Dwight is doing so well. We must recognize this. JENNA [00:30:49] Yeah. Dwight Schrute: Oh, it is serious. Monday, Tuesday, like the main office building. << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] /XObject << /Fm1 5 0 R >> >> ANGELA [00:15:08] If the script says "tackle, shove", you're gonna go flying. He has a safe that he has gotten his plaque and certificate out of. This is the first time Michael has shown anything but admiration for Ryan. He can't take it. He will be honored at a salesman convention and he wins some money. Dwight Shrute GIFs | Tenor And walk the Lord of the Rings trail to Mordor. Michael: What makes a work environment excellent? JENNA [01:04:52] Oh, boy. So I text to Creed. JENNA [00:59:30] So you tell me what you found out and I'll tell you what I found out. [15] An encore presentation of the episode on August 15 received a 1.9 rating/6 percent share and was viewed by over 4.6 million viewers and retained 100 percent of its lead-in audience. She's wearing a puffy coat, that's not a joke. Well, there are many things, I believe, that do such of thing of that nature. Dwight: Blood alone moves the wheels of history! It was written by Paul Lieberstein and directed by Charles McDougall. We would totally stay in character. You can't react. Well, both Kent and Paul said a version of the same thing, which was they really tried to avoid getting the dressed up people in the shots. It's actually at 107 East Drinker Street in Dunmore. I'm on the clock it. :), You make me wanna be a better salesman.. ANGELA [00:19:56] But we didn't have that. I did have in my notes that we had about 400 extras and it's the most extras we had ever had. But what we were talking about would be absolutely ridiculous. Its obvious she likes you, and comments like that, they just ANGELA [00:02:22] I have a T-shirt on, a sweatshirt with a hoodie and then I have an enormous puffer over that. Michael suggests that Pam practice for her bride's speech. Kate and I. Our fronts stretch for thousands of kilometers and are thousands of kilometers away. But Jim is like, "Dwight. I totally missed it until someone mentioned it over at the Northern Attack forums! Like, do you have a memory? Salesmen of Northeastern Pennsylvania I ask you; once more rise and be worthy of this historical hour! JENNA [00:44:50] Why would you want to go there? I was under that. Brad Pitt and Mindy askes, did he die? I just got you the regular ones". But when he goes on stage, he reuses his "What's the difference between a salesman and a saleswoman" joke in desperation. Dwight: Is that an insult, or is that part of the public speaking advice? A little bit. So they had to air us one day early. I mean-. ~X+0w_PI\{)L1oWy@Mq:6Yt|W8L^*Z/,@c/v Eighth, in this gigantic struggle Italy has a first-class job. These figures show that to the preparation of the Libyan defense we devoted an effort which can be described as imposing. ANGELA [00:52:48] The extra, guys. But the only room they were allowed to shut down and control was that ballroom. In "Dwight's Speech" from The Office, Dwight gives an acceptance speech [0:30-2:30] for winning Dunder Mifflin's Top Salesman of the Year. People were injured. JENNA [00:56:23] Yeah. On Dec. g a battle was thus started, which was only five or ten days in advance of ours, and which brought the enemy to Bengazi. JENNA [01:03:51] I'm going to go halfway around the world. Thats not a toast, youre not standing up. Aww, hes so cute. WE ARE WARRIORS! JENNA [01:05:12] Bye. "The Office" Dwight's Speech (TV Episode 2006) - IMDb Can we not rate episodes in season 2 for some reason? And and and supposedly there was a "Battlestar Galactica" cast member that was gonna be there and he was like, really excited. We must never acquiesce. He's like a little bratty kid. Several people compared Guilfoyle's time at the mic to Season 2, Episode 17 of The Office, "Dwight's Speech" the one where Dwight wins the award for Dunder Mifflin salesman of the year and . But the answer is yes. And it was-. So they had these signs up and he said that they just had to allow public access while they were rolling. ANGELA [00:40:52] Did he say, who are you? The Danubian and Balkan world cannot ignore and does not ignore the Axis, Hungary and Rumania have joined the Tripartite Pact. JENNA [00:35:40] Insane. JENNA [00:49:16] It's a lot of keyboard. Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which everyone finds during the day, how long we have been striving for greatness? "Office Ladies" is produced by Earwolf, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey. In the episode, Michael Scott (Steve Carell) helps Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) with an important speech that he is going to give. SAM [00:12:42] You don't have to look to me for every-. We have at present under arms more than 2,000,000 men, but within the year we will, if necessary, reach, 4,000,000. Like our wing and the guys in the I.T. -He seems to be wondering, WTF, this guy is still in love with you and you invite him? /Resources 6 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> ", "Italian men and women, standing once again, be worthy of this great hour! I was just talking. So now Dwight is feeding himself grapes at his desk. ANGELA [00:29:45] I mean, you know, I've had some frustrations with Pam's mom. JENNA [00:43:15] Well, then we go to Jim and Dwight's desks. Although Leslie's-. And there was an anime expo in one of the other ballrooms. ANGELA [00:26:57] I really need to start watching these episodes with my glasses on. Since 1935 the attention of our general staff has been focused on Libya. That. Well, finally, Dwight runs up on stage, right? I say, salesman - and women - of the world unite! ANGELA [00:36:32] Because we were cracking up. So now we move into the conference room and Michael is ready to start giving Dwight some speech training. It's moments like this that make it so that it's not just a joke. JENNA [00:12:05] You know, I got four strikes in a row the other day. JENNA [00:29:56] I mean, crazy. I wrote that in my diary. We call bread bread and wine wine, and when the enemy wins a battle it is useless and ridiculous to seek, as the English do in their incomparable hypocrisy, to deny or diminish it. JENNA [00:33:00] All right. But I dont care. JENNA [00:34:00] Yes. 7, 2006 Press Release ("Dwight's Speech")", "Aug. 15, 2006 Press Release ("Dwight's Speech")", "The 25 Greatest Moments from 'The Office', https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dwight%27s_Speech&oldid=1128191389, "Blood alone moves the wheels of history! This is why-and was publicly declared in December, 1939-when the reckoning of accounts had to be reached between two worlds which were inevitably antagonistic, we preferred to have it retarded as long as necessary for us to replace that which we consumed or ceded. JENNA [01:00:24] Okay. They said, you know, definitely they didn't want me seated at my desk. [even bigger applause as Dwight laughs maniacally] No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself. I really looked into it. JENNA [00:11:51] Yeah. Dwight later reveals that he will be going to New Zealand to "walk the Lord of the Rings trail to Mordor and I will hike Mount Doom. I guess he lost all that money. Just go in the conference room, he's going to teach everyone how to give a speech. And we're like, wait. But I think he never took the trip. Does you know what I'm saying? For it is together, together that we prevail! Why is he there? Sixth, Great Britain is alone. But the problem was that Greg and Charles McDougall really wanted a build up of the crowd reaction. And then I get like a strike but it's like it takes like five minutes. In the conference room scene, after Dwight pulls out his index cards, Angela is the only one looking forward to his speech. It was viewed by 8.4 million people. Then he goes to Jim for advice. Rome comrades! Yeah. Then he goes to Jim for advice. Pam. And they took pictures of me in the hat and they showed them to, you know, everybody involved. We planned this out like superduper. See you next week. What's interesting to me-. JENNA [00:43:09] That was always so fun when they would notice our little choices. I'm Angela Kinsey. From Nov. 7 to when English torpedo planes, which took off not from Greek bases but from an aircraft carrier, succeeded with their coup at Taranto, which we admitted, we met adversity in the war. JENNA [00:00:08] And now we're doing the Ultimate Office re-watch podcast just for you. It first aired on March 2, 2006. If you look at the name tags in every other shot, they are on the right side of everyone's shirts. I caught it". JENNA [00:47:06] Well, when Dwight leaves with Michael, Angela shouts, "The very best of luck to you, Dwight". Losses of materials were more than compensated for by immense booty and were absolutely insignificant. ANGELA [00:16:03] I think maybe maybe with the stunt guy, he got a brisk little like tap or something. I took Ryans response to Pam at face value; simply, that he was annoyed at Kelly and wanted to shut her down. And it looks like things are going to thaw until Phyllis comes out of the bathroom and asks Pam about her wedding dress. All right. We already knew that from the Booze Cruise" and the reception is going to be at the V.A.. JENNA [00:47:58] Pam says it's nicer than you think. Like, why? This was the motto of the Scranton downtown revitalization project. All right. JENNA [00:49:36] He's having a minor panic. You get a really good shot of it. It had its moments. The I.T. She says she she's feeling under the weather. JENNA [01:04:32] Yeah. ANGELA [00:42:19] So I just had this little thing I gave myself. Angela: The very best of luck to you, Dwight. Stanley is not present in the remainder of the scene. Do their pizzas play DVDs? Go to StitcherPremium.com. First, in war potentiality Germany not only did not decrease after seventeen months of war, but increased in gigantic proportions. The intent was for them to be gradually won over. I would like to see them together, but I also like Pams boyfriend, even though I cant remember his name. JENNA [00:12:34] Is cornhole also, a phrase for something dirty? Nice little back and forth. In the shot. JENNA [01:00:40] And otherwise they just had those signs up that said if you walk in this area, you might be filmed for a TV show. JENNA [00:40:30] And he says, "Hello, my Chinese friends". Speaking of hidden moments, how many of you noticed that it was Angela who was filming Dwight from the back of the convention hall? JENNA [00:58:39] "At 20 minutes and 25 seconds when Michael and Dwight are sitting at the bar, you can see a man in the background dressed like a wizard. ANGELA [00:43:30] Of course I did. ANGELA [00:14:10] Did you just say "chunk it"? JENNA [00:00:48] I know, like three sentences in. Stanley gets right on the phone and tells his wife to order the new curtains. ANGELA [00:53:57] Michael's like, "Oh my God, they like it". I can teach you enough so you don't embarrass yourself during the speech. Back in the conference room. Through you I want to speak to the Italian people, to the authentic, real, great Italian people, who fight with the courage of lions on land, sea and air fronts; people who early in the morning are up to go to work in fields, factories and offices; people who do not permit themselves luxuries, not even innocent ones. And I have to say that song kind of pumps you up. You could be a little bit more sensitive. All right. JENNA [00:48:01] And we find out she is inviting Jim. JENNA [00:41:26] But he's been meeting resistance. The paper in front of him does have a copy of the speech, because Wilson believed that's what Dwight would have done. ANGELA [00:00:12] Each week we will break down an episode of "The Office" and give exclusive behind the scenes stories that only two people who were there can tell you. Dwight was named "Salesman of the Year" and had to give a speech. He's too sick. JENNA [00:27:31] OK. Rome, Italy, February 23, 1941. No matter, there were enough good lines to make me happy. We are finally in the kitchen with Jim and Pam, and they are finally bantering again like old times. And she leaves the room. I had to look like I was being incognito, but you had to be able to see my face. That's what I thought. JENNA [00:03:58] Yes. However, at 14 minutes, 19 seconds, there is a shot of the audience. Michael: Have to think it through. And so Michael's trying to do his best Michael Winslow impression. ANGELA [00:35:06] Cars slid off the road into the railing. ANGELA [01:00:58] 'Cause you're just living your life. JENNA [00:01:25] Yeah. JENNA [00:33:07] He says what is the difference between a salesman and a saleswoman? Let it be said for foreigners who are always ready to libel that the comportment of German soldiers in Sicily and Libya is under all respects perfect and worthy of a strong army and a strong people brought up under severe discipline. ANGELA [00:55:57] Back in the conference room. There is no tipping allowed. At nine minutes, 57 seconds, my character smiles. They'll conjure up images of used car dealers, and door to door charlatans. Not Mandarin. JENNA [00:05:04] He said if you pause and look, you can find them. So he well, I guess we'll get to that later. ANGELA [00:18:21] I don't know, Jenna, how it went down. ANGELA [00:09:46] He's really, really good in this episode. But Leslie did not think he was gonna fall. Keep going. ANGELA [00:11:14] I don't. And then the top shelf of the safe. It was an act of conscious daring. Great Britains last support on the Continent was and is Greece, the only nation that did not want to renounce the British guarantee. JENNA [00:52:45] Like hooting and hollering. Dwight Kurt Schrute III (born January 20, 1970) is a fictional character on The Office who is portrayed by Rainn Wilson. ANGELA [00:20:35] It was Janet Jackson's Super Bowl halftime. ANGELA [01:00:10] And Dwight's like, oh, I wish I wanted to go to this. YSZX 0y( So I would love to go. ANGELA [00:46:39] And he said he looked it up and it's paraphrased from a speech Mussolini gave in Parma on December 13th, 1914, advocating for Italy to enter into World War One against Germany. JENNA [00:38:50] We're gonna give you ten minutes to take off your stuff. I mean. From the standpoint of human losses, they have been at a minimum if compared with the masses in action. JENNA [00:44:05] Is that a thing or a person? Ryans icy I know what I said 4? If you look at 42 seconds, Michael tosses the ball to Oscar and all those boxes are missing. All the work of the Governors who succeeded each other in Libya was aimed at strengthening economically and militarily that large region, transforming the former desert or desert zones into fecund land. Well, I just thought it was really sweet because I, you know, we go back to our diaries and we read what we wrote. This is our duty to change their perception. JENNA [00:12:23] What's that thing where you throw beanbags into a hole in your backyard? What is happening? Rome, Italy, February 23, 1941 [1] Blackshirts of Rome! JENNA [00:04:33] Torsos with no arms and legs dressed up in suits. When Stanley tells his wife, "Get the wallpaper," Creed sits at his desk pretending to play the drums. One of the frequently asked questions is, are there irons and ironing boards? Kellys concern for Brad and Jennifer JENNA [00:18:18] Oh. ANGELA [00:31:23] 66. JENNA [00:11:10] I don't remember a bunch of injuries, but I weirdly remember the show. ANGELA [00:20:43] Yes. I dont know, if I were a betting man, Id say he will have a fun weekend in Philadelphia. Season 2. And I didnt know what to make of Ryans remark it seemed randomly mean I think that is a great explanation. They had it all scheduled. Pam says, Pam has this line, "Like Toastmaster"? JENNA [01:00:58] Like you go to a restaurant and there's like a sign and you're like, oh, they're filming on the street and I'm gonna be in the background getting my coffee, I guess. JENNA [00:49:23] Super catchy. ANGELA [00:25:47] OK. And then Sue Potts asked. We had never really had to provide lunch for that many people. Obviously, Dwight's speech. There's a deleted scene where right before you go into the conference room to assemble your invites, you're at front reception. ANGELA [00:28:52] Yeah. So it's interesting to me, I will say now I'm very interested. JENNA [00:22:47] They're so cute. ANGELA [00:35:32] And then she's like, this is because of Jen Aniston. ANGELA [00:10:02] The dummy wranglers. ANGELA [00:58:59] I know the answer to this. JENNA [00:14:25] And it's not even going to be about bowling. and and but Dwight is so into it. Benito Mussolini: A Speech to the People of Rome - New Hartford ", "It is blood which moves the wheels of history! Illusion and lying are the basis of American interventionism-illusion that the United States is still a democracy, when instead it is a political and financial oligarchy dominated by Jews, through a personal form of dictatorship. He's psyching him out. Like this one (holding up printout), originally given by Benito Mussolini. Michael hurls the football all the way to accounting, whereKevincatches it and tosses it back. He has his notecards. ANGELA [00:31:37] I'm still tan. Dwight: We are warriors! And I swear, John has this. ANGELA [00:23:49] Leave me out of it. Let it be said in particular that the Alpini wrote pages of blood and glory that would honor any army. ANGELA [00:15:50] It wasn't really in the script that he was going to shove Leslie. So I would wear UGG boots under my desk. Jim: Dwight, if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? ANGELA [00:16:59] That's what I thought. And this was due to a scheduling conflict with the season finale of "Skating with Celebrities". ANGELA [00:41:54] For this little moment. Angela, we've talked about that you were there. Dwight vs. Everything: A Catalog of Dwight Schrute's Battles on 'The Office'. This mystic tan that lasted like three weeks. So they were like the sweatiest. Biden's Angry Rant Draws Comparisons to Dwight Schrute - Louder With ANGELA [00:53:06] They wanted it, for the audience to be unsure whether Dwight was gonna be a hit or not. ANGELA [00:14:40] We have a cold open, Michael and Dwight are throwing a football while they discuss some dilemma at corporate, it's not important. JENNA [00:52:08] Oh, that's very interesting. They've been a bit estrange. Dwight is a survivalist and a nerd, and he enjoys paintball, anime, karate, Battlestar Galactica , Lost , law enforcement, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter . You thought there wasn't, but there is. ANGELA [00:48:04] Yeah. JENNA [00:40:53] No. ANGELA [00:55:20] They really do. "What was the actual temperature in the office area when we were filming"? And I, I was glad we only had to do it for one day. And this is when he tells us he bought his ticket for June 8th. ANGELA [00:02:34] People know me. ANGELA [00:37:28] I did not Google that. JENNA [00:20:41] Where her boob came out. Dwight announces that there has been a major car accident on the interstate. JENNA [00:50:48] We also had a fan question. He is flat out mean to him. Yes, it is. Dwight is named "Sales Person of the Year". A thousand guys. A Catalog of Dwight Schrute's Battles on 'The Office' - The Ringer And so they were sort of scrambling now to figure out what Wednesday was going to look like. And Michael is like, "Oh, yes. Kelly talks about her dreams of getting married someday and is visibly hurt when Ryan responds to her flirtatious question about future weddings by saying he doesn't think he'll ever tie the knot; when Kelly leaves the room, Pam advises Ryan to be considerate of Kelly's feelings, but Ryan curtly notes "I know what I said." They're all like, what? It didn't have too big of a rim. getting old). The Office (USA)/Dwight Schrute - The TV IV Toby (standing up and air-toasting): To Amsterdam. So Kevin suggests he go to Hedonism. /z?tPLc.r8#[0iFJc4Az9,PPB R wC`%CZkMEYvC.d;+G+_IJ0 mNU^TX(JMl1pSfhGE#u$("d lOWI^- Jim: No. It was like a, one of the very first digital video recordings where you could record your show. JENNA [00:58:07] Dwight immediately clicks into Michael's story. I hope Pam runs off to Australia with you. Fifth, the morale of the Axis people is infinitely superior to the morale of the British people. Rainn Wilson tried to improvise Dwight's speech but was advised to stick to the script. Not my favorite episode either, but loved: Michaels reverse Heisman pose JENNA [00:25:24] Yes. On the day of filming for the speech, Rainn Wilson had a fever of over 102F, and his doctor did not let him go to work, forcing a last-minute reschedule. The dummies were used in the back and along the sides of the auditorium. WE ARE WARRIORS! ANGELA [00:17:35] No, he wasn't. But in Canada, they both aired on the same network, this global television network. The soldiers who are fighting in the empire-without any hope of help-are farthest but therefore nearest our hearts. JENNA [00:55:46] This is how you're going to be most authentic. << /Length 4 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> I just need everyone to clock a little bit of my Angela Martin look. But in the conference room, Dwight is going to now do his speech for us. But again, I wasn't sure. ANGELA [00:18:13] Now go to one minute, five seconds. ANGELA [00:18:54] Little little catches there in the background. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. That they really wanted him to stick to the script. So if you're in Scranton, I recommend the Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel. The Fifth Air Squadron was literally sacrificed, almost entirely. ANGELA [01:03:22] Oh, the look on Pam's face. It has been a lifetime struggle, a never-ending fight, I say to you, and you will understand that it is a privilege to fight. JENNA [00:40:21] Well, at nine minutes, 29 seconds, Creed has the talking head for anyone wondering. Well, I reached out to our line producer Kent Zbornak. ANGELA [00:45:44] 11 minutes, 3 seconds, Jim does a prank on Dwight. All right. ANGELA [00:34:02] OK. Well he runs out of the bullpen, and he says that, you know, they had done so well this quarter that corporate is going to give everyone a thousand dollar bonus. Dwight and Michael chuck a football back and forth, talking. ANGELA [00:16:20] He lost his balance completely. ANGELA [00:32:02] Different day. Provisions for Students with Disabilities, Honor Code and Statement on Academic Integrity, Statement on Student and Faculty Academic Rights and Responsibilities, Midterm and Final Examination Study Guides, Guide to Department and State Central Files, Statement on Academic Integrity & Academic Freedom. %PDF-1.3 ANGELA [00:05:52] Is that our book? Ryan is a pretty sharp guy. Are you OK? He leaves. WE ARE WARRIORS! I come really close to getting a strike. I didn't want to know. History takes one by the throat and forces a decision. There were. ANGELA [00:25:16] Well, they stopped making plaques. It was a pretty good show. On the first take, the crowd reacted too enthusiastically to Dwight's speech. JENNA [00:54:26] So was it written in the script that you're wearing a hat and then wardrobe had to come up with hat choices? JENNA [00:44:56] Why? Angela, I got like, what is that? There were five "dummy wranglers" who moved the dummies around for each shot. SPEECH DELIVERED BY PREMIER BENITO MUSSOLINI. JENNA [00:11:15] It only went for one season, so it wasn't a hit? 2MTFZ_Yw3{BOg+t2Oy# Pam asks Michael, "Have you ever been to a wedding?". Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! And then also why is he chosen to chill a plaque? In that talking head, later in the conference room scenes. Dwight's speech was a hodge-podge of actual lines from speeches and new material written and delivered in the oratory style of Benito Mussolini, leader of thePartito Nazionale Fascista in Italy, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 to 1943constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. ANGELA [00:54:48] So they went with that one. Dwight is named "Sales Person of the Year". Why are we looking at you? But if you're in the clothing optional part, you can wear sort of the suggestion is like, you know, go sexy. ANGELA [00:05:11] They, you know, the room was I really-. JENNA [00:03:02] Fast Fact Number One: we had a lot of questions about the convention center, the convention itself, a lot of curiosity. But that blew my mind. Where are we filming? So-. The song that is playing when Michael and Dwight enter the convention is Get Ready For This by 2 Unlimited. It's pure evil. She concentrated in Egypt fifteen divisions and a considerable mass of armored means and hurled them against our lines in Marmarica where on the first line were Libyan divisions, brave and faithful but unsuited to bear the attack of enemy machines. JENNA [00:22:32] Well done, John Krasinski. And I will". And she's worried about people getting offended like Angela. The German victory was facilitated by Italian non-belligerency which immobilized heavy naval, air and-land forces of the Anglo-French bloc. But I did download speeches from some of historys famous dictators. They do serve pizza, but I could not find a website for them or an online menu. JENNA [00:22:37] Well, speaking of Jim. That's the most competent Meredith has ever sounded. Dwight's Mussolini speech as Mussolini - YouTube OK, moving on. JENNA [00:16:45] Well, it's crazy because I remember that we practiced that forever. This has nothing to do with me. I wouldn't think that you could catch it. But I'll get to that. Ahhhh". For example, fan question from Mary Ann Lodans and Grace D and Mel Asako. JENNA [00:40:09] Creed says he should go to Hong Kong. But guess who's the last person to touch the thermostat back in the office? Then Pam goes on about how its obvious that Kelly likes him, so show some sympathy. You know, you go for the arrow, because I might have pegged you as a person. ANGELA [00:17:20] So they could see us better. JENNA [00:37:59] Okay, so here's the deal. OMG I can't stop laughing at Morning Joe's comparison of @kimguilfoyle's RNC speech w/ Dwight Schrute's Mussolini speech from #TheOffice #RNC2020 pic.twitter.com . ANGELA [00:56:51] Ryan is being such a you know what. Dwight: I say, salesmen and women of the world, unite. JENNA [00:35:09] Terrible. ANGELA [00:45:58] But this is a Jim solo prank. Not only the years we've been at war, the war of work, but from the moment as a child, when we realize the world could be conquered. ANGELA [00:15:27] Who is standing by accounting. Ryan brings Pam the wrong type of stamps for her wedding invitations. He starts pounding his fists. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Global Television Network in Canada aired this episode the day before it aired in the United States due to a scheduling conflict with the finale of, Portions of Dwight's speech are drawn from the speeches of, Dwight's award may have come at the expense of Jim. I didn't even buy it for myself. Andthat can be kind of awkward, um, just because people can get all weird about wedding stuff, and I just, I dont want to offend Angela, or someone.
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