monthly pass is flat regionwide, an intentional program of subsidizing regular riders in the suburbs, which are on average poorer than the city. according to BSB Solicitors national survey. The cap on permits and the insurance/rent expenses of operating them in a subway station are indeed something to note. Efficiency is usually both environmental and fair. As you can imagine, any criminal record on a 27-year-olds CV would be detrimental to many future opportunities. Whereas today the program is a net revenue generator if it halves subway fare evasion, a level that already seems strained, within ten years, assuming normal fare escalation, it will need to cut fare evasion by about 90%, which is a complete fantasy. Eighty six percent of people in the UK do not fully understand the rules on rail penalty fares, and as a result and could have criminal sanctions made on them inappropriately, according to BSB Solicitors national survey. I find it quite plausible that ordinary people actually find fairness in pricing according to cost very attractive and well fair. I seriously doubt the London system could, however I hope they have learned lessons from the Kings Cross fire disaster. The Wiki section on France is truly pathetic (not worth publishing or reporting but I am sure it was): A 2009 study found that the share of immigrants in the population has no significant impact on crime rates once immigrants economic circumstances are controlled for, while finding that unemployed immigrants tend to commit more crimes than unemployed non-immigrants.[83] A study by sociologist Farhad Khosrokhavar, director of studies at the EHESS, found that Muslims, mostly from North African origin, are becoming the most numerous group in [French prisons].[84][85] His work has been criticized for taking into account only 160 prisoners in 4 prisons, all close to northern Paris where most immigrants live. Webtfl fare evasion settle out of courtadvanced spelling bee words for adults. But the government still think this is a severe problem to the government budget, and is now proposing the adaption of a new ID-based system for the elderly discount, requiring elderly across the city obtain a new transit card with their name and photo printed onto it, and show the photo to drivers or ticket validators whenever they want to ride public transit, so as to avoid such sort of abuse. Plus, when its late at night and my phone battery is dying and Im worried about getting inspected (since my monthly pass is on my phone), reasonably bourgeois people tell me not to worry because in practice there are no inspections late at night. This works very well in very busy systems in Asia, where they can deal with large passenger flows. Webtfl fare evasion settle out of courtmeat carving knife blank. Im going to argue that imposing middle class bourgeois standards of behavior on public transit systems Is very important if you want them to exist and for more people to use them. The panhandlers, subway dancers, public urinators, and worse are what drives people away from transit. Menu viscount royal caravan. Not the worse thing that could happen but not a pleasant ride either. So its not really that Berlin doesnt care if criminals discourage ridership among law-abiding customers, its that Berlin doesnt treat every rider as a criminal who must constantly be watched and monitored. And of course it is not the least ethnically discriminatory . Thatcher was pathologically psycho about it. Its in the budget. So, I dont have a problem with the Octopus type card as long as it keeps transit relatively cheap and easy, for those who use it the most. Poor policing, public housing with anti social tennants etc etc, So spare me the must not have moral standards dictated to from the rich, because that includes you. Because theyre a THEM, not an US., ASIDE: This is why gate alarms are A TERRIBLE IDEA unless youre going to ALWAYS staff those gates. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. And the S-Bahn gets subsidies because of lower suburban ridership, same as the RER/Transilien. For local operation (bus, tram, regional trains) they use vehicles which contain a passenger counting system, counting the number of people getting off and on. The hassle involved makes it pretty sure that commuters (like me) wont bother. The fact that it irritates the travelling public cant be measured either so, with this mindset, what cannot be measured isnt measured and isnt taken into account. Locked (England) Hi, I got a fare evasion summoning me to court, and Id like to know if theres a possible out of court tfl fare evasion settle out of court Unlicensed vending is fine, I dont have a problem with the churro venders of New York. Even today way too many stations on the Iida or Yonesaka lines while too few on the Kagoshima area ones, the urbanised Ou line areas or the Yosan line. have been recorded, including against people with mental disability trying to validate their ticket with their disability discount count, with fare inspector questioning authenticity of the disabled passengers proof of disability, and MTR have defended these actions by saying they are allowed to use reasonable violence against those who suspected to have violated their bylaw. Other examples can include travelling on a ticket which does not cover the entire journey, not tapping in or simply being without a valid ticket. Thisll be relatively broad because Im in a hotel bar in Berlin, not at home with all my notes, but generally the London experience is that fare evasion can be divided into two categories: In contrast, the unlicensed churro vending is more a problem of city and state regulations making it too onerous to sell food. He was very honest and though the odds may have been against us, he was able to come up with a good plan of action. It boasts the worst record on significant lateness. if someone from outside the metro drives and parks on-street they have to either meter or pay daily parking rates on a app. The answer inevitably will be yes, and this despite paying high salaries and absurd high bonuses to senior execs etc (which went on even as those companies marched into bankruptcy.) That is true in HK and Singapore which arent really inexpensive city-states but have transit use as a priority over road use. Large employers often sign reduced rate Job Ticket deals with public transit operators. Its only wasteful if people are taking unnecessary rush hour trips, but even with the pricing of Zurich or the outer fare zones in Stockholm, the monthly pass is mostly subsidizing off-peak trips, when theres spare capacity. The German-speaking world, as irrational as Britain and France about urban crime rates that are far lower than they were a generation ago, still treats the train and bus rider as a law-abiding customer unless proven otherwise. about improving efficiency etc that has been utterly discredited. I understand why a transfer station should look like this, but Singapore has these enormous complexes with mezzanines even at non-transfer stations. In the vast majority of cities, no excuse exists to have any kind of overt fare control. Inspectors who cant make a citation without using physical violence should not work as inspectors. Throughout the process there was great communication between us and a week or so later, he informed me I was able to settle out of court with no criminal conviction., I cannot stress enough how good BSB Solicitors have been. I am on record on your blog as not supporting free transit, but I certainly believe in reasonable fares which inevitably means some subsidy, though it is true that it should not be called that, rather a sharing of costs among all those who benefit from transit. And you really have no excuse for not understanding this as I explained it all, here: Thelawyer who dealt with my caseput me at ease straight aware and was professional throughout my consultation. the routes that after privatisation were run as Southern. For someone who has no previous convictions, it is, of course, a great shock to be facing a court appearance. I concur, and Ive used London, NYC, HK, Tokyo, Shanghai, Moscow, Beijing amongst mega-city metro systems. Im not sure how much they were promoting free transit (I only browsed it) but their predominant conclusion about UK policy on fares and costs was solid. Theres something interesting going on with Chesa Boudins campaign: he wants to decriminalize quality-of-life crimes (okay) and deprioritize prosecuting theft and redirect resources to prosecuting sexual assault (prioritize violent crime) and train cops to be more responsive to victims. It is not like we are arguing about some fantasy scenarios, I am just saying that the West could adopt systems more similar to the East (where it evidently works very well). The pricing in Singapore isnt particularly complex nowadays. Olliers Solicitors: Criminal Defence Law Firm Manchester & London What would you like to know ? Geez. In lieu of treating it as a big intra-urban culture war, I am going to talk about best practices from the perspective of limiting revenue loss to a minimum. For the far right and the far left, transit is a social service for poor people rather than a general transportation service in the United States. ), * Paris + Petite Couronne are 762km^2 with a population density of 8.8k/km^2, * The 23 Wards of Tokyo are 619km^2 with a population density of 15.1k/km^2, * le-de-France is 12,012km^2 with a population density of 1.0k/km^2, * Itto Sanken is 13,500km^2 with a population density of 2.6k/km^2, * Kanto + Shizuoka (wide enough to cover pretty much every Tokyo commuter including distant Shinkansen suburbs, though is dominated by wilderness and includes many towns that dont have commute links with Tokyo at all) is 40,200km^2 with a population density of 1.1k/km^2. German railways has worked over the past decade or longer? In this context the metro is not totally out of place for German practice, just for bigger cities. have an appeal against conviction for fare evasion Contact to see how we can assist you. You specifically dont want discounts on tolls, though the point of tolling is to discourage car traffic, e.g. Double and triple merde. Non-car owners would be able to buy an annual pass. To add in, one more point for passes is that many operators have a special program for organizations buying them in bulk (in other words, employers can buy passes for their employees at a discount (sometimes negociated, sometimes just depending on the number of passes bought). This is why the big % of habituals are male. Its not just the one study by Khosrokhavar, though IIRC its overall about 50% vs. 8%, so still factor-of-11 overrepresentation relative to population (and no, Muslims do not commit crimes at 11 times the rate of non-Muslims in France), just not the 2/3 in the original study. In fact, the UKs disaster of rail privatisation saw much higher subsidy from central government than before privatisation! what does silent notifications mean; why is there a shortage of paper towels again? This is much more like parking violations or routine mistakes in tax filing. In most cities roads are not priced properly and the transport system is a broken market in general. What fare evasion offences could I be prosecuted for? We operate as a form of "legal triage" where commenters can guide posters towards resolving issues themselves or towards an appropriate professional. since New Yorkers ride off-peak so much less than Parisians. This split also had an effect on the policing of fare evasion, as checks used to be a LOT rarer on the S-Bahn than the U-Bahn or tram, and in my experience the inspectors also tended to be more lenient, letting people off with a warning if they had a passable excuse, which would never happen with the BVG inspectors. For Ile de France the versement transport VT payroll tax has at times funded 40% of StiFs operational costs (I dont know how that breaks down for different modes) and it sounded like they were proposing something like that for the UK. Development London. Americans who support immigration liberalization practically never listen when I try bringing up the liberal work visa, asylum, and naturalization policies of Germany or Sweden. 3) Is evasion hard (i.e. It isnt broken down for different modes, because its a single system thats mostly fare-integrated, unlike London and very unlike American cities. Some people will learn to dodge the inspectors, as is the case in Berlin, and thats fine; the point is not to get fare evasion to 0%, but to the minimum level net of enforcement costs. Its one of these things that on some level anyone can end up doing technically I did it once in grad school, when I brought in a tray of leftover cookies after a talk intending to take them back to Columbia, and someone on the train offered me $1 for 3 of them and I said yes. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone I know who was looking for legal representation in any matter. I imagine Stockholm looked elsewhere than Germany in the 1950s? The public transport system provides a certain level of constant service and a monthly pass is a right to use this service. Its $127 now and 127/4 has a 32-trip breakeven. The train companies are much more rigorous in going to the courts, mainly because the money involved in long distance commuting is so much higher. These activities are really not the same fare evasion really is something to be discourage, just not with batons. But yeah, the moralistic response on the left of treating fare evasion as something good (esp. Partly for simplicity but also for social-justice: zoning can make it very expensive the further out you live and yet these are the very people the city most wants to give up their car habits! And it does an appalling job. LegalAdviceUK exists to provide help for those in need of legal support in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. No matter how small, Martin do you really want to contribute to such sentiment? How did you come up with M16s?? And it more or less coped with delivering those 1-2 million in a few hours without major drama. It takes tourists and business travellers to Gatwick and Luton airports. If this is the case, follow the instructions carefully. Naturally there is no algorithm or magic cost-accountancy software that can calculate those costs and benefits. its the poor who suffer from more from dirty streets and parks. Try cutting the breakeven point to something starting with a 3 instead. Get the Niigata/Sendai/Morioka/Aomori/Akita/Matsuyama right before complaining about the Senboku/Daigo/Iiiyama places where nobody lives and a railway which is a high-capacity system is increasingly a poor fit. Hello there and thank you for choosing to use our service. My understanding of the legal system is they get to claim some sort of tax rebate for what they pay for employee passes so the cost in a round about way goes to the government. Sorry, I think fare evasion is important. Finally, as to user satisfaction, you may well be correct if youre talking of the Brits/Londoners. and then got arrested and taken to court when they refused to pay the outrageous fines. WebOlliers Solicitors: Criminal Defence Law Firm Manchester & London After a number of years of loss-leading the commercial company goes bust or worse (see UK, though admittedly there is little competition on a route basis; they have the worst of all possible worlds) and the debacle and chaos* makes more travellers choose alternatives to rail. WebFare evasion is a criminal offence and you may be prosecuted. The solicitor who took on my case took a statement, we spoke about mysituation in depth. As someone with a lot at stake and was extremely anxious about the outcome of my case, the final result was better than what I was expecting. On the same principle, cities and states can discount fares on buses and trains. Two years ago, BART announced that it would supplement its fare barriers with proof-of-payment inspections, done by armed cops, and lied to the public about the prevalence of such a belts-and-suspenders system. After a brief waiting period, I received good news that the representations made were considered proportionate to a warning and a fine only. 2) Casual To me, it is quite obvious that monthly passes only exist as they were a practical low-tech practical solution before modern technology (which was a reasonable motivation). Writing a letter of representations offering to settle out of court so as to prevent prosecution. Andy McDonald, the [Labour] partys shadow transport secretary, said: Privatisation has created one of the most complex, exploitative and expensive ticketing systems in the world. Im not sure about the Lokalbanan. Why not try to minimize the average cost of a trip in the system instead? Stores dont have gates. BUT, this is expensive. Most people dont get on and off along the way. Would certainly recommend. Its like when a growing city chooses to expand its bus system, because it is the cheapest option. I read that even Japan (an extreme case obviously) wants to blame Chinese immigrants for a rise in crime (linked to criminal syndicates, they claim) which may or may not be true but reveals the cultural attitude behind the phenomenon. I have an appeal against conviction for fare evasion by TFL tomorrow, do you have any advice? Punishing drivers for occasional trips relative frequent transit riders also seems like a both inefficient, and politically flawed way, of encouraging switching to transit. because of Chile, but it goes back further than that) isnt great. And it makes you feel that you own the city (or the IdF). the Foret de Fontainebleau is 2.5x the size of intramuros Paris! (England) Hi, I got a fare evasion summoning me to court, and Id like to know if theres a possible out of court settlement option from tfl as Im not trying to stain my record. TFL Fare Evasion Not at all equivalent. I dont quite get what is hard to open . [7] We offer a fixed fee service, which includes: If you have been invited to attend an interview regarding an allegation of Fare Evasion, we strongly recommend you have the benefit of a criminal defence solicitors presence. They actually reduced the fare on the Staten Island ferry to zero. Its true that Dunkirk is trialing free public transport, but Dunkirk isnt exactly a shining example of good transit and its free transit trial mostly reduced cycling rates with barely any effect on driving rates. And the Overground runs nearly break even, which I think is what the report was complaining about. Webboston college early decision acceptance rate 2025. Most if not all Parisians love the Metro and consider it theirs. It is advisable to seek the representation of a solicitor in this situation. However, the large fare reductions to qualifying low-income riders are: a number of cities have used the same definition, namely Medicaid eligibility, and give steep discounts for bikeshare systems. Sometimes the police are called. Because the casuals (or potential casuals) will be outraged. Regulation Authority (SRA) and are registered for VAT in the United Kingdom (VAT No And that should coincide with a transition of everything to a paid model, with app-based day/weekly passes. Until recently, the GoPass was a flash pass no tagging required. Appellant provided an unsigned copy of the revised settlement agreement to the district court at the summary-judgment hearing on September 27, 2005. Even my last, reluctant, trip there I was forced to take a very early bus from Brighton to Heathrow. It might be seen as a less pressing issue when most of your systems income come from taxes (its certainly not in low subsidy systems) but is still important. I agree with the first letter writer. Boston, too, has its moral panic about fare evasion, in the form of campaigns like the Keolis Ring of Steel on commuter rail or Fare is Fair. > I more or less agree but then if we compare Greater Paris with Tokyo, the former with very affordable transit and the latter with more expensive transit, then clearly it doesnt always follow, ie. But if the choice would be between transit to have to look up the fare for, biking, or taking a car, Id just opt for the car. If you want to do an apples to apples comparison go find satellite data and use it. Of course it changes the math, especially since many people get to work from home every once in awhile. If occasional riders have to read a massive chart to figure out what theyre supposed to pay they probably just wont pay it at all. This is how the Taipei busses work for example. As I have said many times on this blog, I am a big believer in single-zone fares, even for, or especially for, mega-cities. In the context of most US metros, I think looking at transit fares in isolation is a mistake. Your argument against which kind of trips that are induced by marginal price costs of 0, just makes no sense. were honest, kind, warm and efficient. At lot depends on whether one looks at the public transport system in isolation or as part of the whole transport system or part of society in general. This is a very good example of how *not* to do things. Evidently it did non-German things like building a full metro in a then-small city rather than a Stadtbahn and having Lokalbanan terminate in outlying areas with a T-bana transfer rather than trying to through-run them as S-Bahns. if you dont have them, lots of people, and not just affluent whites, are going to stay away. Id agree with all of this. Because it reduces maintenance costs and eliminates a serious bottleneck to pedestrian throughput, and I dont think systems with faregates have lower fare evasion rates than systems with POP. Rural mode-share collapse isnt about private vs public its about the mismanagement of regional cities and their relationship to their hinterlands. One or two fewer workdays does not change the logic much for a working person residing in a zero-car household. Occasional users will by definition be hardly affected while youd punish the majority of users, and indeed risk their commitment to use public transit.