Wage Rates in the United Kingdom in 1938 - JSTOR Tables show retail prices of delivered fuel for November 1911 and March 1912 from two firms in Lawrence,MA. Shows pay data for private firms. Items for farms, such as:
This truly amazing source has an extensive list of occupations, including those seldom seen in other documents: theatrical costumers, musicians for silent movie shows, orchestral musicians, house movers, hearse drivers, piano movers, writers working at newspapers (journalists), sail makers, photo-engravers, bartenders in saloons, elevator men in hotels, and thousands more. compared with 6s. Mens:
See, There is much information in this 522-page report, especially about working conditions. 170, published May 1915. Hourly wages rose in real terms (ie above inflation) every year from 1924 to 1930, with a rise of 10 per cent in 1928 alone. Shows wages by occupation for 1914 and 1920 in and outside of Copenhagen. Shows average price of bread, meats, fish, eggs, milk, flour, cheese, potatoes, butter, tea, etc. The wage data for this bulletin are from establishments engaged in making mens outer garmentscoats, pants, vests, and over-coatsfor the trade, or what is commonly known as mens ready-made clothing. 96, "First quartile" and "third quartiles" are statistical terms explained on. Instead, the students took courses and worked in hospitals, most being paid a low (student) wage for performing the work. Tells average length of stay and average cost per day based on whether the patient was in a ward or a private room. Note the page number and enter it in the "jump to" box in HathiTrust. Ladies:
Discusses the minimum weekly wages for women and girls working in various occupations. Greenwood, 1988. Tables show the 1900 and 1910 salaries per year for teachers in public and national schools and for government employees including letter carriers, policemen, and clerks. Tip: check the introduction sections of the publications below to determine whether the estimated home costs include labor or just materials. What is the average UK salary?
A taste of life in Britain in 1925 - The Telegraph Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin No. Some are broken down by sex. 5d. Hourly earnings averaged 71.7c in November, 1937, the last month for which figures are available. Food is provided in addition to the rates quoted. 852. Jobs in Reed.co.uk, ranging from 55,000 to 55,000. This three-page report gives prices (in U.C. Tools used in building trades, tool kits, sewing machines and cameras. Wages reported in UK government documents. Table compares 1900 and 1910 wholesale and retail prices at Budapest for commodities (beer, veal, hogs, mutton, milk, butter, flour, eggs, wheat, cattle, wool, cotton, leather, hides, clothing, lumber, coat, cement, shoes, bricks) and yearly rents by number of rooms. We've identified 10 cities where the typical salary for a Cannabis Grower job is above the average in Florida. Shows April 25th prices for ham, lard, baking powder, marmalade, lump sugar, flour, lemon peel, ground rice, apricots (tinned), wax candles, and Quaker oats. Table compares 1900 and 1910 retail prices at Lyons, including meats, flours, cereals, bread, alimentary pastes, fruits, vegetables, sugar, coffee, cocoa, pepper, salts, food oils. Hand Compositors and Machine Minders on Book and Jobbing Work. Here you can find the percent of increase in average food prices from 1914-1921. Wages are categorized by industry, occupation, state capital, and sex. WAGE RATES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM IN 1938. Furniture, heaters, washing machine, water pumps, electrical conveniences, carpet sweepers, clocks, lamps, rugs and carpet, embroidery goods, cretones and draperies, lace curtains, foreign allovers, blankets, bedding, bathroom furnishings, towels, personal hygiene, razors, medicines, nursery supplies
Or simply scroll forward in the source. As of May 2012, the median annual wage in the United States was $34,750, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Provides retail food prices in Spain in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Conversely, $1 earned in 1913 had the same buying power as about $30 in the year 2022. Discussion puts wage data in context with price levels which were definitely affected by the wars. Data is broken out by income of the renters. Source: Missouri State Dept of Agriculture. Table shows prices for agricultural implements as sold in Manchester in 1900 and 1910. New jobs added in the last day. You did not specified the year range. Shows wages for cities in England, Scotland and Wales in British currency. Less than 3% of all nurse training schools charged tuition. Expressed in pesos. Source: Shows weekly wages of adult workers in each of the six state capitals. Shows the what it might cost to acquire a 320 acre wheat farm and run it for a year, listing the cost of each essential agricultural implement, seed, eight horses, a buggy and two wagons, as well as typical amounts expended on farm help (wages and board), equipment repairs and maintenance, taxes, etc. Kitchen ranges, stoves, furnaces, furniture, farm tools and wagons, harness and more. Wages are shown in both Francs and contemporary US dollars. Report shows the following prices at Edinburgh: Table shows wholesale and retail prices of commodities at Glasgow in 1900 and 1910. Wages are reported by town/city. Engineering (16 of the principal Districts), Shipbuilding (9 of the principal Districts). Some rows specify wages for women (see women listed frequently on this page for, The advantage of this table is that it shows wage rates for all the years from 1907-1921 together, so one can easily see changes over time. Clothes, bonnets, booties, supplies, carriages. Source: Australia Labour & Industrial Branch report #2, pp. Study conducted by the city of Philadelphia. 170, published May 1915. by SEX Texas: Dallas and Houston
Wages are shown in francs. Discounts were available for those who wished to purchase, Retail prices for clothing, dry goods and shoes are reported from 6 firms; prices for. Kitchen goods:
Some occupations include cashier, saleswoman, laundry worker, baker, shirt maker, seamstress, milliner, typist, waitress, maid, dishwasher, bookkeeper. currency) of commodities, foodstuffs, and rents at Veracruz in 1910. Sporting goods:
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Scranton
List of countries by average wage - Wikipedia Wages are shown in Italian lire. Source: National Education Assoc.
PDF Wages During the Depression - National Bureau of Economic Research UK Economy in the 1920s - Economics Help Wages are divided by occupation or sex and include cooks, valets, coachmen, chambermaids, and general servants. Following "Husbands" comes. Source: Bulletin of the Women's Bureau No. By E. C. RAMSBOTTOM IN the issues of this Journal for 1935 (Part IV) and 1938 (Part I), index numbers were given showing the percentage fluctuations in the level of weekly wage rates in a number of industries during the period 1920-37, the average level of 1924 being taken as = 100.
Salary: Benchmarking (March, 2023) | Glassdoor Source: Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. The Average Courier Driver salary in Shepperton is 55,000. Source: Investigation relative to wages and prices of commodities. 170, published May 1915. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Source: Newcomb, Endicott and Co. Magazine of Fashion, Undermuslin, 1917. Items for home industry or earning income, such as:
Shows clothing, jewelry, home decor, linens and furnishings, musical instruments and more.
and the 70 year period they got cheaper - This is Money Table shows the average retail prices at Marseille in the months of January and February, 1910, and during the year 1900. Wages are shown in both US and English currency. Includes both land and buildings. High 55,000. 12 November - submarine HMS M1 sinks in the English Channel after collision with a civilian surface vessel with the loss of all 69 hands. District of Columbia: Washington
Minnesota: Minneapolis and St. Paul
Source: BLS. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin No. Shows the price of wheat, bread, wine, beef pork, butter, and rice in Milan, Italy throughout the 19th and early 20th century. This report gives detail on each student's age, job, race and pay. HEALTH Historical Dictionary of the 1920s: From World War I to the New Deal, 19191933. Source: BLS. Expressed in Turkish piasters. This source documents their actual average earnings before and after the laws took effect. Retail prices shown include beef, meats, provisions, bread, leather shoes and clothing, and coal. See. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Purdue. Lists tuition prices for both residents and non residents as well as room and board costs and fees for institutions across the United States. Tip: enter an occupation in the "Search in this text" box. Maine: Portland
South Carolina: Charleston
Lists union wages by city and then by occupation. Shows the average weekly cost of food of a German family of four throughout WWI. Email: concannonm@missouri.edu Click "more" for direct links to items in this catalog. At a hearing in.
Back in my day | See how costs have changed | Hillarys Chart shows annual salaries for all school personnel in Texas without breakouts for occupation, years of training, years of experience, etc. Source: Statistics Canada website. Provides retail food prices in Greece in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Efforts to keep Britain in the Gold Standard, and in particular, the decision in 1925 to return to the prewar level of $4.85. Source: Congressional Serial Set vol. This two-page table shows wholesale and retail prices of commodities (mostly food) at St. Petersburg in 1900 and 1910. This source expands upon the 1913 study with a follow-up using data collected in 1914. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. 69% of earners in 1914 had a personal annual income of less than $2,000. See, Includes state universities and those which received some state funding, such as Cornell. Cities include. Engineers earned an average of $884 in their first year after graduating fromcollege. - 1919, Horses, mules and farm animals - Average prices, 1867-1920, Tuition and living expenses at college - 1915, Canada - Retail prices of staple commodities, Edinburgh - Wholesale and retail prices in 1900 and 1910, https://libraryguides.missouri.edu/pricesandwages, War and postwar prices and wages, 1914-23 and 1939-44, Wages paid to workers placed by employment offices, 1918, Negro and white worker wages compared, 1918-1919, Wages by occupation for Black persons - St. Louis, 1914, Teacher salaries by race - Georgia, 1917 and 1918, Building and construction trades - Union wages, 1913-1930, Carpenter hours and wages by state and city - 1910, Coal mining - Hours and earnings, 1919-1933, Doctor's earnings, 1914 (Harvard grads only), Engineers, civil - Compensation in the early 1910s, Engineering graduates' income by years of experience - 1915, Farm workers - Wages and income, 1909 to 1938, explanation and historical context for this table, New Haven, CT city employee salaries from 1873-1921, Higher education - Salaries for college teachers and administrators, 1913, Iron and steel industry wages and hours, 1907-1931, Iron and steel industry workers, 1907-1924, Judicial branch salaries (federal employees), 1908-1922, Lawyers graduated from Harvard - Average annual earnings, 1914, Lumber, millwork, and furniture industries,1907 to 1913, Lumber, millwork, and furniture industries, wages and hours, 1915, Military pay for enlisted men in the Marines, Navy and Army, 1917-1920, Railroad cars, building and repair - Wages, 1907-1913, Railroad employees rates of pay, 1907-1915, Railway (electric) employees - average compensation, 1912, 1917, 1922, Railway workers' hours and wages by occupation, 1914-1923, Atlantic coast, Gulf coast and Great Lakes, Slaughtering and meat-packing industry, wages and hours - 1917, Street railway employment in the U.S., 1917, description of occupations in street railway industry, Telephone industry - average compensation per employee, 1912, 1917, 1922, Woolen and worsted good occupation earnings, 1914, Manufacturing industries - Wages, hours and earnings, 1914-1919, Factory employee average annual wages - 1914, 1919, Manufacturing industry - Average monthly earnings, 1918-1920, Candy makers - Wages in Philadelphia, 1919, Boot and shoe manufacturing - Wages and hours, 1910 to 1932, Boot, shoe, hosiery and underwear manufacturing wages, 1907-1913, Clothing industry - Wages and hours of labor, 1911 and 1912, Clothing (men's) manufacturing - Wages, 1911 to 1924, Clothing (women's) manufacturing - Piece rates, New York City - 1912 and 1913, Clothing (cloak, suit, and skirt manufacture) - Wages, 1912-1913, Hosiery and underwear manufacturing - Wages and hours, 1907-1932, Cotton goods manufacturing and finishing industry - Wages and hours, 1916, Cotton goods manufacturing and finishing industry - Wages and hours, 1918, Cotton, woolen, and silk industry wages, 1890-1912, Woolen goods manufacturing - Wages and hours of labor, 1910 to 1930, Furniture manufacturing industry - Wages and hours, 1910 to 1929, Cigar industry - Wages and hours of labor, 1911 and 1912, Estimated salaries and cost of living for teachers by state, 1918, Average salaries of college professors, 1908-1914, Elementary school teacher and principalsalaries, High school teacher and principal salaries, Elementary school district superintendent salaries, Average salary per month (male, female and general) by county, Statewide average salary per month by sex, Average annual salary (male, female and general) by type of high school maintained and for schools not in villages, towns or cities, Average annual salary (male, female and general) in town versus country schools, 1868/1869-1936/1937, see the Hathi Trust record, Texas school personnel salaries (white only), 1872-1953, Wages by occupation in Massachusetts, 1910, Average yearly earnings - Massachusetts, 1910, Lawrence, MA - Textile industry wages, 1911, Weekly earnings in woolen and worsted mills, Weekly hours worked in woolen and worsted mills, Missouri - Average weekly wages by occupation, 1914, Wages in Kansas City and St. Louis, 1913-1920, St. Louis city employee salaries and wages, 1913, Wage in the Missouri shoe industry, 1913-1922, Grand Rapids, MI - Furniture manufacturing workers, 1910, Wages and hours for all union occupations in New York state - 1912, Metals, machinery and ship building job wages, Hotel, restaurant and retail trade job wages, African Americans' earnings in New York City, ca. Baby:
He discusses wage levels in agriculture and silk production in the Yangzi Delta, and estimates the average wage in rice cultivation at 0.06 taels per day, adding 'the official standard was 0.04 taels a day which is a bit low compared to the wages in some farms in Huzhou, Zhejiang province'. Some of the drivers are paid mileage allowances in addition to the rates shown. Infant's and young children's:
Source: Shows hours and wages for 12 occupations including brick layers, painters, street sweepers etc. This report contains summaries by states, but no detailed statistics of individual schools. This article argues that wage statistics reported by the government were miscalculated and that people actually earned less.
Average Salary and Wage (UK 2023) | Jobted UK Men:
This link leads to an index by city and states. Each are listed in both rubles and US currency. Carpenters earned 50 per hour in 1910 in Washington, D.C. Books, writing tools, cameras and photography instruments, phonographs, records, pianos and organs, other instruments, guns, fishing tools, sporting goods, camp furnishings,
In 1945 the average salary was. ANIMALS The Annual Reports of Lane Hospital at Stanford University Hospitals show rates for wards, rooms, and bath rooms, maternity rates, operating room charges, anesthesia, tonsil and adenoid operations, salvarsan treatments, extra charges, extra diet items, nursing, and some include wines and mineral waters and toilet articles: This fee bill of the physicians of Putnam County, IL was published in the September 1912 issue of. In a list that spans pages 448-531, one can see unionized jobs, wages and hours for women listed separately from men. Shows the average annual salary of both white and black teachers for each sex in. Source: Most of the workers in this industry were women and girls. This table shows the wages paid to domestic workers in France in 1913. Wages are shown in Spanish pesetas. Instead, the students took courses and worked in hospitals, most being paid a low (student) wage for performing the work. Note: these figures likely include administrator pay in the averages. Wages expressed in both foreign currency and dollars. Five Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a UK Pound Amount, 1270 to Present. Check under "General Specifications" for an estimated cost to build the home, which will include the cost of labor, brick, plaster, cement and other items not provided by Montgomery Ward. The median salary for men between 22 and 29 was 26,856 in 2021, and for women 25,115. Gives the entrance wages for graduates from the business schools in Christiania and Trondhjems, as well as changes for graduates from the ones in Bergen and Stavanger.
Average weekly earnings in Great Britain: January 2023 Colorado: Denver. Source: BLS. Farm laborers in Missouri earned an average $29.50/month in 1910.
What is the Average UK Salary? Updated Nov 2022 - StandOut CV Glasgow, Scotland - Prices of commodities in 1900 and 1910, Hull - Price comparison of a retail grocer and a cooperative store, 1911, Cooperation and cost of living in certain foreign countries, London - Wholesale and retail prices, 1900 and 1910, farming implements of both American and English make, London - Retail prices of ready-made clothing in 1910, Manchester - Retail prices, 1900 and 1910, Manchester - Prices for agricultural implements, 1900 and 1910, Sheffield, England - Prices of commodities, 1900 and 1910, Greece - Food prices as affected by the war, Budapest - Prices of commodities and Rents, 1900 and 1910, Italy - Food prices as affected by the war, Italy - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, India - Retail prices for food grains and salt, 1892-1916, India - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Japan - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Prices in Yokohama and Tokyo, Japan - 1910, Guadalajara - Price of beef, pork, and potatoes in 1910, Veracruz - Prices of commodities and rent, 1910, clothing, steel, farming implements, hogs, provisions, ice, hides, lumber, petroleum, sheep, rents, leather, coal, bricks, iron, cement, cotton, boot and shoes, kerosene of coal oil, leather, boots and shoes, Netherlands - Food prices as affected by the war, Warsaw - Prices of articles in 1900 and 1910, Russia - Food prices as affected by the war, Russia - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, St. Petersburg - Prices of commodities, 1900 and 1910, Odessa - House rents and prices of provisions, 1910, Moscow - Prices of Foodstuffs, August 1914 & 1917, Scandinavia - Food prices as affected by the war, Scandinavia - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Spain - Food prices as affected by the war, Spain - Price of bread in 1860 compared to 1910, Switzerland - Food prices as affected by the war, Turkey - Food prices as affected by the war, Constantinople - Cost of living, 1914-1920, Retail food prices around the world, 1900 and 1910, Monthly wholesale prices of commodities by country, 1913-1918, Retail prices in foreign countries, 1912-1915. equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteran employer. Source: Survey of Current Business. By paging forward in the report, one can find breakouts for many individual industries. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Federal report shows average annual prices for plowshares, walking plows, hay loaders, cultivators, farm wagons, barbed wire, corn binders, mowers and more. Tables show retail prices of meat, various other food items, and average yearly rentals by number of rooms at Munich for 1900 and 1910. Source: BLS, See section titled "Labor Conditions and Workmen's Wages" starting on page 632. Shows the average annual salary of both white and black teachers for each sex in 1911, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1918, and 1919 throughout the state. 613. Table 26 shows daily wages for laborers, with board for every year from 1780-1937; the, The pay for nurses was $720 annual for the first period of three years' service, $780 for the second period of three years' service, $840 for the third period of three years' service, $900 for the fourth period of three years' service, and $960 after twelve years' service in the Army Nurse Corps. Salary estimates are based on 42,768 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Benchmarking employees. City families' average expenditures on food, rent, fuel and more for the year. Ten days' illness, ten calls of physician, five days at hospital, approximate expense from $50 to $100; If pneumonia follows, two weeks' sickness, twenty calls of physician, ten days at hospital, approximately from $100 to $200. 170, published May 1915. Discusses the value of horses and mules, and shows average prices based on the. Buenos Aries - Salaries of teachers and government employees, 1900 and 1910, Wages by occupation and city - Australia, 1913, Minimum wages in Sydney and Melbourne, 1914 and 1921, Salaries of Austrian Civil Service officials, 1910, Canada - Average wages of farm help by province, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia - Weekly wages of various occupations, Denmark - Wages for skilled and unskilled workers, 1914-1920, Roubaix, France - Average labor wages, 1912. The average wage is a measure of total income after taxes divided by total number of employees employed. Shows wages in 1914, 1919, and 1920 for both men and women at different skill levels. The Bureau, covering both the South and the North, finds hourly earn- . Clocks, living room furniture, chairs, tables, lamps, carpets and rugs, curtains, silverware, glassware, china and cutlery, kitchen pots and pans, beds, bed sheets, towels, refrigerators, cabinets, lawn mowers, garden tools. in June, 1914, an increase of about 160 per cent. Source: Provides retail food prices in Italy in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. chart showing rates and detail for Arkansas, Arizona, South Dakota, Utah and Puerto Rico. 29-40. This calculator can be used to determine the historical purchasing power of currency in the United Kingdom from 1270 to 2017. 0. Shows the retail prices of various food stuffs in 11 North American/European countries. I.RATES OF WAGES OK TYPICAL CLASSES OF TIME-WORKERS IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES. Source: BLS. Average full-time hourly wage in the UK 1997-2022 Average full-time hourly wage in the UK 1997-2022 Median hourly earnings for full-time employees in the United Kingdom from 1997 to. Union wages and hours of labor, 1907-1919, Teacher salaries by race and sex - North Carolina, 1911-1919, South Carolina - Wages by race and sex, 1911-1919, Missouri - Salaries of State Highway Department Personnel, 1917-18 and 1919-20, Massachusetts - Changes in women's median wages by industry, Women's median wages by state and industry, 1910s-1920s, Australia - Weekly rate of wages across occupations,1913-1918, Home modernization and upgrades, 1910-1911, Hospital rates at Stanford University, 1912-1919, Cost of health care, hospitalization, nursing home care, etc. Kissimmee beats the Florida average by 30.7%, and Hollywood furthers that trend with another $9,015 (35.6%) above the $25,340. Source: BLS.
Wage Rates and Workers' Incomes: CQR - CQ Researcher by CQ Press Seejob duties and qualifications in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics'Descriptions of Occupations, published 1918. Wage growth slows in late 2019 From May 2020 to November. Shows the hourly, daily, and biannual earnings of different occupations in the Missouri coal industry between 1890-1922. Average amounts earned during a week and average hours worked per week are also reported for both types of mills: Shows average weekly wages for a number of occupations such as bakers, breweries, electricians, machinists, stevedores, teamsters, and more. on women's garments. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Includes bakers, engineers, store clerks, etc. A brief report of prices (wholesale and retail) at Mazatlan in 1910 including beef, clothing, hogs, Shows the average price of foodstuffs and other common goods in the federal district of Mexico. Issued by the War Industries Board in 1919, these bulletins include. Source: Simple table shows the price of a 4 lb. Source: U.S. Dept of Labor. In truth, the dramatic increase in incomes in the UK since 1908 makes almost every good for which comparisons are possible look much cheaper today. Room, board and expenses were about $175/year and books were $10/year. Consular reports show wages and salaries by job title for countries including Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Japan, Belgium, Spain and more. 170, published May 1915. 0. Children's and baby items:
This is the highest average ever recorded by the N. I. C. B. USDA Professional Paper #410, Nov 11, 1916. Those in May, l925 (the latest date for which the figures are available) were about 10s. 8,551. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. (The federal minimum wage wouldn't be enacted until 1938.) This 1910 report on the cost of living at Odessa, Russia discusses the wages of laborers, the salaries of schoolteachers, and the salaries of those in "ordinary mercantile pursuits. Dawn - As usual, London wages were much more than in the North. Includes food, coal, clothing, boots and shoes. Shows data by state for 1914 and 1916. Provides retail food prices in Germany in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Source: Provides retail food prices in France in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. 1911, Prices of agricultural machinery in France, 1900 and 1910, France - Food prices as affected by the war, France - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Bordeaux, France - Retail prices of necessaries of life, 1911, Havre - Prices for articles of daily consumption, 1900 and 1910, Lyons - Prices of principal commodities, 1900 and 1910, poultry, milk, boots and shoes, coal, mineral oils, seeds, and soaps, Marseille - Average retail prices, 1900 and 1910, Germany - Food prices as affected by the war, Germany - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Berlin - Prices of commodities, 1900 and 1910, Frankfort on the Main - Retail prices and rents, 1900 and 1910, Hamburg, Germany - Retail prices of food products, 1911, Munich, Bavaria - Retail prices and rents, 1900 and 1910, Retail prices, wages and cost of living in the UK, 1912, cost of rent, household fuels and various sorts of foods, Great Britain - Food prices as affected by the war, Great Britain - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Retail prices in Great Britain,1914 and 1919, Price of Bread in Great Britain, 1914-1916, Public transportation in British towns - Fares, 1915, Birmingham - Prices in 1900-1901, 1903-1904, & 1910, coal, iron and steel, oil, Portland cement and bricks, Bradford, England - Wholesale and retail prices of various commodities, 1900 and 1910, cocoa, sugar, flour, biscuits, bread, lard, butter, eggs, milk and cream, bacon and hams, cheese, Drapery (e.g. Shows drawing of the home, floor plan, and estimated cost to build. higher than in June, 15 1914. Shows the hourly wages of selected trades in both Kansas City and St. Louis between 1913 and 1920. Massachusetts: Boston and Fall River
Enter initial year before entering the initial amount and enter amount as a number without a sign or commas. TEACHER SALARIES in CALIFORNIA, 1910s Rhode Island: Providence
167. See quartile explanation on p. 334. Source: Shows the average weekly and hourly wages of different occupations in the Missouri shoe industry between 1913-1922. Pages 13-24 show the wages of the family of workers in coal, iron, and steel industries in the US, the UK, Germany, and Belgium. Wages are shown in French francs. Lists wages in many cities across the U.S., including blacksmiths, boilermakers, bricklayers, carpenters, cleaning women, male and female cooks, drivers and teamsters, dock workers, farm hands, hod carriers, house servants, wiremen, laundry operators, machinists, painters, plasterers, plumbers, saleswomen, seamstresses, sewing machine operators, stenographers (male and female), telephone switchboard operators, waiters, waitresses, and more. Full list of years is provided below: Critical analysis of government methods for collecting and reporting wage data in the 1910s. List shows 1910 prices per kilo of beef, pork, and potatoes in Guadalajara, Jalisco. Alphabetical list of colleges includes tuition, room & board, etc. l0d. in shipbuilding districts of GA, FL, MS, AL and TX. 61, 1928. Reports from consular offices show wholesale and retail prices for a variety of foods, clothing, agricultural products such as wool and hides and more in Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Japan, Belgium, Spain and more.